Family Sailing Day

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Since it was getting cooler out at the end of November, Killian decided to take Hope out to the Jolly Roger to check on their second home before they have a family sailing day. Emma was getting ready for the day. "Swan, I am going to check on our second home before we go on our sailing adventure. I can take Hope with me. Emma..." He wrapped his arms around his swan. "I know you have something on your mind.""It is Henry. Henry is happy with us and Ava. I noticed that he has not talked to Regina since Thanksgiving. I am worried about him.""He will talk to you, Emma, or me. He trusts us both and is open with us. I still think he is mad at Regina for the way she fought with everyone on Thanksgiving and how she reacted to Ava.""You are right. It has only been a few days. I know Henry is happy with us.""Text me when you and Henry are ready to sail. Hope and I will be in our second home.""Are you going to teach Hope nautical knots?""Yes, that is my plan. I love tying nautical knots. I know our daughter is going to love it." "Just like her Daddy. I know you will be a great teacher." They kiss. Hope walks into their room just wearing a diaper and hugs her parent's legs. Emma smiles at her daughter. "Speaking of our little pirate.""Dada...Mommy."Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, what are you doing only in your diaper?" She tickles Hope's belly making her laugh."Little love, do you want to go on the Jolly Roger?""Yes! Piwate!"Emma and Killian both smile at Hope. "Let's get you ready for your pirate time." Emma changes Hope into a warm outfit. She tickles her daughter and gave her kisses everywhere. "I love you, Hope.""Luv you, Mommy." She hugs her daughter."Mommy.""Yes, sweetie?""You sail.""Yes, we are having a family sailing day, you, Dada, Henry, and me. We are going to sail today after Mommy is sheriff for a little while.""Sail.""Yes, little love we are going sailing today after you and I check on our second home to get ready to sail." Killian gets Hope's packed diaper bag. "Sail.""Hope, Mommy and Henry will meet you and Dada on the Jolly Roger." They walk downstairs. Killian gets Hope from Emma. "Hope, be a good girl for Dada on the Jolly Roger." "Yes, Mommy." She kisses Hope on the cheek."Swan, we will meet you and Henry on the Jolly Roger soon.""Mommy.""Henry and I will be with you and Dada very soon, sweetie. You are going to help Dada to prepare for our sailing adventure." Hope smiles. Killian carried Hope outside of their house. Emma smiles seeing Hope bonding time with her Daddy. "Alk Dada."We can walk." He sets Hope on the ground. "Hope, remember hold my hand and not runoff.""Yes, Dada,alk." Killian smiles. They continue to walk. Emma smiles seeing her daughter and husband holding hand & hook. She checks up on her son in his bedroom who was drawing at his desk and in his pajamas. "Henry?""Yes, Mom?""Your Dad is on the Jolly Roger with Hope. Before we go sailing, I need your help?""Help with what?""I need you to be my stakeout partner."Henry smiles. "Your stakeout partner?! I am in." Emma smiles. "You are coming with me." They went to her yellow bug. "Can I drive Mom?""You do need practice. Yes, you can only drive to town. When we are doing a stakeout. I am in the driver's seat.""Deal." Emma gives Henry her keys and lets him drive into town. "Before we do our stakeout we do need snacks.""Can we get grannys? For snacks and to buy lunch for our sailing day.""Yes, we can." They went to Granny's."Hi, Emma and Henry.""Hi, Granny. We would like our family's usual orders to go and we would like two cinnamon hot cocoas and bear claw to go.""And I would like a sesame seed bagel with cream cheese to go.""I will have your orders ready in a few minutes." Granny arrives back with their order. Emma pays for their meal. They return back to the yellow bug. Emma drove her yellow bug with Henry holding their cinnamon hot cocoa. "What are we looking for?""Oh, just any crime. You are helping me on patrol and part of it is a stakeout." Henry hugs his Mom making her smile. "What is that for?" "For being the best Mom ever. I am enjoying our one on one time, grannys, cinnamon hot cocoa, bagels, bearclaw, and stakes out. This is so much fun." Emma hugs her son. "I needed my favorite son to help me today.""I am your only son."Emma kisses her son on the head. "Yes, you are, kid." They sip their cinnamon hot cocoa and ate their breakfast. Emma drove around town and stopped at a spot to look around. "Mom?""Yes, Henry?" Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you for being my amazing Mom."Emma knows Regina has not been contacting him but he is happy with Ava and with their family. "I have the best son, ever.""When I went over to Ava's house yesterday, she was returning with her Dad with firewood. He cut firewood besides working in the garage. Nicholas helps him in the garage and Ava helps him with the firewood, when she is not doing online classes. When I come over we just watch movies and talk.""You two are good for each other.""I do not see why my other Mom does not see it. She has not called me..." "Hey, she will see how much Ava means to you, it takes time." Henry leans his head on his Mom's shoulder. Emma hugs her son. "She will come around, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "I do need your help with college applications.""What colleges are you thinking of?""Somewhere on the east coast, not too far, so I can drive home and come visit you, Dad, Hope and Ava. I was thinking of colleges Boston or Massachusetts with good art programs.""I can help you do the research and help you apply.""You did help me study for my SAT. I am so happy I got the test done before our birthday trip.""You got your reward for studying hard. It was a great birthday trip.""I have a question?""Yes, kid.""Will you and Dad have any more kids? After I go to college, you might be having another kid, replacing me when I am gone.""You mean you will be replaced when you go to college? Henry." Emma hugs her son. "You are not going to be replaced. You are a huge part of our family even when you are away. Your dad and I want to have more kids but with the miscarriages, the car accident, and the ectopic pregnancy over the last 2 years...I do want to have another child but I am not sure when it will happen. I just want my body to recover and all of that pain that each pregnancy caused me after having Hope..." She sighs. "I am not going to replace you, you are not ever going to be replaced because you are my first baby and my favorite son.You brought me to my home and helped me build our family. I would never replace you, Henry, my son and my first baby." Emma hugs her son. "I love you so much, Henry.""I love you too, Mom. I just want to make sure. I do want to have another sibling so I won't be missing out, Hope is an amazing little sister, I love her so much. I figured you will move on when I am in college. I am going to miss my sibling growing up because I get to see everything in Hope's milestones and being there for her. I figured if you have another baby when I am away, I will be missing out on the family and being replaced."Emma understands why Henry wants to be nearby for college, so he won't miss any family time or moments. "Henry, you are not going to be replaced if I have another baby. I do not know when I am going to have another baby. When I do, you are going to know first like last time. Knowing your sister she will miss you so much. I know you will get so many facetime calls from Hope, your dad, and me because we are going to miss you so much. You will always be part of our family even when you are away in college, kid. If I do have another baby, you are going to be there when he or she is born. You are going to be an amazing big brother the same way as you are with Hope.""Mom, I am going to miss you, Dad and Hope. I have a feeling Hope will be hogging your iPhone so she will not let you or Dad talk to me."Emma laughs, she can imagine Hope hogging her iPhone. "You are so right, I can imagine Hope doing that. You are not going to miss any family events when you are away. You are always to come home anytime. You always have a home with us.No matter how old you are, you are a great big brother to Hope and if I have another baby you will be a great big brother.""If you do have another baby, I have a feeling that Hope and I will have a baby sister."Emma smiles. "Oh, really?""Yes, that's what I think." Emma chuckles. "I know you and Dad will have another baby, Mom. I have hope." Emma hugs her son. She loves him so much. They continue their stakeout.Killian was checking on the Jolly Roger and keeping a close eye on his daughter making sure she does not untie the ropes while walking around the Jolly Roger. After he was checking on his second home. "Hope." Hope goes to her Daddy."Dada."Killian holds Hope. "We are going to have a rope lesson.""Wope!!""Yes, little