Peter Parker - Late Night Call

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Sophie was sitting in her room late one night. Music blaring from her speaker, as she struggled to deciphered some notes from Bio that she had scribbled down a little too quickly.

"What does it say about me if I can't even read my own hand writing?" She grumbled and rubbed her eyes sleepily, as she spun in her computer chair, slumping back in defeat.

She sighed heavily, "Why is science so... sciencey?" Her words were hardly decipherable though the whine that accompanied them.

She leaned forward again, frowning down at her chicken scratch, and picked up her pencil to get back to work, when a quiet tapping on the window interrupted her.

Sophie practically jumped out of her skin as she spun around to see a shadowy figure perched on the fire escape just outside on the fire escape.

Her breath caught in her throat as she panicked momentarily before noticing the red and blue tinge to the silhouette, and realized it must be Peter. Who else would have climbed 30 stories onto her fire escape?

She walked over and unlocked the window. Shoving it up and revealing a still masked Peter Parker leaning lazily against her window frame.

"Hi." He said and released a heavy breath, before inhaling shakily.

"Hey Pete." She said and smiled groggily.

"Sorry it's so late." He said and Sophie just waved him off.

"It's no big deal. My dad's still at work anyways, so I could use the company." She shrugged and Peter swung his legs in through the window, sitting on the sill. His laboured breathing persisted as he hung his head low.

"Well, in that case; you're welcome." He said jokingly and pointed a finger gun in her direction.

Sophie stifled a laugh, "As much as I love receiving a visit from my friendly neighbourhood Spider Man, I could actually really use some help from my genius friend Peter Parker." She said and made her best puppy dog eyes, drawing a laugh from Peter, but as he chuckled he held his ribs tightly and groaned.

"Peter?" She asked and stepped towards him, "Are you okay?" She reached for him but he pulled back and waved her off.

"I'm fine." He said, but she was unconvinced.

"Are you sure?" She asked and Peter nodded.

"Don't worry." he insisted, "Now, tell me how this genius friend of your's can help?" He said and Sophie cracked a smile.

"Well I'm currently buried in Biology homework, none of which makes sense, and my internet is slower than a turtle walking uphill through molasses." She sighed and Peter laughed again, this time tensing up and trying to hide a groan as he resisted the urge to hold his ribs.

"Peter what's wrong?" She asked more forcefully this time.

"Nothing." He shrugged but tensed up as he did that too. "I just... had a long night." He explained vaguely, lifting his hand from the window frame beside him and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Sophie gasped as her hand shot up to cover her mouth. "Is that blood?" She asked and pointed to the frame where his hand had been. A red smear now tainting the white paint.

"What?" He asked, and looked over to see the smear, then looked down at his hand, "Oh, I uh," he hesitated and looked back up at her, his mask's eyes as wide as they could go, "I don't think that it's mine." He said very uncertainly, while quickly trying to wipe away the stain with his sleeve.

"You don't think it's your blood?" She questioned and he slumped in defeat.

"Yeah, actually, it probably is mine." He admitted.

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