Chapter 61- Asshole

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Now that's an interesting title.

You sat in your room and stared at your helmet while you waited for Ursa to come get you.

It had been a few days since your arrival from Tatooine, and when Fenn Rau chased you around the stronghold with his blaster. You barely escaped getting shot. But for the most part, Rau had forgiven you.

Today was your day though, you and Ursa would be going to Concordia to reunite you with Clan Vizsla. You were nervous, but you also felt like you could take on anything, even a Mandalorian clan.
Ok I don't 100% know if Clan Vizsla is on Concordia because Wookiepedia would tell me nothing.

Suddenly, a knock was heard at your door, making you stand up to open it.  Ursa stood there with her helmet under her arm and a smile on her face.

"You ready?" She asked.
"I guess," you shrugged. "What's with the smile?"
"We get to go on a trip together, so we can finally catch up sixteen years later," Ursa said.
"That is a good reason," you nodded with approval.
"Let's go," Ursa beckoned you to come with her as she walked away.

You made sure that your lightsaber, blaster, and Ahsoka's holocron were all secured on your belt before running after her.

As you walked through the halls, Sabine made her way next to you and smiled at you and her mother.
"You sure you don't want me to come instead, you know, someone more your age?" She asked.
"You do know that I'm thirty-two, right?" You asked. "(Y/n) is nowhere near your age physically, but mentally, I'd say around ten," Ursa said with a smirk on her face.

You turned to her and raised an eyebrow.
"No! That's not true," you said. "Ahsoka said that I have the mental age of a fifteen year old."
"Good for you," Ursa said patting your shoulder.
"Can we just go to the ship," you asked annoyed.

Once you got to the ship, you and Ursa walked up the ramp while Sabine stayed behind, watching you.
You waved goodbye through the window in the cockpit before sitting down to fly back home.

Once the ship was cruising through hyperspace, Ursa turned to you.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" You asked her.
"I mean, a few days ago, I found you sobbing on the balcony," she answered. "Are you okay?"

You looked down as you placed a hand over your scar. You hadn't felt Ahsoka's presence since Tatooine, but you knew that she was there. You hadn't told anyone about it because you felt that if you were to tell someone, it would all go away, and Ahsoka would disappear from your life.

"I feel better than before," you shrugged. "I still miss her though."
"I'm glad you feel better," Ursa said. "Now tell me about what you've been doing since you were seventeen."

You smiled.
"I was a bounty hunter with my brother, Kaiden," you said.
"I didn't know you had a brother," Ursa said.
"Neither did I," you admitted. "He defected from the Separatists after being Dooku's pawn for fourteen years."
"I guess the force runs in your family," Ursa noted.
"I guess so," you shrugged. "After we crash landed on Seelos, I met up with Rex and joined the Rebellion."

"Then what?"
"I reunited with Ahsoka after fifteen years of thinking she was dead," you finished.
"How was being able to date in the open?" Ursa asked.
"Amazing," you told her. "Though we got in trouble a lot."
"In what way?" Ursa raised her eyebrows at you.
"We were late to a briefing because we were still in bed," you mumbled.
"What? I didn't catch that?" Ursa asked jokingly.
"We were in bed together," you said louder.

Ursa laughed and you crossed your arms and gave her an annoyed look.
"What?" You asked.
"It's funny," Ursa said.
"No it's not!" You argued.
"Yes it is, you guys were sleeping together," Ursa laughed.
"Ha ha, get it out now," you grumbled. "We didn't actually do anything."
"You sure?" Ursa asked and you looked down as your ears felt hot.

Ursa hit your shoulder and you looked up as your cheeks were flushed bright red from embarrassment.
"Yes you did!" Ursa said.
"Fine, we did," you admitted as you looked down again.
"How was it?" She asked.
"None of your business," you said.
"When did you do it?"
"I'm just gonna keep asking,"
"I'm just gonna keep not answering,"

You and Ursa argued until the ship shot out of hyperspace as Concordia, your birthplace sat in front of you.
"Is this the first time you're coming back here since you were eight?" Ursa asked.
"No, I came back when I was seventeen," you said. "Right after Order 66.  This is where I met Kaiden."

Ursa nodded as she steered the ship towards the planet as you prepared what to say.

When she got close to the ground, Ursa steered the ship towards a big building and into a hanger that was connected to it.

Brief use of the f word in the next few lines just saying.
Once the ship was landed you put on your helmet and jumped out and ignored all the Mandalorians walking towards you.

"Excuse me, who are you?" One asked.
"Identify yourself!" Another said raising his blaster.
You knocked aside his blaster with your hand as you continued to walk towards the entrance to the stronghold.

When you stepped in the door, at least thirty Mandalorians looked up to stare at you confused.
"Wassup fuckers," you said. "I'm back."

Ursa ran in behind you as one Mandalorian stood up and placed a hand on his blaster.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked.
"Your leader," you replied.
"Sorry, but we have a leader," someone else piped up.

You stepped closer to the crowd and they all separated as you walked through them.
"Where is this leader?" You asked.
"In there," a small child pointed to a door. She was about eight and looked extra small in her armor.
"Thank you," you said kneeling down and patting her shoulder.

You stood up and continued to walk through the people, towards the door that their so called leader was hiding behind. You opened the door and stepped into the room to find the last person you expected.

"You?" You asked taking off your helmet.
"Hello (y/n)! Seems you've grown up," Gil Terren gave you an evil smile.
"I- I thought Ahsoka killed you," you said shocked.
"No, I was merely injured, luckily, I was healed," Gil said. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to take over my father's job," you said.
"Well that's a shame, because the only way you'll get that, is if you defeat me in battle," Gil said.

You looked at him and saw only the teenager who tormented you as a child.
"Anytime, anyplace," you said turning around.
"How about now?" Gil's voice made you freeze. "I'm ready, are you?"

You turned back around and smirked.
"I could take you in my sleep," you said.
"We'll see about that," Gil smirked at you.

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