Chapter Two

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We stood there just looking at each other for quite some time, until he finally spoke. "You do realize this means you'll have to leave your pack." He stated. I hadn't even thought of that, I was going to leave Mel my best friend, but he was my mate. The one I'd been told about my whole life. I nodded slowly, clearing my throat. "When do we leave?" I asked curiosuly. "Tomorrow if that's alright." I wanted to laugh, he was actually asking my opinion. But it was fine, perfect in fact. The sooner the better I didn't need to stay any longer and make myself want to stay. " Yes that's fine." I told him. "Than shall we get back to your party? I'm sure there are some people waiting for an explanation." "Um yea let's go." I agreed as we made our way down. We didn't talk we just walked, and as quite as it was it was nice. My mom and dad were the first people we saw as we came down the stairs. My mom smiled at me then at Jaxon. "How are you feeling?" She asked. I smiled, "I'm good." I told her. "Good. Well the party is in full swing, why don't you go join them Abigail. Jaxon could I have a word with you?" My dad said. I looked at Jaxon I didn't want him to leave at all and he didn't look like he wanted to either. After a minute he nodded. "Go on I'll find you when were done." Jaxon said gruffly. He let go of my waist and I went to fine Melanie. She was standing right outside the house on the porch, she turned to me as I shut the door. "Soo? Howd it go?" She asked smiling. I slightly smiled too. "It was good. We um, we leave tomorrow." I said to her quietly. She nodded, "I'm gonna miss you." "Me too. But I'm sure you can come visit or something." I said trying to make the both of us feel better. She laughed, "Let's go dance." Mel said pulling me to join everyone else. As we danced it made me realize how much I really was going to miss this place.

"Abigail." I head someone say, and I felt the sparks on my head. "Hmm?" I asked. "If you want to eat breakfast before we go you need to get up." I heard Jaxon say. I opened my eyes squinting at him. He looked just as gorgeous as last night. "Oh I'm not really hungry. I think I'm going to just take a shower and pack some stuff then I'll be ready to go." He nodded. "I'll be sending some men back here once we get to the house to come after your things. So just bring a suitcase or so." He informed me. I sat up, "Thank you." "I'll see you downstairs." He looked at me for just another second like he might say something else, then left back downstairs. I ran a hand through my messy hair and headed towards my bathroom. I quickly took a shower and got dressed in my favorite skinny jeans and a white T-shirt pulling on my black combat boots. I blow dried my brownish red hair and put on some simple makeup then started to pack some things. I mostly just put in my  favorite outfits mainly jeans and t-shirts I also grabbed my things from the bathroom and put them in my suitcase. I grabbed some shoes throwing them in and picked a leather jacket frok my closet. Lifting my suitcase that had now became rather heavy, I headed downstairs. I had gotten about half way down when Jaxon came into view, he climbed the rest of the stairs two at a time, "Here let me carry it." He said lifting the suitcase from me. I smiled slightly, "Thank you." "Your mother wants you to eat before we go, I tried to tell her you weren't hungry but she insists." "That's my mother for ya, I'll eat something small to make her happy." I said to him as we walked back to the kitchen. Everyone was sitting at the big table in the kitchen. "You really do need to eat before you go honey I know that your not hungry but it's a long trip." My mom said. I laughed hugging her. " I'm sure if I want something Jaxon will stop mom." I told her. She smiled, "I'm your mother, just eat please?" I grabbed a plate putting on some fruits and a piece of toast. "Can I have some juice?" I asked sitting down. She automatically smiled again and went to get me some. I rolled my eyes and began eating. "So we'll leave after you finish your breakfast." Jaxon said to me. I nodded taking a sip of my juice, "That's fine." "I'll just go tell the others." Not a lot of Jaxon's pack had came mostly just the Mateless guys considering that was the point of the party. "I'm going to miss you so much." Mom said sitting down next to me. "I'm going to miss you too mom." I said honestly. "Jaxon is a good man, I know what you've heard but it's not all true. You have to give him a chance." She told me. "I know mom. He's my mate, there's a reason the moon goddess put us together." I replied. Once the party had ended last night I'd thought a lot about Jaxon and I. Just the fact alone that he didn't reject me made me feel better but I still knew the stories we heard growing up as kids, and a small part of me was still scared of him. Yes he was so hot and he was my mate, but just because the mate bond is there doesn't make me drop all of my previous thoughts of him. "Well I'm going to go say goodbye to dad and Mel before we go." I said once I had finished my food. Jaxon had yet to come back so I assumed he was outside with the other members of his pack, well my pack I guess. "Your father is in his office." I nodded and headed that direction. Once I got there he was sitting at his desk, "Hey dad, just wanted to come say bye. We're about to leave." I told him. He stood up and came over to hug me. "I love you Abigail and that Jaxon better treat you right if not call me and I'll be there okay?" I laughed but nodded. "Yea dad  I love you too." He let go of me, "Have a safe trip okay, call us when you get there." I nodded get again and set out to find Melanie. She was outside talking with one of the guys from Jaxon's pack. I waved at her, she squealed and ran over to me. "I'm gonna miss you soo much." She said, hugging me. I felt tears prickle my eyes, "Me too." "I'll visit I promise." She said also about to cry. I nodded as I saw Jaxon coming up behind her. "Are you ready?" He asked quietly. I hugged Melanie tight and let go, "Yea I'm ready."  "Well then, let's take you to your new home."

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