Chapter 9

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I look at my phone screen and see a text from... Connor, saying he won't be home before tomorrow at noon. At the end of the movie, I go to bed, upset that I didn't recieve a text from Shawn. I think I should take my distances. I always get more attached to people than they are to me, and I end up brokenhearted when they don't act like I expected them to. I don't want this to happen to me with Shawn...
So I go to bed and fall in a deep sleep

****(next day)
This morning, I could work at home, like most days actually. So I could sew my dress, start designing one on the thema of the planet Mars and now, I'm preparing lunch for Connor and I. I want to impress him, so I am cooking "boeuf bourguignon", a french recipe.
Nobody's in the house so I let the weird part of myself burst out: messy bun, shorts, oversized t-shirt and a wooden spoon as a microphone. "Shatter me" from Lindsey Stirling and Lzzy Hale is playing on my speaker and I sing along and dance in the kitchen. The moments when I'm alone and I can sing my voice out without caring about anyone hearing, are the ones when I feel the best.

"Somebody shine a light
I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me

So cut me from the line
Dizzy, spinning endlessly
Somebody make me feel alive
I scream, seeing someone at the kitchen door.

-Well, no one answered and the front door wasn't locked, so I came in! Shawn says with a smile on his face.
-You nearly gave me a heart attack!!
He starts laughing out loud for a second, before looking back seriously at me.
-This was amazing Maddi, I didn't know you can sing!
-Oh. Thanks.
-I'm being serious. Your voice is exceptional. Will you sing again for me?
-Maybe... one day! I say, feeling my cheeks blush.
Omg he can't see that! I turn around to hide my burning cheeks from him but he walks to me.
-Anyway, I didn't come here to spy on your singing... I came to apologize. He says, grabbing my arm to make me turn around.
-Apologize for what?
-For yesterday night...
I can see on his face that he really means what he is saying. He looks sincerely sorry.
-I spent all my time with Shirley... we didn't join you and Brian... we didn't even notice when you left.
-It's Ok. I say, not wanting to make him feel bad, even if I'm a little hurt. We had both fun together in the kitchen.
-I'm really sorry... he adds. I invited you and I wasn't even there with you...
-I told you it's ok. Don't feel bad! I say, giving him a hug.
I feel his head laying on my shoulder and he sighs.
-Thank you Maddi, you are such a great person!
-You're welcome. Can I ask you something?
-Of course! Anything !
-Please never scare me like that, ever again!
I feel him chuckle, and than he breaks the hug. I felt good in his arms...
-Will you forgive me for this too?
-I nearly died! I laugh, pretending to have a heart attack. I don't know if I can forgive you that...😏
-What if tomorrow, you and Connor join Shirley and I for a coffee, and I pay your coffee?
-Deal! Coffee is sacred! You are forgiven!
He laughs and I give him a friendly punch in the stomach.
And at that moment, the kitchen door opens and enters....

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now