First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed

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After Henry left, Hope lets her Daddy hold her. Emma pumped another bottle of breastmilk in the kitchen. "Emma, do you think Hope will use the bottle tonight?"
"We can only hope. I am just wondering if I pump enough in each bottle."
"Aye, I believe we can manage. Right Hope? You can give Mommy some sleep little lass. I did not realize that newborns spit up a lot and drool."
"Same here. We have to do a lot of laundry, Hope clothes and ours. She spits up on my shirts. I do not mind. I love her so much."
"Aye, I can do the laundry."
"Just make sure you put the white clothing separate, you do not want to turn white clothing to different colors."
"Aye, I will be careful." He looks down at Hope. "Hope do you trust daddy with the laundry?" Hope grunts. Both of them laughed. "Aye, I will do the laundry. You can change her."
"That I can do." Emma gets Hope from Killian's arms. "Hope do you need a diaper change?" She sniffs her. "Yes, you do. I will also get your pajamas on too." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma changes Hope diaper and into her pajamas. "You are ready to bed baby girl." Emma lifts her up and gives her many kisses. "Mommy loves you baby girl." Emma rocks Hope to sleep. She cannot stop staring at her daughter. She whispers, "Mommy loves you so much, Hope." She gently kisses her on the nose and puts her in the cradle in her room. The crib was very close to the bed. Emma got the diaper bag she bought from Walmart and snuck out of her room and closes the door. She began to pack diapers, onesies, a burp towel, cover for breastfeeding in Hope's bedroom.
Killian went to see what Emma was up to in Hope's room. "Swan, what are up to?"
"Packing the baby's bag for supplies we need when we take her out. I am trying to make sure we have everything so we do not miss anything."
"Emma, I am pretty sure you have everything."
"Oh, her quilt. She is going to need her quilt in her car seat."
"Emma I am going to be there with you my love. I will help especially when Hope gets the shots."
"I know. Please let me know if Hope takes the bottle tonight also I pre-pump before we go. I will try breastfeeding but I do not know..."
"Emma, everyone knows you are the sheriff and will not cause you any trouble for feeding our lass."
"I just want to be prepared."
"I know. Do not worry love."He kisses her on the forehead and hugs her. "Now, get some rest while you can."
"I am going to now since our daughter is asleep."
Emma fell asleep quickly. Killian heated up Hope's bottle knowing her feeding time was soon. He heard Hope cries from the baby monitor. "Daddy is coming little love." Emma was still asleep. Killian takes Hope from her cradle. "Hope, Daddy is here with your food." He gives her the bottle and Hope continues to cry. "Hope it is still the same as your mommy's milk."
Emma wakes up knowing Hope did not take the bottle. "Hope, you only your food from Mommy only?" Killian's hands Hope to Emma after she preps to breastfeed her. Hope quickly sucks on Emma's breast. Emma looks at Killian, "Sorry, Killian. I do not think she is ready for a bottle yet."
"Aye, do not worry love. She will eventually. Hope just wants her mommy."
Emma looks down at her daughter. "She definitely wants mommy only." She rubs Hope's head. Killian puts his arms around his wife rubbing her shoulder. "I do not mind at all. Hope loves her mommy so much." Killian took the next shift, changing Hope and letting Emma sleep more. Emma got up two more times to feed her. "Baby girl, you got to learn to sleep in the night time soon. Mommy needs sleep." Hope puts her hand on her mom's face. "Aww. No matter what you do baby girl, I will always love you." Emma kisses her little sweet hand." Emma burps her and held her a little longer and watches her daughter fall asleep in her favorite quilt. Emma gently puts Hope back to her cradle and falls back to sleep.
Killian wakes up early and knowing Hope kept up Emma all night. Hope began to cry. "Hope, daddy is her little love." He picks her up. "You need a change. Come on, let's mommy sleep a little longer." He changes her diaper and a new onesie, "My Daddy is a Pirate." "Let's go downstairs to make breakfast." He puts Hope in her moving chair, "Hope when you are old enough you will love daddy's cooking. For now, you just eat mommy's milk." He kisses her on the head. He cooks breakfast for himself and Emma, eggs and pancakes. He made coffee for himself since Emma cannot have coffee. He ate his breakfast while Hope was sleeping in her moving chair. "That is a good little lass."
