Loki - Remember Part 4

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Frigga brought Leah to a room with the Warriors Three, then excused herself so she could make preparations for the spell to send her home.

"So, you actually know all of us, in the future." Volstagg asked excitedly as he popped another piece of meat into his mouth.

Leah sat down in a lounge chair across from the three of them, "Well, not so much you guys. You never really come to earth." She shrugged, deciding it was best not to tell them that Hella had killed them, "I only know about you from the stories that Thor and Loki tell." She explained and the Large warrior nodded.

"How can both of our princes be in Midgard?" Fandral asked, with a quizzical expression.

Leah struggled to come up with an answer, "Thor really only visits us." She said vaguely and Sif narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but said nothing.

"But Loki, he stays there with you?" Volstagg asked and Leah nodded with a smiled. "Well, I suppose we owe Midgard great thanks for taking him off our hands." He laughed and the others did too.

"He's not as much trouble as he is for you now." Leah admitted, looking down at her hands in her lap as she remembered her Loki, "He defends Earth, and trains up the next generation of Super Heroes." She explained.

"What exactly makes a hero, 'super'?" Hogun asked curiously and Leah laughed.

"Oh, um, it's just a term we use for people who have enhancements, or abilities." She said, "They're the warriors of earth." She summarized.

"So, you are a Super Hero?" Sif clarified and Leah laughed.

"Not yet. I'm still in training, but I will be soon." She said proudly, before her smile faltered, "Or I would have, if I was still in my own time." She realized.

"Well, perhaps you can be a hero of Asgard!" Volstagg suggested, raising his mug in a cheers.

"Odin would never allow it." Sif shook her head.

"No," Fandral agreed, "But Thor may, once he is king." He shrugged.

"First we would have to know that she can really fight." A deep voice bellowed from the door way and they all turned to see Thor entering the lounge. He walked right up to Leah and raised his eyebrows challengingly, "What say you mortal?" He asked, "Will you fight a god?"

Leah snorted, she laughed so abruptly, and Thor's face flushed in anger and embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh." She stood up and turned to face him, the top of her head, hardly making it half way up his chest. "You and I spar all the time." She shrugged, "I wouldn't mind going a round or two. As long as you put down Mjölnir. He stings."

Thor looked shocked and the Warriors Three all smiled in growing anticipation.

"You are brave little one, I'll give you that." Thor snickered as he set down his hammer and backed a few steps away from her.

Fandral and Hogun made quick work, clearing the floor of furniture, as the four of them sat down along the wall and eagerly waited for the match to begin.

"This might be exactly what I need to get out my frustrations." Leah smiled as Thor crouched into a fighting stance, "I've never tried to fight in a ball gown before. That part might get interesting." She mumbled to herself, kicking at the dress, with was much to long for her short form.

"Are you ready?" Thor asked, a smile splitting his face.

"Bring it on Sparky." Leah nodded, using her favourite nickname for Thor, knowing that it ticked him off when she did.

Thor charged forward, leaping into the air, with a great roar as Leah calmly raised one hand and conjured a shield in front of her. Thor couldn't see it, so the shock on his face was quite hilarious when he smacked into it, like a bird into a window.

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