Chapter 57- Wren

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You, Fenn Rau, Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra all sat in the Phantom II while Sabine flew to Krownest, the planet that the Wren Clan lived on. After a mutual understanding with Kanan, you decided to bring your bag with Knot's helmet and Ahsoka's holocron with you.

When you felt that Krownest was close, you stood up from your seat in the back and joined Sabine and Ezra at the front of the ship.

"Welcome home," Sabine sighed as Krownest came into view.
"You really think it's gonna be that bad?" Ezra asked.
"I haven't been back to Krownest since before my time at the Imperial Academy, Ezra," Sabine said. "And I didn't exactly leave on good terms."
"Well maybe things have changed," Ezra said. "They might be happy to see you."
"You don't know my family," Sabine chuckled.

"(Y/n) and I do," Fenn Rau spoke up. "Your mother is the leader of Clan Wren, Sabine. She may be with the Empire now, but I believe her true loyalty lies with Mandalore."
"Even if that were true, she thinks I'm a traitor," Sabine said.
"If you can convince your mother to help the rebels, all of Mandalore might follow you and the Darksaber," Rau said.

Sabine placed her hand on your father's old lightsaber and looked up like she remembered something.
"Ah, I should let them know we're coming so they don't shoot us down," she said.
Ezra laughed.
"That's funny, I... Wait you're not kidding, are you?" He asked nervously.

Sabine opened a comm channel and began to speak Mando'a. You used your knowledge to try and translate, but your brain was still hardwired for Concordian despite you being fluent in both.
You managed to get out a few words as your brain began to hurt from all the translating.
'This is Sabine Wren,' you translated in your head and then everything went blank.

You cursed in your head as another Mandalorian began to speak on the comm channel, but you still couldn't understand it at all. Why did this have it happen right before you entered Mandalorian territory?

"What happened?" Ezra asked as the channel went silent.
"They're jamming us," Sabine said.
"Mind telling me what they said?" You turned to Fenn Rau. "My Mando'a is a little rusty."
"Let's just say, they're not happy to see her," Rau said.
Suddenly, Chopper began to grunt and bang on the top of the ship as a warning.

"Incoming," Kanan said. "Sounds like your family just sent out the welcoming committee."
You looked outside and gasped as four Mandalorians flew out from behind a cloud, and they were heading towards you.

All four jet packs launched rockets which were closing in fast.
"Rockets! Rockets!" Ezra yelled nervously.
"I see them," Sabine snapped.
She steered the Phantom through the air, dodging the four rockets, but the Mandalorians flew closer, shooting the ship with their blasters.

You looked around and cursed.
"Didn't you tell them who you were?" Ezra asked holding on.
"That's probably why they're shooting at us," Sabine said.
A thud coming from above made you all look up.
"Uh oh," Ezra said.

You looked around and almost fell when the ship began to shake.
"We lost the main thrusters," Sabine said.
"You think?" You asked her.
"Brace for impact!" Sabine yelled shooting you a look.

You ran to the back of the ship and took a seat because you were not testing if gravity was working or not. You watched as the ground got closer as the Phantom's speed picked up. Sabine tried to steer the ship as best as she could but it didn't stop the ship from crashing into a boulder.

She opened the door and turned to face you.
"Are you gonna come, or stay with Rau?" She asked.
"I'll come, maybe Ursa will give you a better chance if I'm there," you told her.
She nodded and put on her helmet, and you did the same, your cloak stayed over your armor and your lightsaber hung at your belt.

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