Chaptee Thirty-Nine

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Not thinking twice I sped forward leaving them behind, my only goal to follow the sound of her voice. My wolf set on destroying anyone who had hurt our mate in the process of all of this. I couldn't bear the thought of what they were doing to her and I had to get there in time to stop them from doing anything worse to her. 'Jaxon! I heard her too but you can't barge in there without us. We have to play this smart!' I could hear Luke saying to me. He was right of course, but neither my wolf or myself wanted to hear that sound again, she was scared and hurting and we couldn't do anything about it if we weren't there for her. Just ahead of me a house came into view, and Abigail was right it was an abandoned pack house. They went by the name Lunar, about 20 years ago the entire pack had been wiped out by a group of rouges leaving the house abandoned and run down. The closest pack was miles away leaving it to be the prefect spot for any kind of torment. I took a minute while I waited for them to catch up to let Trey and Greyson know that we had found them and would be getting them soon. The group of men that had came with me slowly began to catch up to me after I had stopped so I could wait for them. Myself and Luke quickly shifted changing into our clothes again once he approached me, while the others remained in their wolf form. "What's the plan?" He asked  glancing around to get a view of what we were working with. There was lots of open land surrounding the pack house so if they had anymore than 15 men they might be able to scatter. "Everyone surround the house, we don't know how many people they have we need to be prepared. Luke and I will go inside. capture anyone you see and most importantly be ready to charge in on my command." I heard a chorus of "Yes Alpha's" in my head before I turned to Luke and told him, "Let's get our mates back."

Abigail's P.O.V.

At this point I was trying to hold in the screams that tried to spill out of my mouth every time Melanie's whip hit my skin. Charlie was screaming in fear and I didn't want to do anything that could make things worse for her, Jonah was now holding her and the trust I had in him was somewhat restored. Feeling tears roll down my face I sucked in a breath before I heard a soft, 'Abi? Baby where are you we're here. We found you.' I gasped, my lungs filling with air, it was Jaxon. They had found us, we were going to be okay. 'Basement!' I nearly screamed in my head to him. 'Don't hurt Jonah! I'll explain later.' I quickly sent through knowing that if I didn't something would happen to him and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself knowing that there was more to the story than what we knew.  Somehow or another they were being very quiet because no one here had heard them, and surely they were already in the house.

While I knew they were trying to be as fast as they could I didn't want to be here long enough for Melanie to have time to hit me again so I tried to talk to her one more time in hopes that she would be distracted enough until they got to us. "Melanie please. I'm begging you. You were my friend, my sister." I pleaded with her as the tears continued to fall. I had realized that the whip had to of been coated too because with every lash my skin burned. I was sure to have scars from all the hits I had taken. They were deep. "You were supposed to defend me! You were just like him, you chose them over me! Why am I not important enough?! You left me when I needed you!" She cried, as if her façade had been dropped she actually seemed somewhat like herself. The scared girl I had known my whole life seemingly reappeared for a moment. Now the tears that fell were because yet again I couldn't believe she had done this to me, she had hurt me this way. "You were my sister too, and you chose those people who didn't even know you over me!" "I didn't chose anyone! You ignored me and refused to see things from any point of view but your own. You aren't always right, Mel. Luka wanted to fix things but you wouldn't let him. All of this is no ones fault but your own." At that she hit me again this time harder than the others but this time I didn't care as much, she needed to hear the truth, everyone here had been catering to her only telling her what she wanted to hear but she needed to know that she did this to herself. If she would have listened to him and tried to communicate instead of making him chose between his mate and his pack, things could have turned out differently. While I agreed that he was partly at fault for loving someone who wasn't his mate, they could have made things work if she really wanted them to. But he wasn't good enough for her. She couldn't handle not being the center of his world, and it was then that for once I thought that maybe the goddess had made a mistake in making them mates. Luka would never have given up his pack for anyone, and that's what Melanie needed. She needed the constant love and attention and as Beta Luka never would have been able to give her that. And I think deep down she knew that so she fought it. Yet at the same time if they hadn't of been mates then Melanie never would have rejected him and Charlie would never have a mate. In her own way I guess she really did know what she was doing. "Melanie that's enough!" I heard Luka yell. Suddenly my body fell, I knew that I didn't have to try and hold myself together any more, Jaxon was here he had finally found me. 

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