Killian and Hope spend some time on the couch together. Hope was lying on her daddy's chest. "You know little Hope, being a pirate did not make me happy. Revenge never made me full but something was missing, you know what was it was? Love lass. When I met you, mommy, she changed me. I did not expect to have a home or family. When mommy told me that she having you that was one of my best moments of my beside our wedding and when you were born lass." Hope gurgled and listen to her daddy. He rubbed his finger gently on her cheek. "I love you, Hope." Hope cries for next meal. "Daddy got you little one...Shh..shh. I am bringing you to mommy." Emma waking up Hope's crying and Killian holding her. "Baby Hope, do not cry." Killian hands over Hope to Emma. She preps to nurse and Hope eats. "Did you have fun with daddy while mommy was sleeping?" She kisses her head.
Killian sat next to Emma and Hope. "Hope watched me cook and she and I little conversation. On the couch."
"Oh, really."
"Aye, I talked and she listened. How much rest did you get love?"
"I fed her last at 5:30 am and now it is 8:45 am. So about 3 hours."
"I am so sorry love, I tried the bottle but she did not want it."
"Killian, it is okay. When she is ready, we will be ready. For now, I am enjoying the cuddles and the time I have with her. I love you so much, Hope." After Emma burped Hope. Hope laid on Emma's stomach sound asleep with her mom's arms around her. Killian sat next to his Emma, who was sleeping on his shoulder. Killian made sure Hope and Emma sleep safely. "I love you both my two loves." Killian took a picture of his little family. Hope woke up needed a change. " Hope, do you need a change, little love?" He takes Hope out of Emma's arms, who was sound asleep. Killian changed Hope in her room. Afterward, he sat in the rocking chair with her. "Hope, later today Mommy and Daddy are going to take you to the doctor, you might be afraid that you will brave which you got it from your Mommy and Daddy. There was much time that we had to face our fears before you came along my little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma heard their conversation through the baby monitor and walks into Hope's room. "Yes, Hope. There were many times that Mommy and Daddy had to brave. No matter what we face we had to brave. I know baby girl, you will be afraid at the doctor's today that we will be with you baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and her hands.
"Swan, how did you?"
"Baby monitor. I am going to take shower and then we get Hope ready to go."
"Aye, sounds like a plan."
After Emma's shower, she changed into maternity jeans and a long sleeve. She goes into Hope's room. Killian was still holding Hope. "Hope, are you ready to go out baby girl?" She lifts Hope up and gives her kisses. "Come, on baby girl. You need some clothes to wear." She turns to Killian, "can you get her car seat ready and diaper bag ready."
"On it Emma." He gives her a kiss before leaving the room. Emma bends down to play with Hope with kisses. Hope moves her hands and legs while her mommy kissed her constantly. "Hope you love to play with Mommy right baby girl." She giggles. Emma brought down Hope. Killian got Hope's car seat, her quilt and diaper bag ready to go.
Emma buckled the car seat in and put Hope in the car seat. Killian drove them to the hospital. She sits next Hope on in the back. "Little Hope, you are so cute I want to eat you all up, baby girl." Emma kissed her hands and playfully "eat them."
"Oh, Emma. I got a little pink hook protector so I won't hurt the lass."
"I know you would not hurt our little girl."
"Love, I just want to be safe."
"Okay, just for safety measures." When they arrived at the hospital, Killian took the car seat with Hope and Emma carried the diaper bag. Once they were at the pediatric floor, Emma signed Hope name in, while Killian sat with Hope. Emma sat next to them and filled out Hope's information. Afterward, the nurse told Emma, "Dr.Whale is no longer working in the children's department."
"Oh, that is a relief. Who is the new doctor?"
"Her name is Dr.Allison Cameron."
Hope began to cry. Emma returns to her little family. "Hope, are you hungry baby girl?" Killian held Hope while Emma prepped to breastfeed with a cover on. She put the cover on and opened one side of her outfit. Killian hand over Hope under the cover of Emma. Hope ate. "Sorry baby girl, we have to cover while you eat in public."Killian rubbed Hope's head.
"Daddy can see you Hope, do not worry love." When Hope was done, Emma handed over Hope to Killian so he can burp her while she gets fixed under the cover. "That is a good lass." Hope begins to cry again. "You want Mommy?" Emma got the cover fixed back into her diaper bag. "Come here to Mommy, little buttercup." Hope stopped crying in her mommy's arms. " You just wanted mommy don't my little girl." Emma did nose to nose to Hope and Hope put her hand on Emma's cheek. Killian, of course, took a picture. "Just took a picture to remind us how happy she is before you know."
