Chapter Six

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After I got out of the shower I got Jonah to help me begin moving by things into Jaxons room. I didn't have a lot of things, mostly clothes and books so it didn't take us long. Right after we had finished Jaxon came into the bedroom He smiled when He saw my things. "All moved in?" He asked. I nodded also smiling. "Good. I'm going to take a shower and I'll be ready to go." He told me. "I'm ready whenever you are." I replied. He headed into the bathroom and I began putting some of my things on top of his dresser. I didn't think be would mind it was just a few family pictures. It was about twenty minutes later when He came out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans pulling a navy blue T-shirt over top his head. He smiled at me, "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded egerly. It was our first real date and things were starting to look up for us again, I grabbed my bag and followed him out the door. "Am I dressed okay? You didn't tell me what we we're doing so I wasn't really sure what I should wear." I told him as we got into a sleek black, Honda civic. "You look perfect, as always." Was his reply. I softly grinned to myself it was nice to have this side of him back. "I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am, it was never in my intentions to hurt you. I was trying to keep you safe." He said as we drove down the highway away from his mansion. "Its okay."I told him and even though at the time it wasn't now that the problem was fixed my wolf wanted nothing but me to forgive him and allow him to love us. "It really isn't, but thank you for forgiving me." He said sliding his hand into mine, keeping his left on the wheel. It was so nice to feel the sparks of the mate bond again to have him willingly touch me. "Lets play a game!" I said excited. He chuckled at me. "Alright what do you want to play?" He questioned curiously. "Twenty questions. We don't really know a lot about each other." I told him, he agreed and told me to go first. "Okay, what's your favorite color?" I asked starting off with something I thought was simple enough. "Green." He replied quickly. "Like the forest." I said smiling, it made since. He shook his head no, "Like your eyes." I couldn't help but blush, but told him it was now his turn. We continued to play learning more and more about each other as we drove until we came to a stop at a boat dock. I looked at him confused, it was nearly dark and we we're going to ride a boat. Jaxon smiled, "Just wait." We got out and he led me over to a very old looking ship, "This used to belong to my father, he took my mother out on it all of the time when I was a kid." He explained to me. "Once they died it got passed down to me, and I swore I would never take it out again unless I was with my mate." "Oh." I said quietly. It felt good to know that he held me so high. He frowned. "Do you not want to or something?" He asked quickly panicking. I shook my head. "No I just.. it feels good to know how much you valued your mate before you even met me." I admitted. Now he smiled, and touched my cheek with his finger tips. "Of course I  would, you're my mate." He said sweetly. I knew how hard it was for Alphas to control their anger before they met their mates and I was happy that even though it may have been rough for him he waited for me. "I um, I though maybe we could stay the night on the boat." He mentioned. "I mean we don't have to if you don't feel comfortable. " I shook my head, I felt terrible I felt like he was afraid I would complain or cry at any second. It was like Jaxon could read my emotions right off my face. "Abigail I just want you to be happy." He said. "I would really like that." I replied. The smile that took up his face caused me to break out with one of my own. "I had someone pack a bag, so that you would have some other clothes also. They're on the boat. Shall we?" He asked motioning towards the enterance. I nodded as we both climbed aboard. It was beautiful, I hadn't been on many boats before but I was all white and all of the interior was wooden it was amazing. "There is food in the fridge I thought maybe i could make us dinner?" He suggested after we had set off into the water. "You can cook?" He laughed, "Don't act so surprised." I blushed feeling bad for saying so. "Its just I assumed you were so busy with alpha duties I didn't know you knew how." I tried to explain. Jaxon smiled. "I'm just playing. Before my mother died she  taught me how to cook, she said my mate should have a mate who could cook as well." He said smiling softly. "I wish i could have met her." I said honestly. What I had heard about her she seemed like an amazing Luna. "I do too, she would have loved you." After a minute he cleared his throat, "So what would you like I made sure to have several different choices I wasn't sure what you might want." I peeaked into the fridge, eyong a couple of steaks. I suggested them with a salad and baked potatoes. He grinned. "You really are my mate." I glanced at him. "Did you ever doubt that I was?" I questioned. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Never."

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