Bucky Barnes - Protector Part 5

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Bucky pulled himself up off the floor and sluggishly walked over to the bathroom. He splashed his face with some water to wake himself up, then rinsed his mouth out and walked back into the bedroom area.

He looked at how peacefully Lark was sleeping. It had only been four hours since they arrived in the hotel and Bucky knew she could probably use a few more, but it was already light outside and they really had to get moving.

He walked over and crouch beside Lark as he placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking it lightly while whispering, "It's time to get up Lark."

She didn't even stir so he spoke a little louder, "Lark we-" He started to say but was cut off when Lark jumped back and started taking huge gulps of air.

"Stop!" She called out and her hair fell over her face as she scooted back on the bed.

"Lark?" Bucky called again and reached out to try and calm her, but she batted his hands away. "Lark it's Bucky." He pleaded with her but she kept taking in massive amounts of air, as if she'd been stuck under water, unable to breath while she slept.

When she heard his name she paused and looked up at him. "Bucky?" She repeated and looked up, seeing him properly for the first time since she'd woken, "Oh thank goodness." She said and exhaled deeply, relaxing in the bed. Her face fell into her hands and she shook her head firmly, trying to shake out all of the grogginess.

"Are you okay?" He asked and sat down on the bed next to her, causing her to jump and glance over at him.

Then she sighed and nodded, trying to get ahold of her breathing. "I'm fine. Just a bad dream." She said and stood up, pacing back and forth along the far side of the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it." he asked and Lark's breath caught in her throat.

She paused mid stride and looked him in the eye, "Do you wanna talk about your's?" She asked to make a point and Bucky nodded.

"Fair enough." he said as he stood up and walked over to the foot of the bed, packing up his backpack and slinging it over his back. "We've got to go before someone notices we're in here." He said and Lark nodded, grabbing her shoes and pulling them on without untying the laces.

"Where are we going next?" She asked as Bucky opened the door for her.

"First, we're going to a convenience store to grab you a hat, new sweater and something to eat, then we're going to the airport where we'll fly out to Seattle." He explained, "We can try and lay low there for a few days." He said as they walked through the disturbingly quiet parking lot and across the street to the Shell.

Lark shivered as the early morning wind whipped passed her bare legs. She felt goosebumps coming up all across her body.

"Cold?" Bucky asked and Lark nodded silently. "We can pick up some windbreakers too before we leave." He offered and opened the door to the convenience store, allowing Lark to head in first.

Bucky browsed around a little while Lark ordered a couple of breakfast burritos. He found some plain black windbreakers and an assortment of hoodies and beanies hanging along the far wall, but the smallest size they had was a men's medium. He decided it was better than nothing and snagged himself an XL too.

Then they met at the register and Bucky paid for everything in cash.

They left the store and Bucky lead them over to bench that was shielded from the cold wind. He handed Lark her sweater and windbreaker and held the burritos while she pulled off her old sweater, which was noticeably stained with blood from her neck and hand. She bounced around and shivered while she struggled to get the new hoodie over her head as fast as was possible. Her teeth were chattering by the time she finally got her arms into it, then she pulled on the windbreaker over top.

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