Chapter Nine

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"Abigail, I've got a few things to do I'll be done in a few hours okay? Jonah can take you where ever you want to go." I heard from outside the bathroom door. I'd been in there for around twenty minutes kind of regrouping. After Jaxon had marked me I felt everything at once, the mate bond had intensified tremendously. "Okay I'll see you later." I replied, still starring at my mark in the mirror. Each mark was different, mine was simple a small wolf with detailed swirls around it, and only mates could see the marks they were special. But now that I was marked my scent to other wolves changed it was now mixed with Jaxons and mine with his showing to all the others that we were spoken for. After he had marked me Jaxon was very touchy, which I liked but but I knew that with that his wolf would be more stressed about completing the mating which I definitely wasn't ready for. I wished that Melanie was here, she would know exactly what to do she always did, I missed her terribly. I took a deep breath before exiting the bathroom that was joined to Jaxon's; well our room. We had very quickly had to leave the boat, I would have loved to stay even longer but he had to get back to the pack. I ran my hand through my hair, Jonah was no where to be seen so I assumed he was outside the door like usual. I opened it and there he stood. He grinned upon seeing me, "Luna." He spoke bowing his head at my new official title. I shook my head at him, he was my friend I didn't want titles to come between us, I mean I never called him my personal gaurd although that was pretty much his job, I told him so. "So what is there for us to get into?" I asked. He shrugged, "Alpha suggested taking you on a tour of the house. He said you havent gotten to see much of it." He was right between being locked away and only spending time with him I hadn't. "Sounds good to me, lead the way. " I fell in step with him as we walked down the hallway, "So I take it your date went well?" He asked. I knew I was blushing, it had went extremely well. "I had a great time." I simply said. Jonah was grinning, "I'd say so." Laughing I smacked his arm, "Shut up!" "I'm glad everything is working out between the two of you." He said sweetly. "Me too, I know things started off a little rocky but I really am happy this is all working out." I admitted, I knew I was skeptical at first but Jaxon wasn't the man I had grew up believing he was. He was amazing, and I was already growing to love him. "Of course it is, you're going to be an amazing Luna. " I grinned at him, "I'm glad you think so." I on the other hand wasn't so sure, I mean I wanted to be and I knew that I was going to try my hardest but I didn't know that I was 'Luna' material. "Stop doubting yourself." Jonah said. "There is a reason that the moon goddess made you his mate if she didn't think that you would make a good Luna you wouldn't be here." That seemed to be exactly what I needed to hear.  Jonah continued to show me all around the pack house, taking me to all the places I had yet to go including the garden out back. It was beautiful, flowers were blooming all over the place surrounding an amazing man built water fall that was in the center. "Alpha Jaxon wants to know if you'd like to join him for lunch?" He asked as we stopped. I grinned, I had been missing him, Now that he was over his issues I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I could feel the heat on my face as I bought about him, Jonah laughed, "I'll take that as a yes. He wants us to meet him in his office." Taking one last glance at the beautiful garden we made our way back inside to Jaxons office, as we approached his door Jonah turned to me. "I've got some work to do but I'm sure I'll see you later." I nodded, "Thank you for today. It's been nice." I told him honestly it was good to have a day out and about made me feel normal again.  I opened the door and walked in. Jaxon sat at his desk and my face lit up at the sight of him. "Hi." He said smiling at me looking up from his paper work. "Hi." I squeaked back. Things were now different between us and I was suddenly nervous. He laughed cracking his knuckles and folding his hands on top of his desk. "So are you going to come over and see me or stand all the way over there?" He questioned. Blushing I made my way over to him, apparently not quickly enough for him because he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap burying  his face into my neck. "Much better." I felt him mumble against my skin causing a flood of sparks to fill my body. I sighed at the contact not noticing how mush I had missed his touch since I had been gone. "How's the work going?" I asked my hands laying flat against his chest as he removed his head now looking at me. "All done now, did you have a good time with Jonah?" I nodded my fingers playing the buttons on his shirt. "He took me all around the house and we went out into the garden. It's beautiful out there." Jaxon now had his hand underneath my shirt lazily drawing on my lower back, I seemed to relax more into his touch. "It is, would you like some lunch?" He asked. I shook my head no, "I'm not hungry. You should eat I just wanted to spend time with you." I admitted now looking up at him, he was looking at me as if I was something amazing. Suddenly I was turned in his lap to were I was straddling him, I laughed at the surprise, his hands now on my thighs holding me to him. "I missed you too." He murmured bringing his face closer to mine, leaning closer I met his lips in a kiss both of us seemingly wanting nothing more. Jaxon pulled me even closer my hands going up to his neck as he deepened the kiss, sliding into his hair. I didn't really know what had gotten into me but I didn't want it to stop. Just as Jaxon had started to pull my shirt over my head there was a knock at the door. Growling he pulled away, "Go away!" I giggled as he now began kissing my neck. The door was suddenly opened, quickly pulling my shirt back in place I stood from his lap to see Luke standing there with a file in his hand. "What!?" Jaxon said angry, running a hand through his hair turning towards him. Luke held the thick file up before tossing it onto the desk, "You need to see this."

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