Chapter Fourteen

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Jaxon still hadn't gotten home yet so Melanie and I sat on top of our bed watching movies when suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Luna?" It was Jonah. "Yeah come in." I told him pausing the movie. He came inside and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry to bug you I just I had this really weird compelling feeling to be in here and I thought your friend may have been my mate and now I just sound like an idiot because she isn't and I don't even know who she is but my wolf will not stop hounding me to be near her. I don't know what's going on." He ranted. Melanie sat there shocked, that was not only random but weird. "Okay um... I don't really know what to say. But I mean your not his mate right?" I asked Mel. She looked just as confused as I did. "No but I mean, I've had this weird feeling ever since I got here but I just brushed it off cause I knew it wasn't like a mate pull or anything." I didn't really know what could have been going on, but I did know it was strange. "How about when Jaxon gets back we can all sit down and try and figure it all out?" I suggested trying to think of the most Luna like thing to say. I could see Jonah visibly relax, "Okay. I'm just kind of freaking out. I'll leave you guys alone, call if you need me." "Wait Jonah?" I called as he was walking out. "Yeah?" He questioned, turning back. "I told you not to call me Luna." I said mock stern. He smiled, "Yes Abi." He replied before closing the door. "Well that was weird." I said looking at Melanie. "You okay?" I questioned. She nodded, "Just weird like you said. Hopefully Jaxon knows what's going on." I could tell it was sort of bothering her so I found my phone and called him. "What's wrong?" He asked automatically after answering. "Nothing here, you okay?" I asked considering I hadn't heard from him for most of the day. "We're good. I'm about to head home, Luke is going to stay here for tonight and see if anything suspicious happens." He replied, they had went to the pack where Alexis' supposed mate was. "Okay um, we just have a little bit of a weird situation going on here. Jonah and Mel are having like weird wolf feelings going on." I told him. I could almost see the confusion on his face, " What do you mean weird?" I sighed. "It's almost like they're  mates, their wolves want to be near each other but there's no mate pull. " I explained. "I've got some ideas we'll talk when I get home. I've got to go, I love you." He said before quickly hanging up. I sat in shock looking at my phone.  "Did he just say I love you?" I asked looked at Mel. She looked at me wide eyed before nodding. "We've never said it before. I mean we've only been together for a month or so." "Well I mean he is your mate, do you not love him?" She asked, eating some of the popcorn that sat beside us. "I mean I don't know what I'd do without him. But it's just weird to hear him say it I guess." I said still shocked that he had said it to me, but it was almost as if it was an afterthought. "Maybe he's been planning to say it and just wasn't thinking, I mean people normally say I love you after you get off the phone ya know?" Melanie said thoughtfully. I continued to sit there thinking, before I quickly blurred out. "Holy shit I'm in love with Jaxon."

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