Chapter 4

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-Wow, that was amazing! I hear behind me.
Surprised, I turn around and I see Connor standing against the wall.

-Oh thanks... I say, a little embarassed. I didn't hear you coming. How long have you been here for?

-Just that last song... it was beautiful, I didn't know you can sing... he says with a smirk.

-It's my favorite song. I really like it.

-I know that song, it's from Shawn Mendes. Do you know any others of him ?

-Not really... Stitches, There's Nothing Holding Me Back, Life Of TheParty... I guess those are the classic ones. Why do you want to know?

-Just like that. He says, before turning around and leaving.


I get up and leave the music room to walk back to my bedroom and get some sleep, but I can hardly close my eyes. Tomorrow will be the party at Connor's friend's house, and I am so nervous at the idea of meeting many people at once...


-Madison are you ready ? Connor calls from downstairs.

-I'm coming ! I scream back.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time, checking if my outfit and my makeup are okay. I chose to wear something casual but cute at the same time.The first impression the others have of you is important. I brush my hair, grab my bag and run downstairs.

-Sorry I made you wait !

-It's okay. He laughs. Let's go !

We hop in his car and rush towards his friend's.

When we arrive in the corridor, we can already hear the bass of the music. We knock at the door expecting no one would hear, but surprizingly, a few seconds later, the door opens, revealing a tall handsome boy, red haired with blue eyes.

-Hey!! Welcome to my flat ! I'm Brian ! He says, giving me a kind hug.

-Hi, I'm Madison !

-Guys! Please meet Madison! He yells across the appartment. She's Connor's new housemate !

-Hi Madison ! Everyone screams, coming to geet us.

Connor introduces me to some of his friends. I can't remember all of them but I know there were at least Jake, Josiah and Daniel. Then, he walks to the kitchen and comes back with a beer for both of us.

-I say! Jake announces to everybody. Now that nearly everyone's here, we should start the karaoke!

Wait what? A karaoke? Connor did not mention that ! I'm sure it'll be fun, but there's no way I am taking part in this! No way !

-YAY! Everyone exclaims.

We gather in a circle around the living room and Jake puts a microphone and speakers in the middle. He turns on the TV and opens up a special karaoke app so that everyone can have the lyrics.

-Who wants to go first ? He asks.

-I'll go ! Daniel says. What should I sing ?

-"Single Ladies" from Beyoncé ! Someone screams.

-Seriously ? He laughs.

It went on like this during a few hours. The boys would get «on stage» and sing ridiculous girl songs, but I was impressed by some performances though. Connor sang «Wannabe» from the Spice Girls really well and I loved it! Jake sang «Sweet dreams» from Euryhtmics, and Josiah had «She looks so perfect» from 5 Seconds of Summer. I think the karaoke is about to end, nearly everyone sang. Maybe I'll be able to avoid singing...

But maybe I shouldn't have said that so quickly.

-Hey! Madison didn't sing! Brian suddenly exclaims.

-Oh Maddi ! Let everyone hear you sing! You're a great singer! Connor adds.

Oh god no... As everyone starts cheering my name, I get up and walk to the middle of the living room and grab the microphone.

My cheeks are burning and I am really stressed out. Come on Maddi, everyone is half drunk. This can't be that bad...

-Alright everyone. What should I sing to you ?

-«I want to break free !»

-Alright guys !

I am so nervous that the only way for me not to get ridiculous is to play the role at 200%. So as the music plays and I start to sing, I look at everyone and dance. I get into the music video's character and walk across the room, doing a sexy dance in the middle of the boys. I give myself fully, and I must admit it feels good to be a little ridiculous sometimes, especially with a few beers in your stomach and everyone half drunk in the room !

Just as the song ends, I hear the front door open. I put down the mic and look across the flat to see...

Our best mistake // Shawn Mendes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now