Chapter Twenty Five

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I stood in Jax and I's bedroom packing us a bag for a few days and while I was I had considered something more attractive for bedtime. It wasn't like I was trying to seduce him or anything but I didn't want to look like such a little kid. I held up a silk nightgown that Melanie had gotten me for my birthday one year, maybe this wouldn't be so bad? "Can I make a suggestion?" I heard suddenly, turning towards the door I saw Jonah standing at the door with his arms crossed. How long had he been there? "Um sure?" I said placing the nightgown on the bed a bright red blush probably on my face. " Jax likes you the way you are, don't try to be something  you aren't." He said. I was shocked that he wouold ever say something like that to me. I just nodded, "I've got to take a shower so I guess i'll see you when we get back." I said trying to get him out of the room. He really had been acting odd the past few days. He acted as if he was going to say something else before walking away. That really was weird.

After I showered and finished packing our bag I headed down into the kitchen to find us some food to bring to the boat. I of course made sure to pack plenty of meats and decided to bring some things so that I would be able to make us breakfast. Even gathered some things so I could make a cake for a dessert one night, I really did have a killer sweet tooth. I dug around in one of the cabinets to find some hot cold bags so that the food wouldn't go bad before we got to the boat. I mindliked Jax and told him that I was ready to go whenever he was and he told me he'd be down in a few minutes to help me load his truck. I sat down at the table and pulled out my cell phone once again checking for messages from Melanie. I wasn't surprised when I didn't see any but I really hoped that Luka got through to her and she would finally get over whatever it was that had made her so mad at me. Before I had much time to think about it Jax came down the stairs changed into jeans and a tshirt instead of the usual dress clothes he wore when he was doing pack work. He smiled at me, "All ready?" He asked once he reached me. I returned the smile. "Let's go."

I couldn't help but notice how much closer Jax and I had gotten since our last trip on the boat, we now road in a comfortable silence just holding hands. "So what made you want to get out?" I asked curiously, while I was tottaly excited to be out again it was odd for him to want to leave the pack unless it was necessary. "I know you're worried about everything that has been going on the past couple of weeks and I'm not sure how things are going to go when the witch gets here and I just want you to be relaxed and comfortable when she does. I never want you to be afraid in your own home." He was so thoughtfull after everything wed been through, always finding ways to take care of me which I guess was really  a mates job but I loved this side of him. It was the side I got to see but not the pack, it was my own personal version of Jax. "What do you think about Luka? Do you think everything will go okay with Mel?" I asked. It took him a few minutes to respond while he calculated his response. "I think that lots of mates have problems, not everyone experiences the love at first sight reaction that some mates get. Luka is a stubbon male and from what ive seen of Melanie so is she. I meant what I said the other day,  the moon goddess knows what she is doing she wouldn't pair them together, just like the way she did us." "How'd you get so smart?" I asked and he laughed. "Lots of experience."

We got the boat very quickly as it was docked near the pack, Jax had decided that we would stay docked incase the pack needed something considering Luka wasn't there to help handle anything. Jax was putting all the food into the fridge while I was getting out the pans and things to help cook. "Alright, how does some grilled chicken sound?" He asked evaluating what I had packed. "I'm staving anything sounds good to me." I replied. WHile he was cooking I decided that I could go ahead and make the cake I had packed, "You thought of everything didn't you?" Jax asked me with a grin. "I'm a dessert girl what can I say." I said licking the batter off of y spoon. "Want some?" I offered. He just laughed and shook his head. I was so happy that we were spending time alone together, I mean don't get me wrong I loved the pack but being able to spend time just us was amzing and I always cherished it. "I love you." He said randomly. I hugged him from behind, "I love you too."  I was so lucky to have him.

It was around ten o'clock when Jax had decided that he was going to take a shower and I decided that now was the time to try and do something, I only hoped that he wouldn't turn me down. I decided to ignore the nightgown and put on one of Jax's shirts and just sat in the middle of the bed. I felt llike an idiot and I was sure that I looked like one but I had zero experience with this type of thing but I didn't want JAx thinking that I was just an immature little girl. I waited for him to get out of the shower and when came out taking the towel to his hair he smiled at me. "What are you doing?" He questioned. I tried not to sound nervous or embarrassed.  "I just thought that since we were here and this was the first time we've gotten to be alone in a while and I mena everyone always inturrups us." I knew I was blushing, as Jaxon laughed softly. "Forget I said anything." I said putting my hands over my face the embarrassment kicking in. I felt him pulling me onto his lap. "Look at me." He said taking my hands off my face. "I don't want you to be pressured into anything, that's not why I brought you here." He explained. My hands fiddled with the top of his tshirt, "I know but I want to." I admitted shly. He was quite for a minute as if he was making up his mind, he then grabbed my chin and kissed me. The rest of the night... We'll lets just say it went exactly as planned.

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