"Yes, I know."
Nurse, "Hope Swan-Jones. Room 2."
"That is us." Killian carried the car seat and Emma carried Hope and the diaper bag. Since it was Hope's first visit, they had to weigh her, measure how long she was all Hope was naked but her diaper. Hope did not like being naked and not in her parent's arms. "Hope it is okay baby, it is almost over." Once she was done, Emma held Hope in Henry's quilt. "Are you happy to be in the special blanket that Henry got you." Hope gurgled happily.
"We got to thank Henry for that blanket love."
"Yes we need too, it is calming her down so far." Hope was holding Emma's finger.
Dr.Allison Cameron came in, "Hello, I am Dr.Cameron." Killian and Emma looked at the doctor with their jaws dropped. "Oh my gosh."
"Swan, she looks like a brunette version of you."
"Oh yes."
"I am in new in town."
"Yes, I am Emma and this my husband Killian and this is our daughter Hope."
"Aww, she is so adorable."
"She is only 4 days old and needs her vaccination shots."
"Yes, she does. I need one of you to hold her down on the table while she gets her shots."
"I can do it."
"Emma, are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure." Emma placed Hope on the table. "Mommy is right here Hope."
"I am just letting you know, that there is baby liquid Tylenol that will help with the pain afterward and the shots will make her sleepy or a fever. Mostly be in pain for 2 days the most."
"I know she will not like this."
"Babies are stronger than you think. It is very important for newborns to get their shots for their immune system and preventing other diseases. I used to work in a hospital in New Jersey and this Dr.House I used to work with he was crazy. I decided to leave and work with children." Dr.Cameron gave Hope the first shot and she moved. Hope was crying.
"Can I hold her on my lap?"
"Sure you can."
Emma puts crying Hope on her lap. "Hope come to mommy. It is okay baby." She kisses her on the forehead. Dr.Cameron gave her three more shots, Hope cried more. "It is alright baby...shhh.shhh."
Dr, Cameron put band-aids on Hope. "You are done, Hope."
"Thank you Dr.Cameron." She leaves the room.
"Killian, can you please hand me her blanket."
"Sure, love." He helps Emma get Hope settle in her blanket.
"Hope, I know that hurt baby, but you needed them. I am so sorry you are in pain baby. Mommy got you." She kissed her and bounced her until she calmed down.
"You did great with Hope love."
"I hate seeing my baby in pain. I do not want to let her go."
"I know love, same here. Is there anything that I can do to help?"
"Yes, we need to get the baby liquid Tylenol before we leave. She is going to be in pain for a while. We need to change her back into her clothes first." Killian helped Emma changed Hope into her clothes
"Aye, do you want to put her in the car seat?"
"I think she is happy in her blanket in my arms." Killian bends down to kisses Hope. "You were very brave Hope. Daddy and mommy did not like seeing you in pain. The pain will be gone soon little love."
"Oh, Killian. I packed a pacifier for her to calm her down in the diaper bag."
Killian got the pacifier from the diaper bag and put it in Hope's mouth. Hope sucked on the pacifier and went to sleep. Killian carried the car seat and the diaper bag while Emma held sleeping, Hope. Killian brought the Tylenol and they packed the car and headed home. "She is sound asleep." She sniffs Hope. "I am pretty sure she made a poop."
"Don't worry Emma, we are almost home."
"What did you think of that new doctor?"
"You two can be twins?"
Emma laughed. "She is the opposite of me."
"Yes, that is true. I love you, you are the most beautiful woman in all of the realms."
"Aww, you are so sweet."
They arrived home. "Hope, we are home baby girl." Emma carried Hope inside and Killian carried the diaper bag. When they went inside Henry was there. "Hey, kid."
"Hi, Mom."
"Hope had her first doctor's appointment today."
"How did that go?"
"One word, shots."
"Oh. That is not good."
"Aye, lad. It was not fun to watch. Your mom, on the other hand, was brave holding your sister who screaming her little lungs out."
"It was very painful to see and I was there holding her but I tried my best in calming her down." She bends down to Hope. "You were very brave Hope." She gives her little kisses.
"You did great Emma, handling our Hope."
"It broke my heart seeing her go through the shots."
"Mom, was it Dr.WHale? Who gave her the shots?"
Killian and Emma both laughed. "What is so funny?"
"Henry, there is a new doctor in town that looks a lot like me?"
"Aye, lad. Here is a picture." The picture was Dr.Cameron next to Emma holding Hope.
