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POV : Madison

-Alright Skyler, are you ready ?

-Yes mommy ! She answers proudly.

From the top of her four years old, she is a very brave and confident little girl, and already talented. She has a sweet voice and loves singing with her dad, and keeps drawing on whatever she can find, which includes dolls, books, walls and even one of Shawn's guitars once, when she was three and had found a permanent marker...

-Do you have everything you need ?

-Yes !

-Great ! I am proud of you !

-Simon, Pippa, do you have your drawings ?

-Yes mama !

The three year old twins look up at me and wave the drawings they made for their dad.

-Come here, let's have a group hug !

They all come running in my arms and I hold tight my three darlings. Shawn and I are so happy to have kids. It wasn't easy everyday to raise them while Shawn was working, and keep them far from social media, and it still isn't, but we learned how to deal with it.

-Mommy, when can we go? Skyler asks impatiently.

-Wait for the song to end sweetheart.

-But I want to go !

-Be patient, don't interrupt your dad.

I look at Shawn who is on stage, singing for Toronto, as lovely as ever. He knows I'm here, backstage, listening to him, but what he doesn't know, is that I also went to fetch the kids at school and brought them here with me. How could I have not? It's the 8th of August today!

-Hey Skyler, go follow Andrew, he will give you something! I say, giving him a wink he understands.

I sit the twins on a bench so they keep calm and out of sight from Shawn as I feel we are coming to the end of the song.

« Baby there's nothing holdingme baaaaaaack ! »

Damn that hight note gives me a heart attack every time I hear it!

Shawn finishes his song and turns towards me to blow me a kiss that I return to him. Now is the time! The lights fade on stage and Shawn looks around him, confused. Behind me, Skyler is coming back with Andrew. The candles on the cake she is holding light her way and she looks like a fairy in this pink dress I got her. The twins get up and follow her sister.

-What's going on? Shawn asks on stage, as everything is dark and the musicians don't start the next song.

-Be careful ! I whisper to Skyler.

-Yes mommy !

Suddenly, two spots light up, one on Shawn, one on the three kids, as they walk on stage with the cake.

-Oh my... Shawn says, and I see tears running down his cheeks.

-« Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you !... » the whole crew starts singing, as they walk on stage too.

Shawn blows his candles and Andrew takes the cake.

-Thank you sweetheart! He sobs, picking up Skyler in his arms. Thank you so much!

-Here daddy ! The twins say, handing him their drawings.

-Wow ! These are wonderful! Hey everyone! Look at those pieces of art! He says, showing the crowd the drawings, as the camera focuses on them on the big screens.

Greeted by thunderous applauses from the overexcited fans, the shy kids hide behind Shawn's legs and Skyler, not afraid at all, waves at everyone, which makes the Mendes Army even crazier.

Shawn gives the children a last kiss before they run back to me and hide in my legs.

-Hey, you did great!

But as I expected the show to continue, Shawn walks to me.

-Hi sweetheart, he says, once he is off stage.

-Hey darling.

He comes to me and presses a warm kiss on my lips.

-Thank you. He murmurs.

But as a response, I just kiss him even stronger. I can smell his perfume, his sweat, him... Every time I touch him feels like the first time. And suddenly, I think of our first kiss, the water, it was on a bridge, in Paris. It was near the Eiffel Tower... I remember, we were so young, we were scared of our feelings, denying it all. We loved each other and didn't admit it. But finally, when I think back of that night it all happened, I think that waiting for each other was our best mistake.


Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now