Chapter Thirty Six

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Abigail's P.O.V.
I don't think that I had ever been so happy to be able to talk to Jax, hearing his voice made me feel so much better and I knew that he and the pack were doing everything they could to help find Charlie and I. I also knew that now that I was able to talk to him it would help in them trying to find the both of us. Charlie had finally calmed down and had fallen asleep as I held her, I wasn't used to babies in the slightest and we were in a scary situation so it took quite a while for me to calm her enough so that she would sleep. It made me happy that she was asleep now though, she was just a baby and I didn't want her to remember any of what was happening to the both of us, it was traumatic enough for me as an adult let alone for a small child. My mind wondered to Luka and how he was doing, he just found out that she was his mate and now she was kidnapped by his first mate he had to be going out of his mind with worry. My heart not only hurt for him but for myself, Melanie had betrayed me in the worst way imaginable and not only had she done this to me but Jonah as well. I couldn't comprehend why she would do this to me, I knew that she believed this was all my fault but I never intended for any of this to happen. She was my best friend and I wanted nothing more than for her to be happy and for her to think that I would purposely ruin that hurt me. Leaning back against the wall I tired to rest, who knew how much longer we'd be here.

When I woke Charlie was crying yet again. She was hungry I knew it, she'd been here with me for hours and babies ate more frequently than adults. I tried calming her the best I could but she wouldn't stop crying. Suddenly the door was being opened, "Shut her up." The man said, it was the same guy who was here earlier. I rolled my eyes out of habit, "She's crying because she's hungry. She's not going to stop." I replied stressing that she wouldn't stop hoping that maybe they would feed her. I could survive longer than she could without food and I needed to keep the both of us alive until Jax and the pack could find us. He stood in the doorway for a moment before sighing and slamming the door shut, I prayed to the goddess that he would be back. Thankfully the goddess heard me and a few minutes later the man was back with a bottle for Charlie and a glass of water for me. While I knew I wouldn't be able to drink the water if I wanted to be able to talk to Jax, I wanted to cry in happiness at least she was going to be fed while we were here. Eagerly taking them both from him I gave it to her and she quickly began sucking it down. I couldn't help but to tell the man thank you, even if he didn't respond. The glass of water sat on the floor next to me and i kept it there thinking that if it came down to it I could give it to Charlie, it had done no real harm to me so it would be safe for her to drink. "We're going to get out of here sweet girl, we've just got to hold on a little longer." I said talking softly to her trying to keep her calm, while she couldn't respond to me it was nice to be able to talk to someone. People went crazy when they were left alone with no one to talk to but themselves. 'Abigail, can you hear me?' I heard Jax ask, eagerly I replied yes happy to hear his voice again. 'Can you remember anything about where you are other than what you've told me? We're doing our best but we don't have a lot of clues.' He spoke, I could hear the hope in his voice that just maybe I could help them in some way but I really couldn't remember much. Trying to conjure up memories I thought back to when they brought me to see Melanie and told him what I could remember with as much detail as possible. 'There's a man who seems to be keeping watch on Charlie and I, I convinced him to give Charlie a bottle.' I added knowing that Lyssa and Trey would be near by so they would at least know that she was being fed. 'Can you describe him to me? Scent, looks, anything you can.' I tried to tell him as much as I could before I got an idea, maybe I could send an image of what he looked like through the bond. Alphas were able to do it with the rest of the pack but I didn't know if I would be able to or not considering I was only the Luna, I told  my plan to him. He wasn't sure that it would work, he had never heard of a Luna being able to do so. Concentrating on his image I begged it to go through to him. 'Did it work?' I asked him hopeful. 'Yes! Baby I'm so proud of you, you shouldn't be able to do that. We're working to find you I promise, just don't give up alright? I love you.' Tears welled up in my eyes thinking about seeing him again, or the fact that I might not be able to see him again. I didn't want to think like that but I had to be logical at the sAme time, there was a big possibility that they wouldn't find us in time. After all they didn't have many clues as to where we were and Melanie seemed pretty eager to get Charlie and I out of the way. Taking a deep breath I tried to push out all of the negative thoughts. 'I won't, I love you.' I told him hoping he knew how much I truly did.

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