Chapter 11

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I go back to watching the movie, when my phone screen lights up. It's a call from Shawn. I leave the couch, move to another room and answer.
-Hey Sawn! I say.
-Hi Maddi! How are you?
-Fine, I'm watching a movie with Connor.
-Nice!... Um... I was wondering if tomorrow evening you'd like to come to my studio. We could spend some time together. I had something planned with Shirley but she cancelled it...
-Oh yeah! I'd love to! That would be great! I answer, overexcited.
-Cool! I can't wait to hear you sing again!

Once we hung up, I think back of what he said. He had something planned with Shirley but she cancelled it... anyways. Tomorrow night it'll be just him and I!


-Maddi are you ready? Connor asks from downstairs.
-One second, I'm coming!
We are about to join Shawn and Shirley at the café, and seeing how she is so perfectly good-looking, I can't just go there and not look as good as her. I know this sounds stupid, but it's a female strategy. I don't want her to judge me, (and I must admit I would like Shawn to think I'm cute). So I check my hair, makeup and outfit one last time and walk downstairs.
-Here you are! I thought we'd never leave! He laughs.
We drive to the café, give our orders and join our friends at a table.
-Hey guys! Shawn says with a smile.
-Hi! Shirley says.

We greet them and the waiter gives us our orders. We talked for about an hour, about Shawn's new album he's writing, about Connor's photography project, and a lot about Shirley's boring life, and how she needs to go shopping with friends this weekend. When I say "a lot", I mean "a lot"! She finally looks at her expensive golden watch and says:
-Sorry guys, I have to go... I have a manucure appointment in 20minutes.
-Again? Shawn says surprized.
-Yeah. I need to get my nails done again the polish is getting old... see? She says, showing us her very well looking hands.
-I guess so... Shawn says. Ok then. Bye babe.
-Bye Shawn. She says, giving him a quick kiss and leaving.
I look down at my short nails, that haven't seen polish in a month and then at Shawn. He seems disappointed. I don't know if it's because she left or because she is having a manucure "again". Maybe both.
Well I am glad she left. I couldn't bear hearing her talk about herself anymore. Then, all 3 of us went to the counter, and Shawn payed for Shirley and I.

"You look really good in this dress..." he whispers.
I feel my cheeks blushing. He thinks I'm cute!
"But you don't have to dress up like this to impress me" he adds with a wink.
Oh...what does he mean?? He thinks I'm trying to seduce him? No! I'm not, he has a girlfriend ! Or maybe he likes me? No! He can't ! He loves Shirley!

-You are not the only one I was trying to impress, I whisper.
-Maddi are you coming? I hear Connor ask.
He drives us home and I just have the time to get myself ready for tonight. I take a shower and change myself to classy but comfortable clothes. Before I leave for Shawn's studio. When I'm just with him, I feel like I don't need to look perfect like when Shirley's here. Anyways, he saw me yesterday in the kitchen. What could be worse?

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