Loki - Remember Part 5

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Leah let out a shaky breath. This would be good. She assured herself and forced her legs to move, carrying her in the opposite direction, back towards Frigga and the throne room.

What if I can't get home and I just sent him off to find some other version of me. Then I'll be here all alone in this strange reality, no Loki, no Avengers.

Her thoughts continued to spiral as she walked, and in her distracted state, Leah didn't hear Frigga running down the hall towards her.

"Leah." Frigga called louder as she came to a stop in front of her. "What's wrong? What happened? Where's Loki?" She rambled off her questions much too quickly.

"He left." Leah said, sniffling a little, "him and Thor are going to Midgard to do some soul searching and Loki is going to try and find the me from now." She explained and Frigga felt her heart skip a beat.

"They're both going?" She asked as her face fell and Leah realized what this meant for Frigga as well.

"They'll be back. You know they will." Leah assured her, "They both love you more than life itself." She reminded the queen who nodded sadly.

"I know." She admitted, "it's just... it's been over a thousand years since I've been anything but a mother to my boys. I can't imagine my life without them." She admitted.

Leah nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

Frigga saw Leah's heartbroken face and she brushed aside her own sadness, "But, that is for me to worry about." She said and Leah looked up at the queen, "For now, why don't we focus on getting you home." She suggested and Leah's eyes lit up.

"You figured out a way?" She asked excitedly.

"I hope so." Frigga nodded, not wanting to get her hopes up too high.

Frigga brought Leah to her personal chambers lying her down on the bed and sitting down in a chair beside her.

"So, how does this work?" Leah asked nervously.

"From all of the reading I've done, I have gathered that a person from your reality must be the one to pull you back, so, you and I are going to reach out to the Loki of your time and pray that he is strong enough to pull you back to him." She said and Leah felt underwhelmed by the plan, "Your coming here has torn a rift through space and time, one that has not yet closed." She explained. "With your power, my guidance and the strength of your bond with Loki, I'm hoping he will be able to simply reach through and take you back."

"He can do that?" Leah asked, "Just, reach across space and time?"

Frigga shrugged, "I'm not sure. It was you who gave me the idea when you were talking to Loki before. You told him of what great powers he had yet to unlock within himself." Frigga reminded her, "He may be from your reality, but he is still my son, and if he remembers anything that I taught him growing up, then he'll hear our call." She said and smiled warmly at Leah, who's heart was racing a million miles a minute.

"Are you ready?" Frigga asked and Leah took a deep breath.

"I'm so ready to go home." She nodded.

"Close your eyes, and focus on him." She advised, "Picture him in your mind, imagine yourself calling out to him." She said and Leah followed her instructions, picturing his long, black hair, his mischievous grin, the smell of his cologne, the feeling of his hands on her back when he held her.

"Good, the connection is strong." Frigga said excitedly, "Stay focused, think of where he is."

"But, I'm not sure where he is. It's been almost two days since I disappeared." Leah worried.

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