Spiderman - Blue Part 1

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Spiderman fell to the floor as red clouded his vision. Whoever it was behind that mask, was incredibly angry and incredibly strong.

A harsh wind was blowing in through the bay door behind them, as a blizzard raged outside. Even with the suit's built-in heaters on full blast, Peter was mind-numbingly cold. He rolled over onto his stomach and tried to push himself up, when a heavy boot clapped down on his back, pinning him to the ground.

"Stay down kid. I'd hate to kill you. So much wasted talent." A robotic voice was projected through a voice modifier.

"Well, at least we can agree on that." Peter groaned in pain as his spine was being slowly crushed and it became harder to breath, "I'd hate to die." He admitted.

Spiderman shot a ball of webbing up and it attached to the side of the man's mask.

"That was ineffective." the man taunted.

"It would certainly seem that way wouldn't it." Peter smiled behind his mask, when suddenly, the webbing exploded outward, putting the man off balance enough that Peter could shove him off before he even knew what had happened.

The man's mask cracked along his visor, but he seemed otherwise unharmed by the mild explosion. Peter stood up and in the same motion jumped into the air, launching his feet into the centre of the man's chest as he flipped backwards. The man flew into a cement wall and Peter immediately secured him there with enough webbing to hold the Hulk.

"Now I want you to stay there and think about what you've done." Peter mocked, as his foe struggled against the webs. Peter gave a quick salute before he darted down the hallway.

It seemed like the unknown location was at one point a bunker, but it was now very old and worn down. There were cracks in the cement walls, and blaring red lights, only half of which seemed to actually work. An echoing alarm was sounding through every hall as Peter raced to find the captive prisoners Mr. Stark had been talking about.

Iron Man had called all available Avengers to this remote location. Sam was in Queens when the message went out so he grabbed Peter and flew him down there immediately. It was a long trip to say the least, but they took one of the quin jets so it was considerably faster than it should have been to get from New York to the middle of the arctic.

They were supposed to wait for backup, but when they arrived there were a lot of unexpected traps and sensors set up to catch unwanted visitors. Countless soldiers swarmed them, and Sam told Peter to keep going and get to the captives before they could be moved. Peter ran in blind and without backup, knowing how mad Mr. Stark was going to be when he finally arrived, but he also knew that if he hadn't gone in right away, the creepy voice guy he just managed to catch would have already had the prisoners tucked away.

Peter ran down the empty corridor and saw no sign of anything, not a window, vent or door. he kept going until he finally came to a long hall with rotating yellow lights rather than red and a black and yellow striped door at the end, and not just a little wooden door; it was a sliding, metal, barricaded door with 'TOXIC' written in bold print all across the front. Peter hesitated about 20 feet from the door.

"Karen?" Peter asked his suit.

"How can I help?" the robotic woman responded.

"Is this suit protected against airborne toxins?" He inquired.

"Mr. Stark has equipped this suit with protection against every known toxin. Liquid, gas or other." Peter sighed in relief and took a few steps forward, "However," Karen continued, "that does not mean that whatever it is you are about to encounter is previously known to man." she clarified.

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