Henry jaw dropped. "Mom..."
"I know kid, we can be twins? But she is the polar opposite of me. I got to change Hope, even though she is asleep." She goes upstairs to Hope's room and quietly changed her as possible not to wake Hope. Emma changed her and held her in her arms and sat in her rocking chair. "Hope, you were so brave today my little buttercup. I love you so much, my sweet girl." She held Hope as she sleeps and watched her sleep for a little while.
While Emma was tending to Hope, Killian and Henry cooked dinner. Snow White calls Killian. "Hi, Snow."
"Hi, Killian. How are Emma and Hope?"
"Emma is getting little of sleep and Hope got her vaccination shots today."
"How did it go?"
"Hope was crying and Emma was holding her the entire time."
"How did Emma take it?"
"I was in the room with them, Emma looked terrified as any mothers should look when their lass is getting shots. We got Tylenol for later."
"Yes, Hope will be in pain today."
"I have a feeling if we need your help Emma will call you or I will call you tonight."
"Sure, call anytime."
"So far, Hope wants to be in her mommy's arms."
"She will be fine, Killian. Call me if you need me to come over."
"Dad, do you want me to help with Hope?"
"Yes, I think Hope will be happy to see her brother. Let's see how much pain she is in first."
Emma watched Hope sleeping in her crib. Killian went to check up on his girls. "How are my loves doing?"
"Hope is still asleep. I am just watching her make sure that she is alright. I am not sure if she can get sick from the shots like a fever...or...or."
Killian knows Emma is nervous and hugs her. "Hey, Emma. I know you are nervous, so am I. Just remember that we have the baby monitor to listen to her breathing okay or if she cries."
"Killian, what if she gets a fever, we never experienced a baby sick before. How can we tell when she is in pain or just her normal cry."
"Love, she will be alright. We can both tell how her cries will tell us what she needs." He hugs her and Emma feels safe in his arms. Hope wakes up crying. "See she is waking up now." Killian went to fetch Hope. "Hope, are you hungry little lass? Mommy is right here." He kissed her a few times. "Here you go, Emma."
"Hi, baby girl. Are you hungry? You have not eaten in a while." Killian handed Emma burp towel as Emma prepped to nurse. Hope went straight to her food. "Baby, you were hungry."
"See, I told you, Emma. Now she is content in your arms eating."
"Don't jinx it, or else we will have a long night tonight." They kiss. "Hope, we love you so much baby girl."
After Emma nursed her Hope, she had big spit. Hope began to cry. "Hope, do not cry baby girl, Mommy can change you into a nice clean outfit." Emma changed Hope's onesie and checked her diaper. "You are clean now baby girl." She gave her kisses which helped Hope a little bit until she began crying again. "Hope, are you in pain still baby? Shh...shh..mommy will get you medicine that will help make the pain go away." Emma brought down crying Hope. "Killian, I need your help." Killian went straight to Emma's side with hearing Hope wailing. "She needs Tylenol. I fed her, changed her and she is crying differently now."
"Hey, we got this alright love." Killian turns to Henry. "Henry, can you get me the baby Tylenol on the counter and a bottle of water ?" Henry came quickly to them and they all sat in the living room. Killian reading the Tylenol direction. Emma was trying to calm down Hope. "Hope, I know you are in pain baby, shhh...shhh... everything is going to be alright baby." She kissed her and bounced her. "Henry can you get me Hope's quilt and a bib please."
"On it." He returned quickly. "Here you go little Hope. I am sorry you are in pain little sis."
Emma put the bib on Hope and Killian fed Hope the Tylenol. "Swallow it, baby....that is a good girl. The pain will be gone soon, baby." She kisses her on the forehead. Emma wrapped Hope in her quilt and Emma gave Hope water. Afterward, Emma breastfed her to calm down Hope. After a little while, Hope calmed down. "Emma, I am going to continue to cook dinner. I know you and I have not eaten at all."
"Yes, I am hungry."
"Dinner will be finished soon, love."
Henry got his storybook from his backpack. "Hope, I brought my storybook. Mom is it alright, I thought this would calm her down."
"That is a great idea, Henry." She looks down at Hope who was sleeping. "Henry is going to read you a story baby girl."
Henry read, "Once Upon A Time....."
"Thank you, Henry. She has calmed down."
"Your welcome. Can I hold Hope?"
"Sure." Emma hands sleeping Hope over to Henry.
