Chapter Twenty

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"You look incredible." I heard Jaxon's voice say from behind me, I could feel my cheeks heating up. "I don't look to casual?" I asked adjusting the scarf around my neck. He chuckled, waking towards me. "It's just the pack, it's supposed to be casual. You look beautiful regardless." I turned to see him standing there in dark jeans and a nice shirt, I nearly drooled at the sight of him. "You don't look too bad yourself." "Come on, everyone's already outside." He said grabbing my hand leading me down. I was nervous, I'd met several of the pack members but Jaxon was officially announcing me as the Luna so now everyone would know me. That wasn't the part that bothered me really I just didn't like being the center of attention and today was pretty much all about me. As we got downstairs and went out into the backyard Jaxon began to parade me around, not staying too long with any one person but he told me I needed to socialize. In the two months I'd been here most of my time was spent in the pack house where only the high up rank members lived so a lot of these people were new to me but they also seemed excited to meet me. For a while we just talked until right up before it came time for us to eat Jaxon led me to the head of a table that was set up outside in front of several other tables. "If everyone could grab a seat quickly." Jaxon said, everyone filing into seats, Jonah, Cody, Luka and Melanie joined us at our table. "As you all know normally for this type of introduction we would have several other packs join us here but under the circumstances we decided to have a more intimate event with our pack only. Two months ago I along with several other unmated males traveled to a neighboring pack, in search of our mates." He spoke looking down at me, as his arm came around my waist. "That night I was lucky enough to find my mate, your Luna. After looking for so long I'd finally found her, so now as your Alpha I would like to formally introduce Abigail Speaks the Luna of the BlackStone Pack." Everyone around us cheered as he announced. He leaned down to kiss my head and said I love you. "Now let's eat."

The night had dwindled down and most of the members had made their way home, Jonah, Luka and Mel, sat on the porch with Jaxon and I. We all just had been sitting occasionally talking, but relaxing none the less. "I want to apologize." Luka said out of the blue, I'd noticed how touchy he and Melanie had been all day but I'd chosen to ignore it. "I know I have been, for lack of a better word, a real dick the past few days. And I want to say I'm sorry, I've already apologized to Melanie and she and I are trying to make things work but I know that my actions effected all of you, and I'm sorry for that.  You guys are the only family that I have and I would never want to do something that would permanently damage that relationship. I know that this doesn't change things, and I am going to do my best to regain the trust that I've lost from all of you. Today made me realize a lot of things, and the importance of having my mate is one of those. So I truly am sorry, for everything." He said sounding sincere. While I was still mad at him, he meant a lot to me too and I hated the thought of him not being apart of our lives like he is now. Jaxon nodded in his direction, his jaw tense as he held tight to me. "I'm sorry too. For the way I handled things, it was very immature and I know that I'm just a kid but I'm a Luna now and I shouldn't have acted that way. You're more than just Beta you're our friend, and I know that you both are like brothers to Jax but Melanie is my sister and she deserves better. So just don't screw up again okay?" I said peeking up at him. A small smile was on his face, "I'll try my best." Jonah seemed to be off in his own little world as he took in what all Luka had said. "Ditto, you may be like my brother but she is my sister and next time I will not hesitate to stomp your ass." He grunted out. I couldn't help the giggle that left my lips as I imagined Jonah beating up Luka. "I think it's time we head to bed." Jaxon said standing. As if on que a yawn left my mouth, "Come on." He said lifting me to my feet. "Go on I'll be up in a sec." I told him looking over at Mel. He nodded in understanding walking into the house followed by Jonah. Walking over to Luka I hugged him, "I'm still mad at you." I mumbled against his chest, I felt him sigh as he hugged me back. "I know. I really am sorry." He said lowly. Nodding, "I'm not going to say it's okay but I accept your apology. And you can stop calling me Luna if you wanna.." I let go looking up at him. "Good, I hated it." Hugging Melanie I told her I loved her and I'd see her tomorrow before I headed to our bedroom leaving she and Luka outside. As I pushed open the bedroom door I pulled off my jacket throwing it across the chair, the bathroom light was on so I walked in to see Jaxon standing shirtless brushing his teeth in pajama pants. "You alright?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded, as I began to undress myself stranding there in my tshirt and underwear before I even realized what I was doing I yanked a towel off the rack wrapping it around my waist. "What are you doing?" Jax said leaning against the sink a small laugh coming out. I knew I was blushing like a tomato, "I was out of it I forgot you were standing there." I said quietly looking anywhere but at him. He pulled me to him, "Did you forget you're my mate?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "No but we haven't. I mean." I said stumbling over my words, embarrassing myself even more. Grabbing my chin he forced me to look at him, "While I would love to throw you on that bed and screw you senseless, I know you're not ready for that. But I'm a grown man, I can handle my mate sleeping in her own bed however she pleases." "Who said anything about you being the one having to control yourself?" I said honestly. I'd been thinking a lot and I wanted to finish the mating with him I was just nervous I was a virgin and he wasn't. I was a kid and he was a grown man, it was nerve wracking. Jaxon gripped the towel pulling it down, "Well then maybe tonight, we can not control ourselves for a little while."

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