love." He gets the colorful rope blue and red that he bought in town and sits on the deck with Hope on his lap. "We are going to make knots on the rope.""Wope!""Yes, we are going to make knots." He teaches Hope how to do an easy knot which is an overhand knot. He shows Hope how to make the overhand knot with his rope. You take the rope around the other side and make a hole and you go through the hole." He lets Hope try to make the knot on her rope by herself. "Oh no.""Dada can help you make the knot." Killian helps Hope with her knot. "There you go, little pirate.""Ank you Dada.""You are welcome, Hope. Do you want to make the knot again?""Again!" Killian smiles seeing Hope's excitement. "Twy!" "You can try on your own." Hope does the rope knot on her own. "Dada! Look!""You did it Hope!" Killian clapped his hands. "Again!""Yes, again." He continues to help Hope make the same knot. Hope does the knot by herself, with her Daddy's recording Hope tying the knot on his iPhone. He was so proud of his daughter who was a little pirate. "Do you want to make another type of knot?""Yes, Dada!" Killian smiles. "We are going to make a figure-eight knot with one rope. Show me one rope!"Hope shows her Daddy her one rope. "One!""Good Hope. Now we are going to make an eight and light pull onto the rope." He shows Hope what to do and helps her with her rope. "Twy.""You can try." Hope does her best making an eight. "Very good try, Hope." He helps her make the figure-eight knot. When Emma and Henry arrived at the Jolly Roger after finishing up with patrol Emma was in awe seeing Hope on Killian's lap and her husband teaching Hope to tie knots. She takes a picture of their Daddy and daughter moment. "Mom, Hope is a little pirate for sure.""Yes, your sister is good with knots.""We better be careful when we are sleeping, Hope can tie a knot on our legs.""She will not..." Emma thought for a quick moment. "Wait, she might be able to do that. You are right, kid." "Little love, look who is here?"Hope sees her Mommy and runs to her. "Mommy! Mommy!" Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Mommy, knot!""You did the knot by yourself?!" "Yes!" Emma smiles big. "Knot.""You want to show me and Henry?""Yes. Henwy." "Let me see." Emma sits on the deck, Hope does the overhand knot. Emma was impressed that her 2 ½ years old can do knots with a single rope. "Hope, that is so awesome! I am so proud of you, baby girl." She hugs her daughter. "Killian! Hope is amazing tying knots with rope!""Aye, she is a natural with rope. I taught her. She got the hang off making the knots really quick after a few tries with me.""Dada, wed and blue wopes.""Aye, these are your ropes to make knots with not the ropes on the Jolly Roger." Hope screams."Yay!" They all smile at Hope."Hope, can you show me your knots, little sis?" "Yes." Hope got up from her Mommy and tied Henry's legs up and did an overhand knot. "Hope!" Hope was laughing. "Mom, I told you that she is going to be trouble with rope." Emma chuckles. "Hope, untie Henry.""No." Hope walks away. "Hope!" Henry hops chasing his sister hopping. "Hope!" Hope runs around on deck.Emma and Killian both laugh seeing Hope being a sneaky little pirate. "Swan, I did not teach her how to untie ropes just yet.""I can tell. She is being a sneaky pirate like her daddy. "Killian smiles, because his daughter is a lot like him, a pirate. "Aye, her pirate side is from me, swan. She gets her knot skills from me.""Yes, she does at a very young age." Henry returns to his Mom. "Mom, Hope is a little sneaky pirate. The rope is hard to get out.""Aye, she did tie it hard." Killian uses his hook to lessen the knot. Hope goes to her brother. Emma kneels to Hope. "Hope, you cannot tie the knot tight, sweetie. Henry can trip and fall over.""Oh no.""Oh no, is right. Next time, not too tight ropes.""Yes, Mommy." "Mom, she is so innocent around you. She turns around and becomes a sneaky little pirate by tying a tight knot around my legs. She is very talented with ropes for a 2-year-old, a very sneaky one.""Piwate, Henwy."Henry points at his sister."See Mom, Proof, Mom!"Emma chuckles, at Hope being a sneaky sister to Henry. "Hope was just showing you what she can do.""Yes, she is such a little pirate sister.""That is what little sister does, kid." Killian unties Hope's knot with his hook. "There you go, lad. You are free.""Thanks, Dad. Hope really takes after you.""Aye, she does. I am going to tell her the rules of the ropes and