Important Note

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Just a little update on my life and why it's taking so long for me to get a chapter up. My fiance and I recently moved in with a couple of friends about two months ago, to save money. (BAD IDEA) Said friends got to the point that they we're arguing at all hours of the night, causing physical damage to not only each other but the apartment we were all renting. As some of you may know I have really bad panic/anxiety attacks and living with them only made them worse, I got to the point that I couldn't go to the store two blocks from my house with out having an attack. So not only for my health but for our sanity we decided to move out about a week ago. That led to drama city, my best friend saying that I purposely had attacks for attention, that we we're both two faced, and to get out of their apartment. So we packed all of our things in the middle of the night and left, with really no where to go. So now we are in the middle of remodeling a trailer to live in for a little bit, all while living with my 68 year old grandmother who has no wifi and practically zero cell service . But I am trying my hardest and HOPEFULLY I'll have something out soon. Thank you guys so much!!!

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