Chapter 14

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I think of the last boyfriend I had, and how he messed up my entire life...
Maybe I'm scared of love. That might be possible...
Anyway, I have nothing to fear right now. The boy I'm the closest to is Shawn, and he already has a girlfriend. There is nothing to worry about! Connor is making himself films.

****next day ****
My boss closes the boutique and we both walk home. Another day went by, sketching, sewing, giving advice to rich people...
As I walk down the street, I enjoy the afternoon sun's warmth on my skin. It feels good to be alive! Tonight I have nothing planned. I'll be able to continue sewing my dress, draw new ones for the fashion show project and maybe even watch a movie!
I enter the house and as I walk in the living room, I see a package on the table. I get closer to see what it is and discover a present, with a little tag on which "Maddi" is written by hand.

My heart bounces in my chest. A present for me! I bet it's from Connor! I quickly open the box and find a cassette with a portable cassette player. Wow!!
I run upstairs, throw my bag across the room and jump on my bed to listen to it. I concentrate on the sound that comes out through the headphones... laughs... a boy and a girl laughing! Connor didn't give me this present... Shawn did! He made a cassette out of yesterday night's recording! How cute!

I close my eyes and listen to our voices singing... "a million dreams", "there's nothing holding me back", "mutual"... I notice that every single song we sang is about love, even the ones that weren't Shawn's. Is it a coincidence? Or not...

At the end of the tape, I am overexcited. Omg. This was so cute! Shawn must have litterally spent the whole day turning that record into a cassette just for me! And I can't get out of my head the feeling of his strong warm arms wrapped around me when he taught me how to play the guitar...

I take my sketch notebook, my bag, the cassette player and go out for a walk outside. After half an hour, I find the perfect spot on a bench, under a tree in the middle of a public garden. I listen to the cassette again and let my emotions carry me. Every time I hear Shawn's voice, or his laugh, tiny chills run down my spine. I think of how sweet this present is, and how it means so much to me! I think I must admit it... I might be falling for Shawn. I know I shouldn't, but right now I don't want to fight my feelings and emotions. I just want to enjoy how he makes me feel.

I close my eyes, listen to the music and a smile naturally makes its way onto my face. After a few minutes, I open my eyes again and my heart stops when I see, a few meters away in front of me...

Shawn. He is staring at me, a smile on his face too.

Omg... my cheeks instantly burn and internal panic paralyses me. After a few seconds, I manage to smile back at him
The least would be to thank him for his present, and maybe tell him how much it means to me...
I get up to walk to him, but at that moment...

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now