Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Melissa and Luke were in my office again once I had told them I was able to talk to Abigail I wanted them up here so I could give them an update as to what was going on. I wanted to make sure they both knew that Charlie was okay, and so Lyssa would be able to tell Trey. It would mean more coming from her than it would from me.  " Okay so I finally got to talk to Abigail again, she said that she convinced a guard to get Charlie something to eat so far she's fine just upset  that she isn't home. She was able to send me an image of the guard through the mind link so its going directly to the pack maybe some one will recognize him and well have another clue as to where they might be. Abi seems to think that they are in an abandoned pack house of some sort so get someone on looking into areas around us that could have something like that. Talk to Melanie's parents again maybe they will know some place." I said to Luke. The relief that Charlie was okay was clear on their faces and I assured Lyssa that Abigail would protect her no matter what. "How's she doing?" Luke asked I'm sure referring to Abi. I didn't want to think about it, the thought of something happening to her made me want to die but I knew he was worried about her as well.  "Good as can be I guess. She's trying to hide it but she's scared. I know she's worried that we wont make it in time but we will. We're going to find them. We have to."

Luke was off to see if he could find out anything from Melanie's parents while I was having Lyssa escorted back home, we now knew that this was completely personal against Abigail, Charlie and Maranda. Greyson was made fully aware and they were taking all extra precautions to make sure that no one got to Maranda and they were all safe. Well as safe as they could be knowing that some jealous ex mate was trying to kill the people they cared about. Here at the pack we were trying to see if anyone recognized the man that Abi had sent through to me. I was so proud of her for being able to do something that complicated. As long as I had known only Alphas should be able to do something that powerful so the fact that she was able to do so made me love her even more. It was several hours later when I got a knock on my office door. "Alpha Jaxon?" I heard someone call. "Come in." Opening the door was a small girl, and a man. Obviously a father and daughter, I recognized them as soon as they came in. Mark and his daughter Marcie, they weren't original members of our pack. They were forced to leave their old pack after they discovered that Mark wasn't his mates first choice mate. She had just picked him and after mating with him she became pregnant with Marcie and after she was born her real mate came along. Mark and his daughter were forced to leave and we welcomed them in.  "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked them and while I wanted to help them with whatever the problem was, I was more concerned with finding my mate. "Its about the man you asked if anyone knew." Mark said as if confused to why we would know about who he was. At his statement I shot up in hope. "Yes? Do you know him?" I asked hopeful. He shook his head no and I slumped in defeat. "But Marcie does." Suddenly I care more about the mind of a 7 year old girls mind than I ever thought I would. But how in the world did this little girl know such a bad person? "Please anything you know is helpful." I nearly begged. "When we were at our old pack Marcie went to a sort of daycare thing while her mother and I worked within the pack. She says that the man used to come and pick up a friend of hers at the end of the day." My heart sped up at the thought of finally having a lead as to where they could be. "Was she his daughter maybe a sister?" I asked trying to figure out as much information as I could. Mark frowned, "I really don't know. I'm sorry." "No don't apologize this is great news, thank you . If you'll excuse me I have to go find Luke."

Quickly leaving the office I went in search of Luke to tell him the new information, maybe he found out something as well. After mind linking he told me that he was in the backyard. " What is it what did you find out?" He asked. Relaying everything that Mark had told me I then told him that I was going to contact the Silver Moon pack and try to figure out more. I was determind and more hopeful than ever.

Abigails P.O.V.

As time went on I got more and more worried, I knew that Melanie wasn't going to let us sit here forever and I knew that she was clearly up to something. Charlie was staying calm now that she had been fed but I could tell that she wanted to be at home, with her parents. It hadn't been more than a few hours after I fed Charlie that the door opened this time revealing Jonah.

Just looking at him made my heart break, two of my absolute best friends were really trying to kill me and a harmless baby. "Time to go." He said sternly not even looking at me. "What are you talking about, time to go where?" I questioned worriedly. "TIme to see Melanie, both of you." My throat got tight, I was scared for the both of us. Thinking I tried to spare us some time. " Jonah whats going on why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend." "I was. But so was my sister, and you ditched her for the a pathetic excuse of a mate she was given." He scoffed. "Luka was your friend too! Your best friend, how could you do this to him?" I asked clutching Charlie to me worried about what he would do to the both of us if he got angry enough. "Jaxon and Luka did everything for you." "Yeah and he did nothing for his mate. Shes my sister someone had to stay by her side you clearly weren't." "You have no idea what youre talking about. I loved Mel, shes been my best friend since we were babies. You saw how angry I was at Luka for what he did to her but he was trying to fix things with Mel. Its not his fault that she couldn't  see that. You cant expect someone to change at the drop of a hat. And he cant control the fact that the moon goddess gave him a second chance mate, you know how rare that is." I said defending Luka, while I loved Melanie what shes doing is insane and right now she wasn't the girl I knew.

"Shut up, I know what I'm doing." Jonah said angrily.  I could feel my heart beating a little faster, maybe he was starting to second guess this all. "Jonah please. You know me, you know that I would never purposely hurt Mel. She wants to kill Charlie and I, shes just a baby she doesn't even know that Luka is her mate."  I pleaded with him to understand that everything they wee doing was wrong. For a minute he was queit and I thought that just maybe he was going to help us get out of here. "I'm sorry but shes my sister and shes already made up her mind.  Melanie wants the both of you gone and there is nothing I can do to stop her."

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