"Hi, little sis. I love you and I will always there to help and protect you." He kissed her lightly on the cheek."
"Dinner is ready. How is little Hope?"
"Dad, she still asleep."
"Henry please set the table and it is my turn to hold Hope." Henry gives Hope to Killian. "Hi, Hope. I hope you are not in pain anymore my little lass. Daddy loves you so much. Do you think she will alright during the night?"
"We can hope. I think her medicine is working."
"I can put Hope in her moving chair so you can eat."
"Thank you. Thank you for everything today."
"Emma, you did all the work today, I just helped as much as I could."
"I could not have done it alone, especially when she screams bloody murder. Just you being there with me was a huge difference."
"I love you and our little Hope. I will do anything for you both. You know that?"
Yes, it feels good to have someone I can lean on." She kissed him on the cheek. Killian put sleeping Hope on the moving chair. Henry, Emma, and Killian had dinner together.
Regina picked up Henry. "Hi mom, I just about to come out."
"I just want to check on Emma and the baby."
"Sure, I will wait. Oh, Hope got her vaccine shots today."
"Oh, rough day here?"
"Yea, a little bit. Mom is in Hope's room."
Regina goes upstairs to the nursery seeing Emma with Hope breastfeeding her. Regina knocks on the door. " Hi, Regina."
'Hi Emma, I am here to pick up Henry and wanted to check up on you and Hope. Henry told me Hope had her vaccine shots today?"
"Yes, she did have her shots today I had no idea that it was going to be that painful for me to watch."
"Did she cry?"
"Oh yes, she was screaming and wailing. It took me a while to calm her down. Luckily, the quilt Henry got helped her calm down." She turns to Hope. "Right hope." Regina smiles."How is your sleep been?"
"I get on and off sleep. Killian tried a bottle feed her my breastmilk but Hope only wants from the breast and be held by me." Emma switched Hope to her other breast.
"She loves you, Emma."
"I love her so much too. She probably senses that I did not do this with Henry."
"Did you give her Tylenol?"
"Yes, we did when was in pain. Oh, do you know that there is a new doctor in town for pediatrician section."
"Yes, Dr.Allison Cameron. She is the best. That is why I hired her."
"You literally hired my twin."
Regina laughed. "Oh, that was one of the perks of hiring her." Emma burped Hope and rocked her.
"She is the total opposite of me. I rather have Cameron than Whale as my daughter's doctor. Was Henry took his vaccine shots that bad experience?"
"It was horrible, let's put it that way.
'Yes, it was bad during the shots and when we got home.....we figured out that Tylenol helped. Henry helped out to calm all of us." They hear Henry and Killian playing video games.
Are they always like this?
"Killian and Henry? Yup. Do you want to hold Hope?"
"Sure." Emma hands over Hope to Regina. Emma got Hope another outfit. "Hi, Hope. I heard you had a rough day from Henry. I know that you love Henry." She gurgled. "Yes, Henry painted your room and got your quilt." Hope spits up on Regina.
"Oh, my gosh, Regina. I am so sorry." Emma taking Hope back.
"It is okay Emma."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Emma. I have Rowand at home and not too long ago she did the same thing to me. Hope to feel better. When you are better, Henry can show you where his other house."
"That sounds good."
"Emma, I am really am happy for you. I have never seen you so happy ever."
"My little Hope makes me so happy. How is Henry dealing being a big brother?"
"I never saw him so happy ever too. Oh, you know he is getting an art award next week right?"
"Yes, he told Hope than me and then Killian. We are going to be there."
"Dp you what award is he getting?"
"From what he told us that he showed his art teacher the pictures of Hope's room."
"He is getting an"
"I know."
"Henry, get up here." Henry runs upstairs. "Yes, mom."
"How come you did not tell me what the art award was for?"
"I told Mom and Hope because it was because of Hope, that I got the award. Mom, what happened to your shirt?"
"Your sister barfed on me."
"No way Hope. Did you really barfed on my other mother." He looks at Emma. "Mom, can I hold her?"
"Sure, kid."
"Hope, are you feeling better now little sis? You sure look happier." Hope gurgled happily. "I love you so much, Hope." He kissed her on the forehead. "I will come to visit more tomorrow and I can read you more stories."
"Henry, it is getting late. You have school in the morning."
"I know. Bye, Hope. Let Mommy get some sleep tonight." He hands over Hope to Emma. He hugs Emma. "Mom let me know how Hope is."
"I will Henry. Thank you for helping today."
