Chapter 42

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A few sunrays filter through the curtains and gently warm my cheek. I open my eyes and I can't manage to distinguish what's in front of me. Slowly, my senses awaken and I manage to feel the warmth on my face, on my torso, in my back...
Oh my.
I woke up, my face snuggled on Shawn's torso. His head is lying on top of mine, his arms are around me. He is holding me tight against him... this is so weird... We are just friends... and now I'm stuck there, I can't move. Well. I must admit that I really like the feeling of having him so close, and thinking that we ended up like this and snuggled in our sleep. Well... I hope he was sleeping too, otherwise it would be sooo weird!
Downstairs, Hugo starts playing a soft melody on the piano. I recognise "river flows in you".
Shawn starts moving a little. He was probably awaken by the piano. I feel his arms holding me a little tighter, and he then kisses my forehead.

-Hey there Maddi. Good morning.
-Good morning!
-Did you sleep well?
-It was perfect! I answer with a smirk, and he smiles.

He starts playing with my hair with one hand and gently rubbing my back with the other one while I draw the lines of his perfect abs with my fingers. My heart is beating so hard. This moment is so pure. This can't be happening! He said we were just friends! He'll see that I have feelings for him!

-I think breakfast is ready. I whisper and get out of bed.
I think he is about to say something but he doesn't. I walk to my cupboard and grab a black skirt, a white top and a small scarf to cover the bruises on my neck.
-Here. You can have this hoddie. I say, giving it to him. It was my brother's but I stole it from him.

I get myself changed in the bathroom and then go back to my bedroom to find there a perfect looking Shawn.
-You look amazing! I say, devouring him with my eyes.
-But I'm not as good looking as you...

He comes closer to me, until there are only a few centimeters left between us. I can feel his gentle breath on my face, the warmth of his body, and I can see his eyes looking in mine, like he can read in my soul like an open book.
-Today is our last day before we go back to Canada. What do you want to do?
-How about, spending some time, just you and I in Paris?
-Sounds good to me! He says with a smirk, still staring in my eyes.
The moment is so intense that I just smile and turn around.
-Great! We are going to have some fun!

Come on Maddi. Stop making yourself movies in your head. He is not falling for you. He said himself yesterday that he is "a friend". Damn he is playing with my heart!
Together, we walk downstairs and find my dad and brother finishing laying the plates for breakfast. The coffee is ready and there are some toasts, eggs and croissants all across the table.
-Wow guys you prepared all of this? Thank you ! That's so sweet!
-You're welcome ! Did you have a nice sleep? My brother asks, looking at me intensely in the eyes. I know whe he implies :"hey, you guys slept together... how was it?"
-Yeah it was ok! I answer, walking away towards my dad.

We all sit at the table and enjoy breakfast. Then we pack our bags, say goodbye and leave for Paris.

-Your family is really nice! Shawn says. Don't you miss them when you're inToronto?
We are walking along a garden's aisles, in Paris, next to La Seine.
-I do. I really love my dad, and my brother and I are really close... But I dreamt of working abroad my whole life! And in Toronto, I have everything I need and want, so I don't regret anything.
-It's amazing that you got all that you were dreaming of!
-It is! But you got that too! The music, the albums, the worldtours, the awards... that was your dream too, wasn't it?
-Yeah! It still is! But, you know, all my dreams didn't come true yet...
-Oh yeah? What is it?
-Let's not talk about this right now...

I look at him and see that he is lost in his thoughts. I don't want to disturb him, so I continue walking with him and we enter a thriftshop.
-Cool! I like that shop! Let's see what they got! Shawn says. I'll make a fashion queen out of you!
I look at him, walking down the aisles, picking clothes: skirts, t-shirts, necklaces and hair accessories. On my side, I look at the men's articles. I pick three shirts that I think would look good on him. One has green and white vertical stripes, one has white painting-like patterns and the last one is burgundy with white flowers. After a few minutes, he comes back to me with a pile of clothes.
-Here, try this on!
-Ok! But I want you to try these !
We switch our articles and walk towards the cabins to try on our outfits.

(the shirts she chose for him)

(the shirts she chose for him)

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I actually always thought that each time a man would choose women clothes by himself, it would make you look like a clown, but I am amazed by Shawn's tastes! I actually look really good! I am definitely buying these! I take a picture of my outfit ...

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I actually always thought that each time a man would choose women clothes by himself, it would make you look like a clown, but I am amazed by Shawn's tastes! I actually look really good! I am definitely buying these! I take a picture of my outfit in the mirror and send it to him: "Wow. This looks great! Thanks!"

A few seconds later, as I am putting back my own clothes on, I recieve 3 pictures of him wearing the shirts I chose for him. He looks gorgeous! "I love these! Maddi you are the best stylist! I should definitely hire you!"
I laugh by myself and then I see another text from him.

"MADISON STAY IN THE CABIN! I am coming!! Do as I say!!"

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