Chapter 63- Space Wars!

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I swear some of these titles just seem lazy. Who's coming up with them anywa— wait a minute. Shit.

You stood in the main room of Clan Wren's stronghold as a hologram sat in between you and Ursa. Next to you was Sabine and Fenn Rau. Tristan stood next to Ursa and Sabine. A few other soldiers were present.

"We have the backings of Clan Vizsla and Clan Kryze so far, but I believe it won't be enough," Ursa said.
"I've fought the Empire before," you stepped in. "They will show us no mercy and they have the numbers, but we are Mandalorians, if anyone can win, we can."

Sabine was about to say something, when the doors bust open and two familiar people charged in. You all turned your attention to Ezra and Chopper as they approached you.

"Ezra! What's going on?" Sabine asked. "Why are you here?"
Chopper grunted and Sabine looked at him with confusion.
"You escaped?" She asked. "What's he talking about?"
"Thrawn ambushed us on Atollon," Ezra explained.

You looked at Sabine with surprise as you walked up to Ezra.
"You're our only chance for help," Ezra continued.
He approached the hologram and Fenn Rau crossed his arms.

"You have poor timing Bridger," he told Ezra.
"We're in the middle of a civil war," Ursa said. "Clan Saxon has the Empire's backing,and our forces are stretched to their limit just to protect what ground we have."

"Mother, there must be something we can do," Sabine stepped in.
"Please. We risked everything to get here," Ezra added. "At least here me out."

Ursa looked at you for approval and you gave her a small nod. She turned back to Ezra to give him an answer.
"We will listen to what you have to say."


After hearing Ezra's story, Sabine pulled up an image of the Empire's blockade over Atollon and you all gathered around.

"Here's the problem, that Interdictor cruiser," Sabine was explaining.
"If not for Commander Sato, there would be two," Ezra said.

You looked down, despite always ending up on his bad side due to... certain reasons, Sato was a great commander and you were sad to hear about his death.

"With Thrawn in command, you should count your losses and consider yourself fortunate to have escaped," Fenn Rau said.
"Like I said," Ezra said. "Without your help, they're trapped"
"I wish we could offer it, but we just don't have the resources." Tristan said. "We can barely take care of our own."

Ezra gave you a disappointed look.
"If no is your final answer, then we'll go back alone," he said turning to walk out. "Goodbye Sabine."

Sabine watched him walk away before she did something that surprised you.
"You're not going alone," she said. "I'm going with you."
"I appreciate the loyalty you have for your friends, Sabine," Tristan said. "But this mission is impossible."

"The Siege of Mandalore sounded impossible, but we did it," you butt in.
"I'm sorry?" Tristan said confused.
"We didn't know if we could take back Mandalore, but we fought hard and won," you said. "Ursa, did you ever expect to see me alive? We have to believe in the impossible, and make it possible. We have to fight"

Ursa gave you a small smile and shook her head.
"Did your friend tell you to say that?" She asked.
"Surprisingly no," you admitted. "That was all me."
Ursa seemed pleased with your response and stood up.

"You and Sabine may take a few fighters and any warriors who are willing," Ursa said.
"Thank you, Mother," Sabine said.
"Thanks Ursa," you nodded.

"You won't have much of an army to take down their blockade," Fenn Rau stepped in.
"Chopper, bring up the Interdictor," Sabine told the astromech.
The hologram of the Imperial ship appeared in front of Sabine and she smirked.
"Maybe we don't need an army," she said.


Your ship jumped out of hyperspace along with the other fighters that joined the mission and the giant Mandalorian ship. You had even managed to recruit a few Clan Vizsla members.

"Rau, you know what to do," Sabine said over the comm channel.
"All wings, engage," Rau said.

You flew your fighter towards the group of Star Destroyers ready to fight for the Rebellion. This was for Ahsoka.

A few TIE fighters flew out of one of the ships and were heading towards you and the other Mandalorian fighters.

You shot at them and hit one, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks. You had to buy Sabine and her soldiers with enough time to destroy the Interdictor.

You did a barrel roll to avoid another TIE, but you began to worry when your sensors picked up another fighter behind you.
The TIE shot at you and you rolled out of the way, but when you looked in front of you, another TIE was heading right for you.

A dim memory of Anakin's flying gave you an idea on how to kill two birds with one stone. The TIEs got closer until they were almost on top of you. Just before the one in front smashed into your ship, you shot downward, causing the two TIE fighters to crash together, making them both goners.

"Nice job Commander Vizsla!" Tira from Clan Vizsla exclaimed.
You cheered in response as you and Tira formed up together to tag team a TIE.

"Flank it!" You said over the comms.
"I'm on it Commander," Tira said as she flew to one side of the fighter.
You took the other side as another Vizsla fighter approached it from behind.

"Get it Sal!" Tira said.
Sal shot the TIE fighter and it exploded as you and Tira split up to fight some more.

You saw a Mandalorian fighter with a smoke trail as it was being followed by an Imperial fighter, so you turned around to help.
You cut in between the two ships and tried to distract the TIE. Luckily it moved to follow you, which above all decisions, it was a bad one. Once you led it away from the smoking fighter, you cut the power in your ship so you sailed behind the fighter. Before the pilot could understand what was going on, you turned on the power and blew the TIE to bits.

You flew away from the wreckage to find more TIEs to destroy.


"I'm sorry for your losses," Ursa said over a hologram.
You were standing next to Sabine and Hera in the Ghost, you had managed to escape the Empire and Sabine's team destroyed the Interdictor.

"We are just grateful for your aid in our time of need," Hera answered.
"I want to return the favor, Hera," Sabine said. "My mother needs our help."
"Go. But I can't come with you," Hera said. "I have to get our survivors to Rebel Command."

You and Sabine nodded before the hologram of Ursa disappeared. You began to walk away until you were standing on the balcony overlooking the small hanger.

"I presume you're going with Sabine?" Hera asked as she approached you.
"I have to," you said. "I'll always choose Mandalore."
"Would you choose Mandalore over Ahsoka?" Hera asked.
"No," you sighed. "Not anymore."

"The sixteen year old me would disagree," you explained. "I did choose Mandalore over the Jedi, and the result was Ahsoka getting banished from the Jedi Order, after that, I made the choice to always choose Ahsoka over anything else, I couldn't lose her again."

Hera looked at you before turning around and walking away. A calm wind swept through your hair and you smiled.
"Hello 'Soka," you quietly said.
"I'm proud of you," she whispered in your head.
"For what?"
"I'm always proud of you,"
"Considering the messes I make, that's surprising," you smirked.
"Shut up and be proud of yourself for once," Ahsoka responded before she left.

You looked in the direction that the gust of wind went and smiled.
"I am proud of myself 'Soka."

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