when not to knot a person." Killian goes to his daughter. "Hope."Hope shows her colorful ropes to her Daddy. "Dada, knot." "Yes, little love, knot. You cannot use the rope to tie people's legs up without their permission. We have rules, only use the ropes with me or Mommy for tying knots. Do not tie up people's legs without asking them.""Yes, Dada." Hope goes to his sister who hugs him. "Sowwy, Henwy." "I am not mad at you, little sis. You are great with ropes.""Fun!""I can tell that you were having so much fun with daddy. Are you ready to sail?""Sail!! Olly Wawa."Emma hugs Killian. "Killian, I think it is time to sail. Henry and I bought granny's for lunch.""Aye, I think we can have a picnic in our captain quarters since it is getting cooler out.""Honey, it is winter. I am happy that we still get to sail in the winter.""Aye, we can also decorate the Jolly Roger for Christmas.""I love that idea." They kiss.Emma puts Hope's life jacket on her while Killian and Henry get ready to sail. "Mommy, wope.""You are so good with ropes baby girl."Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy tay with you, sail.""You can stay with me, little pirate princess." Emma hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head. "Mommy?""Yes, baby girl?""Luv you.""I love you so much, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head. "You will always be my baby girl." Emma carried Hope to Killian. "Emma, we are ready to sail.""Aye, aye captain.""Aye, aye, Dada." Emma and Killian smiled at Hope. "Swan, do you want to steer?""Yes, captain.""Aye, I will do the sails while Henry does the motor." When Henry and Killian were ready. "Boys, are you ready?""Yes, Mom!""Aye, swan.""Full steam ahead." Emma began steering the Jolly Roger out into the ocean horizon. Hope was looking at the ocean. "Mommy Ooo""Yes, ocean, baby girl." Hope clapped her hands. "Mommy sail olly wawa."Emma smiles. "Yes, I am sailing the Jolly Roger. When you are a big girl, you can steer the Jolly Roger all by yourself. For now, you can help me steer.""Dada, Mommy eer.""Yes, little pirate, Mommy and Daddy steer the Jolly Roger." As Emma sailed the Jolly Roger Hope was talking to herself and walking around her Mommy. Killian goes to Hope. "Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy. "Little love, do you want a sword lesson?""No, Mommy word. Dada knot."Killian smiles knowing Hope who teaches her. "Oh, Mommy is your sword teacher and Dada is your rope teacher?""Yes.""Aye, swan did you hear that?"Emma smiles."Yes, I did.""Wope Dada.""Swan,did you hear what Hope said?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I heard that, Killian." Killian takes Hope on deck and continues their knot-tying lesson. Henry goes to his Mom. "Mom, can I steer?""Yes, you can. I do need a break." Henry steers the Jolly Roger. "Hope is such a little pirate.""Yes, she gets it from your Dad. Maybe a little bit from me?""How?""Well, let's just say when Jefferson kidnapped me I had to escape by breaking a teacup to escape and untie Mary Margaret. I tied up your Dad and threatened to tell us the truth before an ogre attacked him in the Enchanted.""I bet you regret that now, Mom, about Dad.""Yes, I do now. My wall was up not to trust him but deep down...somehow I knew to trust him.""He is nothing like my Dad, Mom.""I know, but he got me to lose people's trust. It took me a while to admit that Killian was the one for me but after he helped me with the timeline, I began to trust him. He was at my side helping me the whole time when we were in the past. When Elsa came into town, and the ice wall, he was there for me. From the sound of his voice of worry of me trapped, I knew he was not going to stop to get me out of there, that is when I knew he was going to be there for me. What you did on Thanksgiving supporting Ava, sticking up for your girlfriend, that is the beginning of a good relationship. You are on the right track, kid." She rubs her son's head.Henry smiles at his Mom. "You are very wise, Mom."Emma leaned her shoulder by Henry's shoulder. "I do my best." "You and Dad were right about being honest. Ava loves how our family, how you and Dad are supportive, caring parents, and honest with us. She loves being a part of our family.""When are you going to see her again?""I am not sure but soon because her online college classes are almost over for the semester. We get to spend more time with each other when she is on break. Do not worry, Mike has the same at his