Chapter Thirty Two

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With all the excitement going on it was almost easy to forget the whole reason that they were here in the first place, someone was after me and we still didn't know who. Lyssa and Trey were settling in their room for a while, I knew they would probably need some time together as a family after everything that had happened, but this gave me a chance to talk with Luka. "Are you alright?" I questioned him. The whole time during lunch he didn't say much and that really wasn't like him. He nodded, "Just crazy to think about I guess. I mean shes just a baby." He said softly. "I'm not going to be able to spend everyday with her, take her on dates or even go to her house for goddess sake. And its such a different feeling than it was with Melanie, I mean the protectiveness and worry is still there but theres no physical attraction. I'm going to be nearly 30 by the time shes even able to really recognize me as her mate." I could tell he was scared at the situation which he would never willingly admit but I understood it. He was just mates with someone his own age not even two months ago and now he had a new mate who didn't even know what mates were. "Maybe she will be able to recognize you sooner than you think.I mean she stopped crying when she saw you and shed never even met you before that's got to mean something." I tried to reason with him trying to think of something that woud make him feel even the slightest better. "Maybe." Luka agreed. For a minute the both of us were quite. "What if I mess up? What if she doesn't want me just like Melanie?" He asked and my heart broke for him. NO one should ever have to go through the pain of having their mate reject them and make them feel like they weren't good enough for whatever reason. Unexpectedly I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, "You have a lot of time to prove to her that you are a good man, you'll be her best friend, her protector no matter what anyone else thinks of you that little girl is going to think that you hung the moon yourself."

After talking for a while longer Luka decided that he was going to go and spend some more time with the family while I went to the office in search of Jax, and along the way I ran into Jonah. I smiled at him, "Hey stranger, where have yoou been?" I asked him curiously. He smiled back, "Patrols nearly 24/7 cant take any chances." Nodding in understanding I was glad he seemed to be doing okay. "Luka tell you that he found his second chance mate?" The look on his face told me that he had no idea so I told him a little about the situation. "That's crazy." "Tell me about it, but the goddess knows what shes doing." "You're right. I've got to head back to the border. Ill talk to you later." I went back to earching for Jaxon and as usual he was in the office. "Are you going to work the whole day?" I asked from the doorway. I knew that he was doing it to try and keep his mind off of the fact that we didn't get any more information than we had before but he was going to work himself to death over it all. "I'm sorry. Just stressed." He said not taking his eyes off of the computer. I wanted him to be able to relax but I knew that until we found out who was behind this all than that wasn't going to be happening any time soon. "What can I do?" I asked going up to my desk. Jaxon looked at me confused. "I want to help you, youre working too much. This is my job too, so tell me what you need me to do and ill do it." He had a look of skeptisim on his face. "Its fine baby I can do it." Rolling my eyes I walked over to his desk and picked up a stack of papers that clearly needed to be read and signed, bringing them over to my desk I got to work.

I had no idea what time it was when Jaxon and I both stopped working but I knew it was late. I walked over to him sitting down on his lap, "See isn't it better when you have someone helping you?" He laughed wrapping his arms around me holding me in place. "Thank you for helping me." I kissed him quickly with a smile on my face. "You're welcome. What do you think about Trey and Lyssa staying here?" "It will be good for Luke, I can tolerate it for him. The next several years are bound to be hard on him I want us to be able to make things a little easier on him and if that means dealing with them on our land my wolf can suck it up for a while." I smiled at how sweet he was acting. The bad alpha façade always fading away when he was around me. Luka got on his nerves but he was also like a brpther to him and I knew that he would do anything for him espicallly now. "WHats our next step in finding whos after me?" I asked curiously. We were all hopong that the Betas from the othwr pack would have good news for us but we were still stuck in the same palce. "Ive talked with a few other alphas and it seems to be only our two packs who are having problems so next we start questioning pack members." The sour loo on his face told me how much he hated the idea of questioning our packs loyalty but when it came to me I knew he would do anything to find out who we were up against.

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