Chapter 26

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I let my head rest on his chest and close my eyes as we walk away to his car...


I wake up with the feeling of the sunrays on my face. I'm laying comfortably in my bed and I keep my eyes shut for a minute, remembering myself what happened yesterday night :

Shawn drove to my house and carried me to my bed. He made me a warm tea while I got in my PJs. I remember how kind he was and how he took care of me. Then the memory of me falling asleep in his arms comes back. Please let it be like this for the rest of my life !

I hear a soft melody and open my eyes. Here he is, sitting on the edge of my bed, shirtless. He is calmly playing the guitar and humming melodies. I stare at his back, his muscles. This boy is perfect. Not only physically, he is smart, kind, caring, funny... I am so lucky to have him in my life.

-Hello you ! He says with a bright smile as he turns around.

-Hi !

-Did you sleep well ?

-It was ok. I laugh, but at that moment I remember that my injured stomach muscles are not OK with me laughing.

-I'll prepare breakfast while you get dressed. He says, putting on a t-shirt and leaving the room.

I get up and walk to my full-length mirror, take off my PJ's top and stare at my reflection. Oh... My... God... It's even worse than I thought... My whole stomach area are is blue. It seems like I'm turning into a Smurf. Suddenly I fear that it might have caused internal injuries. I must see a doctor !

I get dressed slowly because I am still very weak and sore, and try my best not to look like a zombie, which will be more difficult than I thought. My right cheek is red and full of scratches. Suddenly, I realize that Shawn fought yesterday. I hope he's ok !

I walk downstairs and find him in the kitchen, serving coffee and scrambled eggs.

-Hey sweetheart ! He says.

OMG DID HE CALL ME SWEETHEART ?! My heart is gonna stop. What does that mean?!

-Hey beautiful ! I say, blushing as ever. Are you ok ?

I notice a scratch on his cheek and bruises on his hands.

-Yeah, don't worry about me ! By the way, I called the boutique to say you won't be able to go to work today. You need to rest and see a doctor.

-Thanks ! What would I do without you ? I'd already be dead ! I laugh painfully.

-Don't say that. You are way stronger than you know !


After breakfast, Shawn drove me to the doctor. He took care of me during all the ride, making sure I'm ok.

-Everything's good Mrs Debaumont. Nothing serious. Only bruises, they should go away in a couple of weeks. Come back to see me if they don't.

-Thank you doctor ! I say, shaking his hand.

I walk out of the cabinet and join Shawn. He is on the phone and hangs up when he sees me coming.

-Hi ! Everything's ok for me !

-Great ! He says with enthousiasm.

-You seem happy. You were smiling while on the phone. What is it ?

-Nothing ! He answers with a wink.

-Shawn ! Tell me !

I give him a friendly punch in the shoulder and he takes me in his arms.

-No ! He laughs and smiles at me.

-I want to know !

-Not now .

-Does that mean that I'll know one day ?

-I think so !

I smile and we walk back to his car. Everything seems fine and I get closer to him everyday. That's when I realize that in a few days, he'll leave for Paris and I'll have to stay here.... and distance is your worse enemy when you want to start a relationship.

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now