house too. No sex, I know how to use protection.""Good. Remember I had you at your age that you are now?""Yeah, I do not want to have kids now. Having Hope as my sister is enough, even though she is a little sneaky pirate." Emma chuckles. Killian walks back with Hope. "Henwy!""Hi, little sis." Henry holds Hope. Hope hugs her brother and lies on his shoulder. "Oh, now you are being sweet.""Yes."Emma and Killian both smile at their children."Swan, are you ready for lunch?""Yes, I am hungry." The family set lunch on deck. Emma laid the blanket and set up the picnic basket. "Mommy sit you.""You can sit with me, Hope." The family sat down. Killian sees Hope's lunch, grilled cheese, and string beans. "Your lunch looks good, little love.""Chee...twing beans.""Aye, grilled cheese and string beans. You have a very healthy side dish." "Dad, she loves her veggies.""Yes, she takes after me, lad.""Killian, I knew she was not going to be a picky eater like me." Hope gives her Mommy a string bean. Emma smiles. Killian and Henry both laugh. "Swan, Hope wants you to eat more veggies.""You are right." She takes the string bean and eats it. "Thank you, Hope." They ate their meal. "Lad, how about we have a sword lesson?""You are on!" Henry gets the swords.Hope grabs Killian's hook. "Dada.""Little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek."Luv you, Dada." Hope hugs her Daddy."I love you, Hope." He gives Hope a big hug back. "Dada...""Yes Hope?""Dada..." She hugs her Daddy. "I am here with you, Hope. Are you having fun today on our second home?""Yes, best." Killian smiles at his daughter as Emma smiles at her husband and daughter. Henry returns. Emma knows Hope wanted to be with Killian. "Kid, I can give you a sword lesson?""Awesome." Killian sits down with Hope. "Hope, we are going to watch your Mommy give Hope a sword lesson to Henry." Emma gives Hope her sippy cup of milk and gets the sword from Henry. They began to duel. "Dada?""Yes, Hope?""Best dada.""I have the best little pirate princess daughter." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, do you want help me decorate the Jolly Roger for Christmas?""Yes!" Killian takes Hope to the captain quarters and gets the Christmas lights. "Dada.""You can help me hold the lights, little pirate." Killian was hanging lights and Hope was holding the lights following her Daddy. "You are a great helper, Hope.""Luv Dada.""I love you, Hope." Emma sees Killian with Hope hanging the Christmas lights. "Kid, so you remember what I taught you?""Maybe?" They began to duel. Henry missed the sword, by dogging it. "Nice!" They continue their sword lesson.Hope points at her Mommy. "Mommy, Henwy, word.""Yes, Mommy is teaching Henry how to sword fight." After a while of sword fighting, both Emma and Henry were out of breath. "Mom, you are good.""Thanks, kid. Let's have a break.""Good idea." Hope goes to Henry. "H!" Hope hugs Henry's legs making Henry smile. "We can have H&H time, Hope. No rope." "Aye, I have her ropes, lad. She is learning the rule of not tying up people's legs for fun."Hope holds Henry's hand and tugs it. "Henwy, H!"Henry smiles. "Okay, Hope. H&H time." They go into the captain quarters. Hope goes to her treasure chest and takes out her pirate Pluto. "Art.""I do have a coloring book for you." "You,me,art." Henry helps Hope onto the bed. "We are going to color together, little sis." They colored a few pages until Hope wanted a story. Henry took his storybook out. "Which story do you want me to read to you?""Mommy, book.""Mom's story it is." He lets Hope sit on his lap and read the story until Hope yawned and fell asleep. Henry puts the book down and sets Hope on his chest, who was snoring away. "Hope, you are such a cute little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you so much, Hope. You are the best sister ever." Killian takes over steering when Henry takes Hope inside. "Swan, Hope is so much, like you."Emma chuckles. "She is a lot like both of us, a little sneaky pirate." "How was your one on one time with our son this morning?""It was fun. We talked a lot during our stakeout. Henry was concerned about Regina, I reassured him that she would come around soon. We also talked about colleges, he wants to go away but not too far. Do you know why?""Why, love?""He wants to be able to travel home to visit us. He is afraid that he will be replaced when he is not with us.""Afraid and replaced? Never.""That is what I told him. He is afraid that we will have another