Chapter 50- Old Friend, New Enemy

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Wow 50 chapters already? Also stay tuned for a special announcement at the end!

"Ezra!" Maul yelled running towards Ezra who was hanging onto the side of the temple with one hand.
You, Ahsoka, and Maul ran towards the Inquisitor, lightsabers raised. Maul began to duel the Inquisitor while you and Ahsoka ran over to Kanan, who was laying on the ground.

Maul used the force to push the Inquisitor off of the temple, and he flew away with his lightsaber. You saw Maul lean over and help Ezra up while you and Ahsoka helped up Kanan.
You all stood up and looked in the distance. Two of the Inquisitors were flying to the far side of the temple.

"Looks like they've figured out your plan," Kanan said to Maul.
"Then we shall alter it," Maul crossed his arms. "I recommend that we split up and scale the Pyramid from two sides. They will also have to divide their forces."
"And let me guess, Ezra goes with you?" Kanan asked. "No, thanks."
"It is the logical choice," Maul said.
"I say we split up," Ezra said. "Trust me."

Kanan sighed in defeat.
"Excellent, excellent," Maul said. "You will find another lift on the far side, we will meet again on the next terrace."
He touched the wall once again and the lift began to rise, leaving you, Ahsoka, and Kanan.
You and Ahsoka noticed Kanan watch as the lift got higher and higher and his Padawan got further and further from him.

"He'll be fine," Ahsoka said to reassure Kanan.
"Yeah? How do you know that?" Kanan asked facing her.
"Because you taught him," Ahsoka said.

"I don't know, Maul is a pretty messed up guy," you said.
"Shut up (y/n), be helpful," Ahsoka said kicking you in the ankle.
"Ow! 'Soka that hurt!" You yelled.
"It was supposed to (y/n)," Ahsoka said.
"Thanks," you said sarcastically. "You're lucky I love you."
"What if you didn't?" Ahsoka crossed her arms.
"You don't have to worry about that," you told her softly. "Because if I wasn't in love with you, I'd be on the verge of falling in love with you."
"Sometimes you guys get cute when you're not fighting," Kanan said. "And thanks Ahsoka, for the reassurance."

Kanan gave Ahsoka a small smile before he followed her and you to the other lift.


Once Kanan and Ahsoka were on the lift, and you were flying along next to them, everything was quiet. It was almost peaceful. But the silence was interrupted by a yell coming from Ezra followed by the sound of lightsabers clashing against each other.

"That doesn't sound good!" Kanan said.
The lift stopped at the next terrace and an Inquisitor was waiting for them. Kanan had his back to him and didn't see the red lightsaber about to slice him in half.
Ahsoka noticed and warned him before you could.
"Look out!"
Kanan ducked just in time as you and Ahsoka ignited your lightsabers. The lift began to lower and Kanan jumped off, grabbing the edge of the temple. You and Ahsoka flew through the air and engaged the Inquisitor as Kanan pulled himself up and joined you.

While you were busy fighting one Inquisitor, another snuck up from behind Kanan. The Inquisitor kicked him in the back and they began to fight against each other.
You and Ahsoka advanced on the other Inquisitor together. You had to assume that Barriss was on the other side of the temple, fighting Ezra and Maul.
You could feel the force flow within you as you swung at the Inquisitor repeatedly, but he blocked your every swing.

Suddenly, the Inquisitors looked up and took a step back as Maul jumped through the air and landed between Ahsoka and Kanan.  Ahsoka used the distraction to slice at one of the Inquisitor's lightsaber, causing it to fall to the ground.
Maul stepped forward and stuck his lightsaber through the Inquisitor, killing him. He screamed in pain before his limp body fell to the ground.

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