Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary

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During Allison's recovery, Emma and her family visited her a lot to help out. Emma also got the town to help out in any way they can bringing food or gifts to Allison since they know her as the best doctor in town. Every time, Emma and Hope visited her, Allison was always happy to see them. Emma uses her key to enter Allison's house carrying snacks, Hope walks in. "Auntie."

"Hope, she is in her bedroom." Hope babbles. "You want to say good morning to her?"

"Mommy." She reaches out her hand for her Mommy.

Emma holds Hope's hand. "We can say good morning to her together." They go upstairs to Allison's room. "Allison."

"Emma, come in." They enter the room, Hope runs to Allison. "Hi, Hopey." She hugs her niece.

"Auntie." She kisses Hope on the cheek.

"How are you feeling Allison?"

"I am in less pain today. I am getting back to normal." Hope babbles. "You think I am already better Hope?"


Allison hugs Hope. "How is her clinginess?"

"She took it hard this morning when we were leaving D-A-D this morning but easier than yesterday."

"I have good news."

"What is it?"

"Dr.Claire gave me okay to go back to work next week."

Emma smiles. "That is great, Allison." They hug.

"I know Hope needs her 24-month-old, immunization shots."

"I did not book her appointment yet since you were not working. I do not trust your partner with Hope's health history."

"Emma, I completely understand that. Hope can be my first patient."

"Can we have her appointment after Killian and my wedding anniversary? That Monday morning?"

"Absolutely!" Hope babbles. "You want to see me at work?" Hope smiles.

"I brought snacks for us. I also brought..." She shows Allison nail polish and supplies. "I figured we can do each other's nails."

"Yes!" They go downstairs to the living room, Hope was playing with her toys and walked around as Emma painted Allison's nails. Hope points at Allison's painted nails. "Mommy."

"Yes, I painted auntie's fingernails. Nail polish is like paint but smells different." Hope babbles. "Do you want to see how I paint auntie's toenails?" Hope smiles as she watches her Mommy paint Allison's toenails in purple nail polish. "You want nail polish?"

"No." Allison and Emma both laughed. When Hope napped, she was snuggling on her Mommy, while Allison painted Emma's toenails. Allison joined Emma and Hope on the couch. "Thank you for coming here to help me for the last few weeks."

"You do the same thing whenever Hope or I have a surgery. We love helping you. How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling better. I am happy that I can talk to somebody who has gone through it."

"I am happy to help, my best friend." They hug.

"I've been thinking...I do not know..." Allison sighs. "I do not what to think about the b...I did not know until I got nauseous in the car on the way home from Build-A-Bear. "

"I know how you feel, I felt so stupid for not knowing about my two pregnancy before the miscarriages."

"You are not stupid, Emma."

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