Chapter Ten

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I could tell the minute that Jaxon opened the file it wasn't good no matter what was inside. His posture changed, he had become tense compared to how relaxed he was just a moment ago. I was afraid to even ask what it was but I was dying to know. "When was this taken?" Jaxon asked pointing at something inside. "About 3 days ago, we assume that's her mate with her." Luke said formally. I could hear Jaxon lowly growl before slamming the folder closed and looking at him. "I want guards surrounding the house 24/7, he does not come near this place. I want her found out into the dungeons until I can talk to her. I want to know where she's been the past week, anywhere she's gone that wasn't here. Go get Jonah, I want the both of you back here in 20 minutes." He stated, I could easily tell he was now in full on Alpha mode, I could feel it. Luke quickly left and he pulled me back to his lap, not saying a word just putting his head in the crook of my neck taking deep breaths, I could feel his body shaking. I shakily wrapped my arms around his neck my hands going through his hair trying to help him calm down. "Jaxon what's going on you're scaring me." I whispered quietly. Very quickly he pulled himself to where he could now look at me, "Don't be okay? I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I nodded. "What's in there?" I finally questioned looking down at the file. He sighed, "I will tell you about it later right now I want you to go with Jonah. I need to discuss this with Luke." After the moment we had those were nearly fighting words. "You said you would quit this and start involving me." I said boldly, getting off of his lap now feeling upset myself. "Abi this isn't something I want you involved in." He said pinching the bridge of his nose in clear frustration. "If I'm supposed to be a Luna it doesn't matter what you want me involved in, if it's about this pack which is supposed to be our pack I should be automatically involved no matter what!" I said getting angry turning my back on him, which in turn made him angry too. "I am you're Alpha and you do not talk to me like that. Mate or not. I said no, now stop acting like a child." Those words were enough to keep my mouth shut, and the tears to start forming. I heard him sigh, and felt him reach for my arm. "Abigail." I walked further away from him. "No if you don't want me in here than I don't want to be in here with you either. I'll see you later when you're done being such an ass." I said before opening the door, as I did there stood Luke and Jonah. "I think I'd like some lunch now." I said acting as nothing had happened although  I knew they had heard us arguing. "Um yeah sure." Jonah said. Luke stopped us, "He's doing this for you're protection, we could be dealing with a potentially dangerous situation and he doesn't want anything to happen to you." He said to me. "I could fall down the steps on the way to the kitchen, and he wouldn't be able to stop me. He can't always protect me and he needs to learn that." I said rather rudely before walking off and making my way to the kitchen, Jonah following behind me. "Is everything alright? Alpha Jaxon didn't tell me much other than to keep and eye on you." He asked. "He's being a jerk." I grumbled. "Luke came in freaking out about some file and Jaxon wouldn't even tell me what it was about and then he told me to stop being such a child." I ranted as we came into the kitchen. "I mean I know I'm only 18 but seriously I'm supposed to be beside him on this. He isn't supposed to just shut me behind doors because he thinks that I'm going to get hurt. Frankly I think it's bullshit." I said sitting at the bar as Jada came out of the side door. She smiled at me, "Luna how are you?" I huffed and she laughed. "Could I make you some lunch?" Jonah nodded, "Maybe once you eat you'll be less grumpy." I gasped at him as he grinned at me sheepishly. "That would be great Jada, whatever you want to make is fine." She was an Asian women you could tell just from looking, I wondered if she had moved her or what her story was. "Actually do you think you could make me something you like?" I asked. The grin on her face told me that she would be happy to, "I'd be honored Luna. I don't get to make many foods from home. The men here like their meat and potatoes." I couldn't help the giggle that slid out of my mouth at her truth. Jonah and I sat there talking to her as she cooked, and I learned things about the pack that no one would have told me like she did. Like that Luke has a weakness for chocolate chip cookies or that Cody who I had learned was the third in command hates cheese. About an hour later she sat down two plates in front of Jonah and I, "This is my favorite dish as a small girl." It looked pretty simple, some sort of chicken and vegetables on top of a fried rice. I grabbed my fork not hesitating to dig right in, I couldn't stop the moan that came out of my mouth at the taste. "This is so good!" I exclaimed. Jada smiled at us yet again, "I am glad you like it. " I sat quietly scarfing down my food. And very quickly I was full and ready for a nap, telling Jonah and thanking Jada for the amazing lunch he escorted me to my room. I changed into some comfortable clothes and crawled under the covers smelling nothing but Jaxon. I was so disappointed that he wasn't including me, I wanted to do my part and he wouldn't let me. I knew that I was just a kid is even said so to him but I had honestly thought that after he had marked me things would truly be different. That he would really allow me to help him with the pack duties and help me learn my ropes as being his Luna because it was just as important as him being an Alpha. I was his equal and I wouldn't let him treat me as anything less. Just as I was starting to drift off to sleep I heard the bedroom door open and the side of the bed dipped down. Feeling his hands on me I heard him start to talk. "I'm sorry princess. I didn't mean to say it like that, you know I don't think you're a child. I'm just worried about you. " I think he thought I was asleep so I let him keep talking scared that he wouldn't say this to me if I was awake. "We found out that Alexis has been visiting another pack, relaying confidential information to them because she has found her mate there. She's told them that I've found you, and now they're coming for us."

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