Loki - Remember Part 1

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This story takes place in an AU after Thor Ragnarok. Instead of running into Thanos, Thor and Loki retuned to earth. Thor rejoined the Avengers, but Loki instead found employment with S.H.E.I.L.D as a teacher who helps new supers harness their powers. While training with a group of new recruits, he met Leah; a woman who contracted superpowers three years prior, and now possessed telekinesis and forcefield generating abilities. Loki quickly fell in love with her and nearly two years later, they are living together and happy as ever.

Leah felt the warm morning sun creeping in through her window and gently kissing her exposed skin.

She rolled over and sighed contently as the silk sheets slid beneath her, and her velvet pyjama set clung loosely to her body.

She felt a soft hand glide across her stomach where her shirt had crept up during the night, and a contented sigh from beside her

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She felt a soft hand glide across her stomach where her shirt had crept up during the night, and a contented sigh from beside her.

Her eyes cracked open groggily and she smiled widely as her gaze met with her lover's.

"Good morning handsome." She whispered and he leaned forward. Planting a lazy kiss on her lips.

Leah pulled away and giggled softly, "Eww, morning breath." She whined, and Loki smirked up at her.

"It's not my fault." He defended, "I can't resist when you wear such deliciously tantalizing garments to bed." He ran his hand further up her stomach and over her ribs with feather light touches.

"Well I certainly hope that you like them. You picked them out." She said and scrunched her nose at him.

"Then I am very good." He said and Leah smacked his arm playfully. "Although, most of the credit should go to you for pulling them off so spectacularly." He said and snaked his hand around her bare waist, pulling her closer and nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck.

Leah giggled again and ran a hand through his long, silky hair.

"Woah there tiger." She said and he groaned in protest, "We have things to do today." She reminded him.

"There's only one thing I want to do right now." He said in a low purr and kissed her neck.

"I've gotta give you credit, that was smooth." She admitted and Loki smiled, rubbing his nose in soft circles against her collar bone. "But," she interrupted and pulled his hand away from her waist, drawing out a long groan from him, "We still have places to be in..." she hesitated as she looked over at the clock on her night stand and felt panic fill her, "Forty minutes?" She realized and practically leapt out of the bed, leaving Loki pouting in the mess of sheets by himself.

"Crap! I said we'd be there at ten thirty!" She scolded herself and rushed into the bathroom, grabbing a brush and frantically raking it through her hair.

"My love, you know that I can teleport, right?" He sighed and rolled over onto his back, watching her buzz around.

"You know that Fury said no more popping around for mundane tasks." She said and gave him a warning look.

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