Chapter 20

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We got in his car, and drove to the studio. There, his whole crew was waiting for us. There is Andrew and even Connor with a huge camera.

-Here we are ! Shawn says. Please meet Madison, she'll be singing with me today !

Everyone greets us and Shawn takes me apart in a small room so we can practice. We decide which parts each one of us will sing, and then he starts to play. He plays a few chords, begins to sing, but his voice cracks. I can see his eyes becoming red...

-Shawn are you alright ?

There is no answer. I get up, sit next to him and take him in my arms. He rests his head on my shoulder and I feel him relax.

-This song is about Shirley right ?


-Can I ask you a question ?

-Of course.

-Why did you break up with her if you are still in love ?

There is a minute of silence. He stands straight and looks at the floor.

-Well. I'm in love with her, but it's not mutual. She kept suffocating me, making me believe she loved me. And I was blind... She used me...

Tears start rolling down his cheeks but he doesn't hold them up.

-She used me, for my fame and my money. She only cared about herself. She took my credit card to go shopping every weekend, she'd buy expensive clothes... but wouldn't give me anything in return. I was blind, I gave her everything she wanted...

I stay there and listen to him as he tells me everything.

-As time went by, I saw how much money she spent for her beauty products and her clothes. She bought everything with my money and not with hers.

He stops for a second, then continues.

-And two days ago, I refused to give her my credit card when she wanted to go out with friends... But when I left the house, she stole it from me, and came back in the afternoon. She had spent 900$ on clothes that day...

I choke and nearly fall off my chair when I hear that.

-What !? That's not possible ! 900$ ? You're kidding !

-I promise you ! I went mad at her, and that's when I decided that we could no longer stay together. She went too far. I feel so bad Maddi, I was so dumb to believe she loved me...

-Hey it's okay Shawn, everyone makes mistakes. She was horrible to you, She used you, and she's a very good actress. I thought she loved you too...You're not the only one she fooled.


-For what ?

-For being here for me.

-Well that's just normal... I'm not like Shirley, I sincerely care about you !

Shawn smiles and then hugs me.

-So let's get this song started ! Let's make Shirley regret she treated you like that ! I say.

Shawn took his guitar and we practiced for a bit less than an hour. It was quite easy getting coordinated because we already sang together at his studio. I know what he likes, how he sings... What was less easy however, was to sing in front of his whole crew. I was so nervous I made false notes. Shawn tried to calm me down, and I realized that when I am looking at him, I don't make false notes. I am calm and sing beautifully. So I kept looking at him, and he kept looking at me. We sang the song at least ten times, with everyone staring at us and Connor recording everything on his camera. I'm scared that on the screen we'll be able to see my burning cheeks and I pray that the dimmed lights will hide it...

I don't want to look at the video, I decide to trust Shawn's crew. I know I will find myself horrible on the screen, so I just stay isolated on a chair while they make the music video out of Connor's recordings.

I draw on a piece of paper I found, write a few things, make time go by, think of Shawn. Will he ever love me one day ? I look at him, I can only see his back from here. I see his brown curls, his muscles under his t-shirt. I can see his lightbulb tatoo... I love everything about this man. Suddenly, my phone screen lights up. I look at it and see...

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now