Chapter Forty-Two

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Abigails P.O.V.

I didn't think waking up would be this hard, you wouldn't think it would be such a struggle to make your body just snap out of it. I could hear Jaxon talking to me and I wanted nothing more than to wake up and see his face. Finally I was home and I still couldn't even see him, wasn't that just my luck. "I just want you to know that I love you and I wish you'd wake up already. I miss you. We all do." Suddenly I felt his hand squeeze mine, and like every time before I tried my hardest to will myself able to squeeze it back except this time something happened. My fingers moved, I could feel my heart racing and then even heard it on the machine I was attached to. "Abigail? Come on baby wake up, I know you can." Trying harder than ever to make my eyes open there was quickly a bright light that wasn't there before. Rapidly blinking the light shone in more, "Oh baby you have no idea how happy I am to see you awake." Jaxon breathed out. I went to talk but my throat was so dry I couldn't. "Ill be right back okay? I've got to go and get the doctor." My body felt so stiff I didn't feel any pain but I was uncomfortable to say the least. A few minutes later Jaxon was back with a doctor that I had never seen before. "Luna. It's good to see you awake." She said smiling at me. Jaxon lifted a cup of water with a straw to my mouth. I wanted nothing more than to chug it all down but I knew I should probably go slow. "How are you feeling? Any pain?" I shook my head no, "I'm okay." I scratched out. "Well all of your vitals are good everything looks normal, I want to keep you here for a few more hours just to keep an eye on things but you should be good to go in no time." I was so relieved, all I wanted to do was relax and have Jaxon hold me. I was so happy to be home. She spoke to us for a few more minutes before leaving the two of us alone again. "Hi princess." He said to me. I felt my eyes water, I was so damn happy that he had found me in time. "Hi." I managed to whisper back. "Are you sure youre feeling okay?" I nodded, "Just happy. Charlie?" I squeaked out wondering how the little girl was, hoping that no one had hurt her. He smiled at me, "Shes okay. Back home now, shes coming next week so Luke can spend time with her. We found you just in time. Jonah, Melanie and Chris are in the basement. Your parents are almost here." I assumed Chris was the man that was helping them, thankfully he didn't seem to have hurt Jonah. " How long?" I wanted to know how long it had been since everything had happened, well how long I had been out of it. Jaxon grabbed my hand again squeezing it tight. "Two weeks tomorrow." I nearly gasped in surprise, I had been out that long? I looked at him really noticing how bad he looked. He hadn't shaved in what looked like the whole two weeks, there were clear bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and it didn't look like he'd been eating either. Even still as bad as he looked I had never been so happy to see him, "I love you." I said to him. Out of all the things that needed to be said that was the main thing I wanted him to know. We'd been through so much and I thought that I was going to lose him but just like he said he would he found me. This time the tears started to flow freely. Reality had hit me. My best friends kidnapped me from the love of my life and tried to kill me. And they almost succeeded. Once I started i couldn't stop, "Oh baby." He said quickly but gently getting up from his seat to lift me from the bed and onto his lap. My chest heaved with sobs from pain, happiness and relief. I was home.

Once I had recovered from my break down I managed to get out of bed and get a shower with Jaxons help, the doctor came back a few hours later and told me that I was good to leave but to make sure to take it easy until I was one hundred percent better. So now I sat in our room with Luka, Jaxon and Cody catching up on everything that had happened. It turned out that the man who had been helping Melanie was Jonah's mate, his name was Chris. I knew things weren't right once he realized that Melanie was lying. Things made sense now, but that didn't mean I wasn't hurt at his actions. Jaxon said that the two of us would come up with some form of punishment together but I didn't have it in me to do it right now. Especially with Melanie.. I didn't want her to die. She was my best friend at one point and while that was no longer true, I wasn't like her I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I was the reason she died. Chris was another story. We weren't sure what would happen to him. He was Jonah's mate, but they both claimed that he wanted nothing to do with Jonah, so we seemed to be at a stand still. "I've got to go do something really quick, Luke will stay with you." Jaxon said placing a kiss on top of my head. He left the room leaving Luka sitting next to me in the chair. "So hows Charlie?" I asked, while I knew that she was okay I wanted to know how he was doing with her. He had a small smile on his face, "She's good. She uh, she seems to like me. I know she's just a baby, but I like spending time with her. I think you were right, this gives me time to sort of get over Maranda and Melanie while getting to know Charlie at the same time." Unable to stop my own smile I told him, "Good. I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy." "I'm just glad you're both safe." 

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