Chapter Twenty Eight

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After Lexington and Alexis were out of our territory Dawn left as well, apparently she didn't live in any one place she just wandered to where she was needed. Jax along with everyone else was now worried about who was supposed to be after me. Jaxon had already assigned new guards and more shifts to make sure the pack house was under constant supervision. We were officially back on lockdown. No one left without permission and It was harder to get into pack grounds than ever before. Jaxon was currently on the phone with different Alphas warning them that it may not be just me alone but maybe something with Lunas in general. Luka had been in a sort of daze after telling us about Melanie and learning that he would have a second chance mate. It wasn't as rare as some made it out to be, although it wasn't usually for mates who had died unless they died at a young age. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner about Melanie." He spoke. I nodded in understanding. "I just don't really understand. I've known her my whole life and I never would have though that she would reject her mate. I don't know she just isn't herself anymore." I said to him. "I know she's your bestfriend, maybe you can talk to her. Obviously theres nothing to be done about us but your friendship is completely different." "I've already tried calling her, its like shes pretending I never existed." I said stil hurt over the thought. "Well right now our top priory is keeping you safe."

Deciding that night that we needed to keep the pack calm and informed, we had a meeting planned for after dinner. When it came time to eat Jaxon had one plate and when I went to sit in my spot he pulled me down onto his lap. He hadn't said much to me after learning someone was after me. I was confused until he took his fork and lifted it to my face. Not wanting to upset him or his wolf I allowed him to feed me until he was content id had enough, still not talking. When it came time for the meeting Luka did most of the talking and after it was over Jaxon brought me back to our room. I sat down on the bed quiet for a minute while he went over to the window looking out and I could see him make contact with a few wolves, and I heard them minlinking the both of us that it was all clear. I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist. "Hey, i'm okay. You wont let anything happen to me." I said confidently. I felt him relax a little bit,. "What if I do? You heard her, she said that It would happen no matter what we did to try and stop it." He said still not facing me, I could hear the worry in his voice. I knew in that moment that I couldn't be scared anymore. I was going to have to be stong for the both of us. Moving to where I was standing in front of him I looked up at his face, the worry was there too now that we were away from the pack he had let his guard down. "Then if that happens... You'll find me, wherever I am ill know that you will be there to save me." I said softly. Finally his arms wrapped around me as I lay my head against him. "I don't know how you have so much faith in me. I cant lose you, I don't know what would happen to me. " He said.  "You're my mate and I know that you would tear the world apart to find me . Pain is only temporary, when and if you have to find me ill be okay again. I believe in our pack and I believe in you,"

It was tense all around the pack house once they knew that someone was coming for me, everyone wanted to know what they could do. New security systems went into place, members were interrogated for moles everything was being considered. I was currently with Luka, he was taking his role of Beta very seriously at the moment. The Beta becomes the guard of the Luna once she is inducted and when we ddidnt have a threat it wasn't a big deal for me not to see him for hours but now when Jaxon wasn't by my side there was Luka. "Have you seen Jonah?" I asked, I had wanted to tell Jaxon about his weirdness but I knew if I was to tell him now hed overreact thinking Jonah was somehow connected to hurting me. "Um I think Jaxon has him on patrols pretty much all day, why?" I then confided in him about everything id thought. "Jonah would never hurt you Abi youre like a sister to him." I nodded, "I know. I'm just worried about him. I mean he just found out about his sister and she wanted nothing to do with him and now all this." I said. LUka smiled, "Hes a lot tougher than he seems he can take care of himself." I shook my head, "Youre right. Is Jax doing okay today?" I asked curiously, hed blocked me in order to keep me calm, at least that's what he told me. Luka shot me a sad look. "He has a hard time with emotions as you know, hes just worried. He wants to do everything possible to prevent anything from happening while at the same time trying to accept that it is going to happen and his wolf just wants to kill everyone." He told me in complete honesty. "I think I'm going to go see him for a little bit." I said standing. "Come on ill take you." I didn't expect anything less everytime I went somewhere so did he unless it was the bathroom. When we walked into his office he looked up at us, before nodding at Luka to leave. "Hey baby." He sighed as I made my eay to him. "Hi, you okay?" He said yes briedly before placing a kiss on my lips. " I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a run?" For the first time in two days he really smiled, "I'd love that."

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