Chapter 8

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You woke up to a loud banging on your door. It sounded like metal on metal which only meant one thing, Anakin and Ahsoka were back.

You got up and ran to the door opening it revealing a distraught Jedi Master.

"(Y/n)!" Anakin yelled when you opened the door.

"It's Ahsoka! She went missing, all I found were her lightsabers," Anakin revealed the twin blades and you took them from him holding them tight.

"I'll help you find her," You said. "We'll bring her home."

Anakin nodded and you ran to the council room.

"Gone your padawan is," Yoda said after you both explained the situation. "Send a search party, we will,"

"I have to go," Anakin said.

"So do I," You said.

"Why should you go padawan, you are injured and were not present during the battle," Master Windu said.

"Ahsoka is my friend and fellow padawan," You said hoping the council wouldn't detect that it was something more. "I must go, it is my duty,"

"Very well," Master Windu nodded.

You and Anakin nodded and ran out to his ship. You both got in and Anakin took the wheel.

You noticed Anakin's hands on the wheel and hoped his flying wasn't as bad and Obi Wan and Ahsoka said it was.

Anakin took off and immediately you realized that they were right.  Anakin was a reckless pilot. 

He swerved through buildings as he flew up into space.  He was actually a good pilot just flew fast and was very reckless.

He input coordinates and you both took off into hyper space.

"So since when were you and Ahsoka so close?" Anakin asked.

"Uh after I got hurt Ahsoka hung out with me and helped me around the temple," You said fast hoping Anakin couldn't see your red face.

"I see," Anakin said and focused on flying.

"I hope we find her," You said looking ahead as the ship pulled out of hyper space.

"We will," Anakin said flying toward the planet they had went to for the battle.


You and Anakin landed on Coruscant, failure hanging in the air. 

You both tried to find her, but there was no trace of your girlfriend.  You exited the ship and ran to your quarters. 

You grabbed your cloak and then ran to the mess hall.  Some food, and water, perfect.

After grabbing your food and cloak, you ran to the shipping dock and sat there.  You decided to wait for Ahsoka.  You didn't care how long it took, but you were going to sit there and wait. 

Later on, you watched it get dark and you felt your eyes get heavier as it got later.  You forced them open, but failed and you slipped away in your sleep.


You opened your eyes and saw a big tree with a light coming from a big hole at the top.  You climbed up and looked inside. 

"Where am I?" You asked yourself.

"Okay here is the plan," A familiar voice said.

You looked over at the Togruta talking to a Wookiee, a Twi'lek and a Cerean. 

You wanted to yell out and ask Ahsoka where she was but your voice wasn't working.  In fact, nothing was working for you.  Your legs were frozen and you couldn't move your arms.

You saw Ahsoka turn her head towards you and a look of shock passed over her but you felt your self getting pulled away from the dream.

You looked down and saw that you were no longer on the tree.

'Well shit' You said to yourself as you fell.


You woke up with your face pressed to a carpet.  But you weren't sure who's.

"I see your awake," A lady in a dress with long, light brown hair stared at you while sitting on a couch.

You looked up and realized you were on a different one but must have fallen off in your sleep.

You looked outside and saw that it was past noon.

"Hi, who are you?" You asked getting up and sitting on the couch opposite her.

"I'm Senator Amidala," She said smiling. "And you are (y/n) Vizsla,"

"How did you?" You asked questioning her.

"I am good friends with your Master and Anakin—I mean, Master Skywalker." The Senator turned a little red when she said Anakin's name.

"Well I shouldn't be here," You said putting your cloak on.

"You shouldn't have been outside that late last night, so I brought you here," Senator Amidala said stopping you.

"Look Senator, with all due respect, I need to be out there, you just don't understand," You said stepping away from her.

"Call me Padmé, and I do understand," Padmé said.

"How could you?" You asked heading to the door.

"You're going to wait for Ahsoka," Padmé said.

You turned around and faced her. "Yeah I am, she's my best friend," You turned your back to her and resumed your path to the door.

"It doesn't seem like that," Padmé said. "You guys are dating,"

You stopped, your hand on the door.

"What did you say?" You asked not facing her.

"I can tell, nobody would stay out there that late if they didn't have feelings for the person," Padmé said.

"I don't like her," You said finally turning around. "I love her,"

"Have you told her?" Padmé now began to walk up to you.

"I will, when I get her back,"

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