baby and he will be left out of the family moments when he is away."Killian smiles. "He thinks once he is off to college, we will have another pirate to our crew?""Yes! I told him he is not going to miss any family moments. If we ever have another baby, he will be a great big brother as he is now to Hope. I told him, I am not ready for another baby. I really want another baby but after the miscarriages, the car crash, and the ectopic pregnancy, I am not sure if I am ready to try again."Killian looks at his wife. "Emma, whenever you are ready to try again, I will be ready." He holds his wife's hand. "I have a really good feeling that we are going to have a little lad or lass to our crew in the future.""Henry thinks we will have another girl.""Oh really?""Yes!" Emma smiles. "Henry and I have hope, love. We are going to have another child, in the future, I can just feel it." Killian hugs his swan making his Emma smile giving her hope that they will have another child. "Emma, are you okay?""Yes, I feel safe in your arms."Killian smiles. "You are always welcome to stay in my arms.""By the way, Henry already predicts that Hope will be the one hogging my iPhone so she can facetime Henry when he is in college."Killian laughs. "Aye, I can imagine that already. She reminds me of a swan I know." Emma chuckles. "Let's continue sailing, captain.""Aye, aye captain swan." He lets his wife steer back to land as he hugs her. Emma sighs happily. "You love being in my arms.""Yes,I do. I am enjoying our family time sailing. We need to sail more.""Aye I agree with you on that, my captain swan.""I was thinking...""What are you thinking of?""We can celebrate Christmas eve on the Jolly Roger?""You mean sailing before Santa comes?""Yes. I was thinking we can give gifts to the NICU like the day before Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, we can sail the whole day until it is time to head home before Santa comes to deliver presents.""Aye, that is a brilliant idea. A very pirate Christmas eve.""I figure our whole family are pirates, it is a perfect way to celebrate Christmas Eve.""Swan, I was thinking, we can buy a Christmas tree together tomorrow since we have the day off. We can have the whole day decorating the tree."Emma got excited. "Yes! We need to get a Christmas tree and start decorating our house. I will be right back." Emma enters the captain quarters seeing her children both fast asleep, Hope sleeping on top of Henry. "I love my two children." Emma takes a picture on her iPhone. She kisses Henry on the head. "I love you." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you." She returns back to Killian. "They are both fast asleep.""Aye, we should not wake them up."Emma hugs his waist. "Since the kids are sleeping..." She kisses him on the neck. "Aye, I see where you are going. Let's land at shore first, love." Emma chuckles. They arrive back to Storybrooke. Killian stops the ship. He and Emma lowered the anchor down. Killian gets a blanket from a treasure chest and wraps his swan. "Thank you. I have something for us to keep us warm." She takes out a hydro flask filled with hot rum. Killian smiles. "Hot rum? My swan knows her captain. I also have something for my love." He takes out a hydro flask and hands it to his swan.Emma opens the hydro flask, it was cinnamon hot cocoa with whip cream, marshmallows, and smiles. "You got me my favorite drink.""I know what my swan loves especially on a cold day at sea." Emma kisses Killian on his cheek. They sat on the deck and snuggled and sipped their hot drinks. Emma laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "This is what I wanted.""A family day on the Jolly Roger?""Yes, a relaxing family day on our second home with our family." She looks at his ocean blue eyes. "Now, you and I finally have alone time. Just me and you." It is a quiet cool night, the kids are sleeping in the captain quarters exhausted from our sailing adventure. You and I are now finally having a moment for ourselves, quiet time.""We finally have alone time, that we very much need." "Yes, my captain.""My swan." They kiss. He lifted his wife on his lap and hugged her. Emma smiles. "Hey...""I thought my beautiful wife wanted my full attention." Emma smiles. "Stay.""I am not going anywhere." She hugs him back. "I am staying here with you and our family." They kiss. Emma and Killian enjoying their alone time together in their second home.

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