Chapter 44- Drugged

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I forgot to put this in the last chapter but our good friend Rafi Keeto is my second in command in the Republic of Snips, Commander Rafiiii5  so yeah just wanted to let you guys know. Enjoy!

When you finally arrived at the ship, Ahsoka ducked through the hole and dragged you in after her.
"Get us out of here!" Ahsoka yelled when you were laying on the floor of the ship.
"Who's flying?" You asked.
"Rafi," Ahsoka said. "Your mission partner."
"I wanna say hi," you said getting up and falling back on your knees.
"No you don't," Ahsoka said grabbing you by the waist and pulling you back so your head was in her lap.

You looked up at her loving, but annoyed eyes and put a hand on her cheek, stroking it softly. She placed a hand on yours and lifted it off of her cheek. You tried to sit up, but stumbled and fell on your hands and knees in front of Ahsoka who was sitting with her legs crossed staring at you.

You acted impulsively from the drugs and kissed her with all you had as you wrapped your arms around her body and pulled her to you.
"This isn't the most ideal place to do this (y/n)," Ahsoka said, breaking the kiss.

You pouted and began to stand up in the ship.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Ahsoka asked.
"I want to go to the front of the ship," you said. "Cause someone won't kiss me."

You looked at her as you stumbled over to where Rafi was flying.
"Hello," you slurred.
"Wow, they really did drug you," he said.
"Okay," you said as you sat on the seat next to her.

Ahsoka walked in shortly after and you smirked at her.
"Looking great beautiful," you said smiling.
"I don't know what to say to that," Ahsoka said nervously.
"Neither do I," you said dizzy. "But I know what to do."

You grabbed Ahsoka by the waist and pulled her into your lap, making her let out a yelp of surprise.
"(Y/n)!" She said.
"What?" You asked. "I want to show you how much I love you!"
"Don't do it here, wait for tonight," Ahsoka said and you pouted again.
She placed a hand on top of your arms that were wrapped around her waist and you leaned up and kissed her neck softly.
"What did I say?" Ahsoka said threatening you.
"I don't know, I wasn't listening," you smiled.
"Dear god help me," Ahsoka said to Rafi who just smiled.

"I think you guys are cute together, though it's probably better when one of you isn't drugged," Rafi said.
"We can agree on that," Ahsoka nodded. "How much longer?"
"We're pulling up on the command ship now," he answered as the ship exited hyperspace. "Might want to get (y/n) to bed."
"Yeah, I might actually use the other bed tonight," Ahsoka said looking at you.
"Maybe that's a good idea," Rafi agreed. "Let's go report to Commander Sato."

Ahsoka got off of your lap and you groaned in frustration.
"Come on (y/n)," Ahsoka said giving you her hand.
"Okay 'Soka," you slurred. "I love you so so so much!"

You gave her a kiss on her cheek and she blushed and smiled.
"You're kinda cute on drugs, despite the annoying parts," she told you.
"I'm always cute," you said.
"Hey! I am,"
"I never said you weren't,"

You and Ahsoka argued until you reached the command center. Sato and Rex were standing at the center of the room waiting for you. Rafi was doing his mission report.
"Well I see someone had a good time," Rex joked when he saw you walking like you were drunk.
"I did, thanks," you slurred.
"Commander Tano, I suggest you take Commander Vizsla back to bed," Sato said. "And no funny business, I want that Jedi to fall asleep."
"I slept with Ahsoka!" You announced not realizing what people would think you meant.
"Come on (y/n), you're causing a scene," Ahsoka said.
But you weren't done.

You walked up behind her and smacked her butt before running out of the command center screaming.
"I touched the butt! I'm like Bo now!" Your words were still slurred.
Ahsoka ran after you and wrapped her arms around you, her face red from embarrassment.
"You have to stop," she said.
"I love you," was all you could say back.
"I love you too, but this is crazy," she said. "I'm taking you to bed."

When Ahsoka finally led you back to your room despite all the complications from when you'd see a soldier and yell at them.
"I'm like Bo now!" You would slur your words.
Ahsoka opened the door and grabbed you by the waist to throw you onto the bed.
"Come lay with me," you said looking at her with your (e/c) eyes.
"Yeah, no," Ahsoka laid your blaster and lightsaber on top of a storage crate and sat down on the other bed in your quarters.
"Please," you whimpered. "What if I have a nightmare?"
"Then I'll wake up," Ahsoka responded. "Now go to sleep."
"One kiss," you said. "Just one and I'll sleep."
"Fine," Ahsoka groaned. "Just one though."

Ahsoka walked over to your bed and crouched down so her face was at the same level as yours. She leaned in and lightly pressed her soft lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around her body and deepened the kiss. You wanted Ahsoka to stay with you and you knew how to get her to listen.
Ahsoka crawled onto the bed and laid next to you with her arms around your neck, your stomachs touching. You smirked into the kiss before Ahsoka pulled away and rested her forehead against yours.

You let out a sigh of comfort and smiled at her.
"Well, I have to say that you still know how to get to me," Ahsoka said.
"If I didn't that wouldn't be very good for a relationship," you said placing your hands on the sides of her face. "You're still as beautiful as always."
"Sometimes you really are better when you're drugged," Ahsoka joked.
"So I should drug myself everyday?" You asked.
"Please don't," Ahsoka said.
You looked at her face and began to trace the markings on her face with your fingers.

She smiled when you finished and pulled you into a kiss again. You smirked and wrapped your arms around her waist again as she played with your hair, giving it a soft tug every now and then.
When you pulled away, she gave you a small smile which you returned.
"I love you, more than anything in the world," you told her.
"Even more than Lux?" Ahsoka asked jokingly.
"You're gonna pay for that," you smirked grabbing Ahsoka by the waist and tickling her with one hand while the other made sure she couldn't move away.

"Stop...please!" Ahsoka gasped in between bursts of laughter.
You smirked and kissed her passionately when you finished kissing her. Ahsoka smirked and wrapped her arms around your neck. You pulled away to tell Ahsoka that you loved her again when your door slid open and Commander Sato stood there.

"Commander Tano, I thought I told you no funny business," Sato said.
"It was my fault," you said, your words not slurring as much anymore. "I made her stay with me."
"Well, I can't really order you to stop dating so I must go, but I'm very disappointed," Sato said. "See you both tomorrow."

He left and you faced Ahsoka again.
"I'm sorry 'Soka," you said. "I got you in trouble, you should go to the other bed, I'll sleep by myself."
"No," Ahsoka said.
"What?" You asked.
"Who cares what he thinks, we're all commanders," she told you. "I want to stay with you, so that's what I'm doing."
You looked at your amazing girlfriend with shock. She chose you over following the rules. Ahsoka saw you staring at her and blushed.
"What?" She asked.
"You just became ten times more incredible, which I didn't think was possible," you said lovingly. "You are the only person for me, I love you 'Soka."
"I love you too (y/n), my Mandalorian soldier," Ahsoka said kissing you softly before you both drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's embrace.

Hi, it's me. So I know what it's like to be under the influence of stuff like that because I'm ADHD and let's just say I've had my moments. (I screamed at the top of my lungs in a classroom once) So yes I know how the reader feels after the drugs.

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