Chapter Forty-One

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Jaxon's P.O.V.
"It all started after Luke sent Melanie back to her pack, I was so devastated, I had just found my sister and now she wanted nothing to do with me because she was having troubles with her mate." Jonah started out. It was clear to see that this had all started much longer before than any of us had even realized. "I tried to talk to her several times but it seemed like she couldn't care less that I wanted to be in her life so I thought I'd give her some space, maybe then she'd give me a chance. But as time went on I realized she really couldn't care less about me. Luke had gone to talk to her and I begged him to tell her I wanted to meet so that we could just talk she was still my sister no matter what happened between the two of them and I wanted her to know that. Once he got back everything happened with the witch and things got crazy around here. Luke told me that Melanie had agreed to meet up with me so we did. That's when I found Chris. She was with him at the time and he never really a-knowledge the mate bond, he literally fawned over whatever Melanie said. So I told her that Luke had another mate hoping that maybe something would trigger him into caring." Just talking about it was clearly getting to Jonah I could tell but I needed to know. "I never realized I was gay until I met him, I mean I've never really found any girls that attractive so I guess I should have realized it sooner but once I saw him it all kind of made sense and it killed me for him to act like I didn't exist. So when he told me if I helped he and Melanie he would give us a shot I stupidly agreed. She swore to me that she didn't plan on hurting Abi and Charlie or even Maranda. She just said she wanted to teach everyone a lesson about choosing your mate and how the goddess never made mistakes. I thought if I went along with it all it would make Chris realize too. She told me it was my job to get Abi, since we were so close. She gave me a drug to put into her tea and I was to take her to the abandoned pack. Chris was left to get Charlie, I'm still not sure how he got to her. Once they were both there things got strange Melanie had been lying the whole time and I should have realized before but I didn't. It was obvious to me now that Chris didn't want me and Melanie intended on hurting Abi and Charlie. I tried to stop her I swear but Abi just told me to protect Charlie that she knew you were going to find them so I did my best." There was pain in his voice, the whole tome I knew the bond he had with Abi couldn't have been fake so the fact that he was only doing all this for the attention of his mate made everything so much clearer now. While I wanted him to suffer for even thinking about helping them in this idiotic plan I could see that he was making himself suffer enough. To add to it he said, "Jaxon you will never know how sorry I am. I never wanted for Abi to get hurt. She was my best friend and I know that I have ruined that relationship forever but you have to understand.. he's my mate and I was willing to do whatever it took to have the happiness that I see you and Abi experience. Had I known that Melanie intended on hurting anyone I never would have done any of this. You have to believe me." He nearly begged.

I did believe him. After all having a mate made people do crazy things, that was one thing that I had gotten out of all of this. Yet I couldn't just let him get away with it all, there was no way. But at the same time I felt like his punishment was a decision that I couldn't make without Abi after all she was the one most effected by all of this and I felt like she had a say in the aftermath. "I'm not making any decisions without Abi so when she wakes up we'll figure something out. As far as your mate, I'm sorry. I don't know what you're going through but I'll move him over here so that maybe you can at least have some comfort knowing that he is there. Just because he doesn't feel the bond doesn't mean it isn't real. I'm not sure what is going to happen to him but I can deny you the right to be around him." I said as I got up to leave his cell. He nodded at me, "Thank you." I wanted to say more, but there weren't really any words to be said. He had betrayed his pack for love.

Abigails P.O.V.
Until now I'd never been in a coma before, at least that's what I assumed was happening. It was almost like a deep sleep but I could still hear everything around me. I heard the constant buzz and whir of the machines that I was hooked up to but seemingly couldn't feel, I heard Jaxons voice when he came to talk to me as well as the doctor. There was no clear distinction of time so I had no clue how long it had been or even what had happened after Jaxon had found us. I vaguely remembered him unchaining me but quickly loosing consciousness afterwards. Probably from the pain of the wolfsbane. I wondered what had happened with everyone else, I knew that Luka and Jaxon were okay but only because they came to talk to me. What had happened to Melanie and that man? Did Jaxon keep my wish of not hurting Jonah? Was Charlie okay? I wanted desperately to be able to wake up but it seemed like no matter how hard I tried to get myself awake nothing worked. So there I lay waiting for something, anything to happen. I just wanted to feel alive again.

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