The Book

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After work, Killian drops by the library to borrow a book, Belle is working at the library.
"Hi, Killian. How are you?"
"Aye, I am doing good. Do you have any pregnancy books?"
"Sure, let me get that for you. Be right back." Belle returns to Killian. "So, I heard Emma is pregnant, Snow told me. Congratulations."
Killian smiles."Thank you, we are both very excited."
"I am happy for you both. I am happy you both can finally become a family."
"I know. I am thrilled. I wanted to borrow books to know what Emma is going through, she is around 15 weeks pregnant."
"Ah. I got you a book called What to Expect When Your Expecting. It will be a great book for the both of you to read and can be helpful for the time the baby arrives."
"I am sure we will read it a lot. How is Gideon?"
"Oh he is doing great. He is a happy 4-year-old who loves to play and run around all the time. He loves playing with Rumple and loves books. He is a normal child."
"I am happy Emma gave you your happy ending that turned him back to a newborn."
"I can never thank Emma so much for that. Now, I want to help Emma as much as she can as she did for us. Let me know if you or Emma need anything."
"Thank you, Belle. I really appreciate it."
"You, really have had changed from when we met."
"Aye, I was selfish and mean. Thanks to Emma I found my true love and changed for the better."
"Yes you did now, you are going to be a father."
"Yes, I am. I will see you around."
"Bye, Killian."
Emma returns home from work finding Killian reading a book in the living room. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi,love." He gives her a kiss on the lips. "I borrowed this book from the library today from Belle."
"Ah, I see. You got What to Expect When Youre Expecting.
"Yes, I did. Do you know that the baby is the size of an avacado, has sensitive to light, moves its eyelids, and can make a fist and sucks its thumb."
"Wow, I had no idea that the baby can do that. Tell me more." As Killian continued reading, Emma sat next to him and kept rubbing her baby bump. "Belle, saids that this book is very insightful for both parents."
"Oh really. Maybe I can read it..."
"Sure, here you go. This all of the information of the 4th month of your pregnancy. I also did some grocery shopping on the way home.I brought a lot of fruits, vegetables,meat and dairy."
"Wow, you got the whole food pyramid."
"I also got you some heartburn medicine."
"Thank you, I will take it with my pregnancy vitamins. How did you about the heartburn?"
"From the book."
Killian cooked dinner and Emma read the book.
As they were eating, "I had no idea what was going on when I was pregnant with Henry, any of this information. There was no library in prison."
"You know now, which is a good thing."
"Yes, I know. This time, it is a totally different me not an alone teenager."
"Swan, you know I will do anything for you even to help you get away from that Neal."
"I got Henry out of that relationship and he brought me back to my family and to you."
" I promise you, I will not betray you and treat you the way Neal did when he return back into your life."
"You remember?"
"Aye, Neverland. All you see was the pain he caused you. You were not happy until we kissed."
Emma smiled, "Yea well. I still have mix feelings."
"Even before the trip of Neverland, I could tell Neal was a selfish ass. He did not apologize to you for letting you go to prison pregnant."
"I had no way of contacting him, he left me for good. I was terrified in prison, felt abandoned all over again. That is why I wanted him dead in that portal, it was easier all of that pain. He caused went away, until he was alive again. Then he died."
Killian approach to Emma and held her hand. "Love, I love you, Henry and this baby. I will never do that to you." He and Emma rubbed her baby bump. "Aye cannot wait to know what the baby is, a lass or lad."
"Me too. I can find out soon. I have an appointment with Dr.Claire next week. We get to hear the heartbeat."
"I am looking forward to that."
"Same here." They hug. "I am so grateful for having you as an amazing and most caring husband. If you were Neal, I would have gladly kick his ass."
Killian laughed. "Aye, I would hurt him with you too."
"Henry looks up to you as a Dad, I think that is why he calling you dad."
"When he asked me, he told me his real father was not really his father because Neal was barely there and did not know him. He knows that I care for him and always be there for him."
"What about Robin?"
"He said not really, and he is not the same as aye."
"Of course, he trusts you."
"He knows, that I won't do the same thing that his father did to you. He wants to be there for both of us."
"I know. I have an idea. When it is time for us to know the gender.... I was thinking..."
"That Henry can come with us to our sonogram appointment."
"That is an excellent idea. The lad will love that idea." Emma giggles and they kiss.

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