Chapter Twenty Two

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Jaxon's P.O.V

I couldn't stop starring at Abi as she lay next to me in bed, ever since that night she'd taken to wearing only one of my tshirts and a pair of underwear to sleep in and I couldn't say I minded. She lay across my chest, mouth slightly open and her hair a mess. The smile on my face seemed to be permanent when I was around her, she was growing into such an amazing woman in the time she'd been here and I was so proud. I sighed as I saw the time, needing to get up and attend a couple of meetings but I didn't want to wake her. Running my fingers through her hair for a moment, before kissing her forehead and sliding out from under her. "Jax?" She mumbled raising her head slightly looking my direction. My wolf nearly purred at her nickname, the first time she'd said it he'd felt such happiness. Things were finally going to be okay. "Go back to sleep princess, I've got some meetings to go to." I said quietly. I heard her whine sleepily, and a laugh tumbled out of my mouth. Dressing quickly I made my way back to her side, "Come back to bed." She mumbled looking up at me through her lashes. That look alone could stop me in my tracks, "I wish I could baby, come by my office and we'll have breakfast when you wake up okay?" "Kay, Love you." She yawned. Kissing her lightly I told her the same before making my way downstairs. Cody and Luke were in my office waiting for me, "Morning boys." I said to them. Luke sat arms crossed obviously ticked off. "What's going on?" I asked as I sat down. "I sent Melanie home for a little while, the way she was acting pissed my wolf off. She's my mate we'll figure it out sometime." He shrugged. I made a mental note to tell Abigail, I knew they'd fought but she'd be upset that she left without saying goodbye. "I've decided to force the marking between  Alexis and her mate. I'm thinking that if they have started the mating process she will be more willing to drop all of this and return to his pack with him." I said just going ahead and dropping the ball. "Is that really a good idea? I mean what if her body rejects the mark and she dies? That wouldn't be an issue but Lexington would go ape shit, we don't need him coming after us because of it." Cody said thoughtfully. Truthfully I'd thought the same thing in the time that I was trying to figure out what we were going to do about he situation. "I have an idea about that, but we're going to need a witch." The plan was to have a witch bring out just Alexis' wolf so that we could talk to her. Regardless of what Alexis thought her wolf would always want her mate, so if we could talk to her wolf and make sure she would be able to keep her from rejecting the bond we should be all set. "Where the hell are you going to find a witch? One that's willing to do something for you none the less." Luke asked a smirk on his face. While a lot of the rumors weren't true I'd done some awful things in my time, and screwing over a couple witches was in that list. "Shut it. I'm working on it." "So when do you plan to pull off this little scheme?" "As soon as possible. I'm going to release Lexington for a while today with some guards so we can keep him from pulling any stunts, but I want to explain the plan to him and make sure that he and his wolf will comply. While I can't imagine his wolf turning the idea down it may be a little harder to convince him." "Do you think it will work?" Cody asked sitting forward in his chair, I could tell he was thinking It would. He was the one I trusted most when it came to strategy. I shrugged, "It's the best plan we've got right now. I'm gonna call around and see what I can do about the whole witch thing. Cody I want you to do some patrols today, I want some of the younger wolves learning them, if things do go south with this I want to be prepared with plenty of safety." He nodded and took off. "So what's up with Melanie?" I asked curiously as I went through some paperwork. "She's my mate, I get that and I really do want to try and make things work but things are going to have to change. I still have feelings for Maranda and that's not going to go away just because I've found my mate which is what she wants. And I get that I've screwed up but it's gonna take some time for me too adjust, of course I'm attracted to her and my wolf wants her something awful but all I've known and wanted for the longest time was Mara. Plus she told me about what happened between her and Abi and I get that she's my mate but we don't even have a real relationship right now and Abi is my Luna. I can't just stand by Melanie because she is my mate." Luke ranted. While I was happy he was sticking up for Abi, mates are a totally different thing, he needed to be there for her as well. I wanted things to work for them, but I wouldn't go against Abi either. Taking a few minutes, I thought carefully before I spoke. "Abi seems to think things are moving too quickly between the two of you. She doesn't want to overstep but she thinks that Melanie is ready to jump so quickly because she thinks that you are ready to drop everything with Maranda all because you apologized. Maybe you should have a talk with her and discuss what the two of you are really expecting, id say once she knows what you really do feel things will change. She needs to remember that just because you are mates doesn't mean it all happens all of a sudden I mean look how things went for Abigail and I at the start. Being mates is hard but you have to have patience and be willing to work with each other. It's not all sunshine and rainbows." I said. He ran his hand over his face, "Like I said we'll figure it out eventually, right? I just needed a break." I couldn't imagine ever really needing a break from Abi, I'd truly be lost without her.

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