Chapter 10

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About a week later

You woke up feeling horrible, your head hurt and you kept on coughing. (Corona at its finest). You didn't want to get up so you just laid in bed.  You closed your eyes hoping the feeling would go away if you slept more.

When you finally woke up you could tell it was about noon based on the light in your room from the window.  You rolled over groaning as you held your head.  Training had long passed and you didn't have a reason to get out of bed.  You closed your eyes and tried to sleep it off when you heard a knock on your door.

"Shut up," You moaned, but nobody would be able to hear you over the loud banging on your door.

Finally, the door was pushed open and a blurry, small, orange form came in.  You watched the shape come closer and kneel next to you.

"(y/n)?" You could tell who it was because of her voice.  It could be heard clearly through the pounding in your head. 

"'Soka?" You asked.

"I'm here," Ahsoka brushed your hair out of your face.  It reminded you of the time you first started dating.  When you first got hurt.

You held her hand as she looked you in the eye.  You knew that she knew you were sick.  Ahsoka kissed your forehead and sat on your bed still holding your hand.  You didn't want to get her sick so you pulled your hand away.

"'Soka," You said looking at her. "You can't stay here, I don't want to get you sick,"

Ahsoka kissed you. "(y/n), I don't care if I get sick, I love you remember?"

You nodded still not wanting her to stay. "But 'Soka,"

"No, I'm staying.  The same way you sat outside until 10:00 when I went missing."  Ahsoka laid down next to you and held your hand. 

You gave her a weak smile and kissed her forehead.  Then, you shivered and curled up into her.  Ahsoka wrapped her arms around you to keep you warm. 

You could feel yourself falling asleep in her arms so you wrapped your arms around her and rested your head on her shoulder before falling asleep again.

Hey I know this was a short chapter but since it doesn't really follow the storyline I didn't want to make it super long.  So I'm probably going to release two chapters today to make up for this short chapter.  -Snips

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