Matthew Murdock - Hidden

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Matt skidded halfway across the sidewalk, as he sprinted towards Harllow's Hardware. There were two blocks between him and what he hoped would be safety.

He flew around the final corner and heard the hum of the store's neon sign, sighing in relief at the familiar noise.

Matt could hear tires screeching in the distance and he mustered all the strength left in him to make one final dash for the store.

With each pounding of his shoe against the pavement he could hear the engine's low grumble getting louder and closer. He heard another squealing turn and knew that they were too close for comfort now. Matt could hear his own heart, beating like a drum all through his body as he burst through the doors of the familiar store.

"Is that blood?" A feminine voice asked. and Matt turned towards the sound, trying to figure out who would still be here this late other than Thaddeus.

He paused and ran a hand over his shirt. It was soaked through with what he thought was just sweat and mud, but when he brushed over a deep gash in his abdomen he cleared his throat and pulled his coat closed.

"No...?" He replied, but couldn't even convince himself.

She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest, "That isn't a question you're supposed to answer with another question." She felt panic rising in the pit of her stomach as a set of screeching tires rounded the corner outside the store.

Louise made her way around the cashier's stand and peeked out the window of the shop.

Matt kept waiting for her to have more of a reaction to his sudden intrusion, but she stayed completely calm. Her heart beat had hardly elevated, even as she watched four black SUVs book it down the street.

As the sound of revving engines faded into the distance, Louise turned around and face Matt again, looking him over suspiciously.

"Is it your blood?" She asked for clarification, crossing her arms again and popping an eyebrow.

"I think so." He said, seeming annoyed by the fact.

She shook her head, "What do you mean you 'think so'? That's a lot of blood. It must hurt like a bitch." She said and walked up to him, moving his hands away, pushing his coat aside and lifting the hem of his shirt to reveal a deep, long slice cutting across his abdomen. "Holy crap! What happened?" She asked, seeming to panic for the first time.

Matt was hardly paying attention to her as he listened for any sign that someone could have followed him into the store. "Uh, I tripped." He brushed her off.

"Onto what? A table saw?" She asked with panic adding a harsh edge to her voice.

He was still listening out the window and not hearing her, until she smacked his shoulder and he jumped in surprise, frowning down at her with shock.

"Look, I know that you're a good friend of my uncles, which is the only reason I didn't call the cops as soon as you came through my doors, but if you don't start talking soon then I might rethink my decision and call them anyways." She said boldly and tapped her foot impatiently.

Matt fought back a smile as he turned his focus to her, "Who's your uncle?" He asked curiously.

"Thaddeus Harllow."

Matt nodded in understanding, "That explains why he left you in charge here." Matt rubbed the back of his neck, trying to figure out his next move. "Where is he?"

"Washington. His son is receiving some sort of science award and he's attending the ceremony this weekend." She explained.

Matt nodded in understanding.

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