Chapter Seven

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"You really can cook, this is delicious." I told Jaxon as I took another bite of the tender steak. "I'm glad you like it." He replied. As he was cooking we kept talking more an more about ourselves just trying to learn as much about each other as possible. "Can I ask you a question?" He looked slightly confused, "Of course. What is it?" I swallowed my food before speaking. "Were you disappointed when you found out that I was your mate? Because of my age?" I asked. It was something I had wondered ever since that night. Even though he said it didn't matter I was honestly curious. He put down his fork and knife. "I would never be disappointed about any part of you. I was shocked yes, but never would I trade anything. There is a reason we are together and we may not know it yet but that doesn't matter to me. Your my mate no matter what your age is. We might have to take things a little slower than my wolf would like but I don't care. As long as you are safe and happy that all always be my number one priority." He replied. I could tell e was a little up set that I had even thought something like that. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm just not really used to someone wanting to be with me, I've never had a boyfriend or anything like that so I don't really know how all of this works." I said as I stared at my plate afraid to meet his gaze. Jaxon grabbed my hand from across the table. "You and I are going I make thins work, I promise." I couldn't help but to smile at him. "Any chance you can make a great desert too?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. He laughed softly. "Sadly baking really isn't my thing." Was his reply. I grinned, "I have a idea."

"I can't believe you've never had a s'mores before!" I exclaimed as we roasted our marshmallows. I kicked off my heels and pulled my feet underneath of me. We had made our own little fire pit on the deck of the boat and we sat around it ready to prepare our desert. "Alright what do we do now?" Jaxon questioned As he pulled his marshmallow from the fire. "Now you pick what kind of chocolate you want." I told him grabbing a recess for myself laying it on top of my gram crackers he followed suit with a regular chocolate bar. "And now you smoosh it all together." I waited for him to take a bite first, it was funny to see him attempt to eat something so messy, very cleanly. I couldn't help but to laugh as he got the chocolate on his mouth. "This is really good." He said sounding surprised. I smiled taking a bite of mine. "When I was little we
Used to go camping a lot. My dad would tell us stories about our pack, all of the old Alphas. And we'd all sit around And make s'mores it was kind of a tradition I sorts." I told him after I finished mine. I didn't know much about his family but after him telling me Bout the boat I felt I should tell him about mine a little. "It sounds like you had a great childhood." I laughed, "Well I'm still kind of a kid, but yeah i did. I mean we still trained and learned about pack life but dad made it fun." I told him honestly. After eating a few more Jaxon stood. "Well I don't know about you but I'm beat." I agreed and he put out the fire before he lead me into the bedroom portion of the boat. As expected there was only one bed, we would actually get to sleep in the same bed for the first time, and even though it was just sleeping both if us seemed I be a little nervous. "Um there is a bathroom right over there, I left the bag inside so you could change." He said as he stood by the bed scratching the back of his neck nervously. I placed my shoes down by the door and made my way in the direction he pointe out. My wolf was dying for me to start something with him. But I wanted baby steps, slow. I decided asking him to help me out of my dress wouldn't be that hard. I walked back out to the bedroom to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. "Is there something wrong?" He asked his brows raising in confusion. "Um could you help me unzip my dress?" I asked feeling heat rise to my cheeks, now embarrassed that I had done this. "Uh yeah." He said standing and making his way to me. I pulled my hair out of his way, it felt ant-agonizingly slow as he pulled down the zipper. I could feel his finger tips barely brush my skin as if he was trying his hardest not to touch me I seriously felt my breath stop in my throat. He stopped about mid way so that the dress didn't fall, "Thank you." I said quietly before making my way back into the bathroom. He had only just unzipped dress but it felt like so much more than that. I took a deep breath and took a wash rag and washed all of he makeup off of my face, and looked inside the bag finding a back T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I could tell from the smell of the shirt that it was his which made me smile a little. I lay my dress across the counter before walking out of the bathroom. I smiled nervously at him as I entered the room. He stood and walked over to me, "I like my clothes on you." He said sweetly, I could see his wolf in his eyes, lust shining through. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, feeling very shy now. His hand came up to hold my cheek forcing me To
look at him my breath hitched as he moved closer to me. I knew he was going to kiss me, and I wanted him too but I was nervous. It would be my First kiss, of course id seen people kiss my whole life but I wasn't sure what to do. I placed my hands on his chest and tried to silently tell him this was what I wanted. He slowly leaned down and pressed his lips against mine and my eyes fluttered closed. It wasn't anything crazy it was sweet and soft and everything I'd ever wanted my first kiss to be like. I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip, assuming he wanted me to open my mouth I did only the slightest bit, but he took the opportunity and pulled me closer his tongue going inside of my mouth. Not knowing what to do I followed his lead, it was the most amazing feeling, I gasped as he suddenly pulled away my eyes fully opening. "I'm going to go take a shower." He said roughly, lust evident in his voice. It would be a cold shower. I nodded, blushing. Jaxon leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before going into the bathroom. I went over to the king sized bed and crawled under the cover and waited for him. It wasn't much longer that he came out hair still wet and wearing pajama pants. I had been laying on my side, he got in laying beside me wrapping his arm around my waist. "Is this okay?" He whispered against my neck. I couldn't help but smile in the dark. "It's perfect."

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