"Your welcome. Dad and I will always help you and Hope."
"Night, kid. Night Regina."They leave. "Come on, Hope. It is time for bed." Emma changed Hope into pajamas. Emma rocks her in the rocking chair. "I am so happy to see you happy Hope. Mommy was so sad when you were in pain. Mommy wants you to be happy. I love you, Hope." She kisses her forehead. Hope fell asleep in her arms. Emma put Hope in the cradle. She changed into her pajamas and read a little before Killian came in. Killian enters their room and whispers, "Hi, Emma. How is Hope?" He sits next to her.
"Better now and asleep." They kiss and cuddle. "I am so happy she is better."
"Same here, love. I hated to watch her in pain."
"I fed her about 30 mins ago. So I think when she cries next your turn."
"Aye, Swan. You need your rest."
"She loves you too you know."
"Aye, She loves Daddy and daughter time in the morning. We let you sleep in. Hope is in her moving chair while I cook. Afterward, we lie on the couch and talk. She is a good listener. "
"Yes, I know she is."
"I knew today Hope was going to be more attached to you. When children are afraid or in pain they always want their mommy."
"I cannot stand our Hope cry like that."
"I know, I know but the vaccine shorts were needed."
"They are important. Even though I am a mom, I am still new at this. A mommy to a newborn."
"We are both learning as we go. So far, love, you are great with her."
"You are too." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms.
Hope woke up 2 hours later for a change. Killian changed her and put Hope back to sleep. Emma did the next round of feeding her. Killian did the next round of changing her. Hope cried in a different way,"Baby girl, are you in pain? Sh..shhh. Mommy got you." Emma wakes up Killian, "Killian, Hope needs Tylenol."
"Aye, I will go get it." He runs to the living room to retrieve the medicine and the bib. He quickly returns to the room with Hope wailing.
"Hope, Daddy has your medicine baby." Emma puts the bib on Hope. Killian fed Hope her medicine. "Here you go little Hope, you will feel better in no time, little love." Emma gave her a bottle of water so Hope can get the medicine down. Emma held Hope in her arms, Hope was wrapped in her quilt. Hope was moving a little. "Mommy loves you, Hope." Hope puts her hand on Emma's face. "Yes, Hope loves Mommy." She kisses her hand. Emma made funny faces to Hope and gave her kisses until she tired her out. "Good night my sweet girl, I love you." She kissed Hope and put her in her cradle.
The next morning, a few hours later Snow White dropped by. "Hi, Killian, how is Hope and Emma?"
"Come see for yourself." They walked upstairs.
"I know you had a rough day at the doctors... I want to come and help."
"We definitely need your help." He opened the door showed Emma tired out. "As you can see Emma was up all night with Hope."
"I can watch her for a few hours. I took the day off to help out. Where is Hope?"
"Aye, will go get her." He gets Hope from the cradle who was gurgling wide awake. "Hope, grandma is here to see you."
"Emma is exhausted. Our little Hope only wants milk from her mommy's breast and Hope had a rough night last night."
"Let's see if Hope likes Grandma." Killian hands over Hope to Snow White. "Hi, Hope. I am your grandma. Do you remember me?" Snow and Killian went downstairs with Hope. "Boy, Killian. Emma is exhausted."
"I know. I try to help as much as I can. Hope had a rough day which I know she will be attached to Emma more. She had another dose of Tylenol last night, Emma was up with her playing their kissing game. Hope loves to be held by Emma. We have our Daddy and daughter time in the morning when Emma is asleep."
"Killian, I know you and Emma are doing the best and she is already loving you both. She looks so happy and content."
"Aye, I feel I should be helping more. I clean the house, cook dinner and watch Hope when Emma is asleep."
"Killian, you are doing the best that you can. Henry is here every day too."
"Oh, yes, Henry and I work together taking turns with Emma and Hope."
"That is great. Hope and Emma has a great support system. You sound like you do a lot, Killian." Snow White looks down at Hope. "Hope, you are so lucky to have so many people that love you." Hope gurgles happily. "Killian you can rest. I can watch her."
"Are you sure love?"
"Yes, you can be with Emma resting. You are looking sleep deprive yourself."
"What if she gets hungry?"
"Then I will get Emma."
" Thank you, Snow."
"Your welcome."
"Hope, be good for grandma." He kisses her on the forehead and went back to bed to be with his Emma. Emma wakes up with Killian right next to her asleep. She glances at the empty cradle. "Hope? Hope!" 

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