Clint Barton - Confession

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Liv planted her fist hard against his jaw, sending him stumbling backwards.

"That was harsh." He whined and rubbed his cheek with a pout on his face.

"It only hurt cause you're not blocking." She shrugged, then stepped back into her fighting stance, "Focus up bird boy." She smirked, using the nickname she knew he hated.

"I am focused." He said defensively, "You're just being mean." He grumbled. Stepping forward and jabbing towards her.

Liv ducked and grabbed his arm, spinning around and pulling him over her shoulder. His breath caught in his throat as he flipped, landing flat on his back with a huff as the rest of his oxygen was stolen from his lungs.

"I'm not mean." She said with a frown, standing over him.

"You're a little mean." He shrugged, holding up his fingers with a small space between them.

Liv rolled her eyes and offered him a hand up. Clint accepted, climbing to his feet.

She started unwrapping her hands, then adjusted the tension tape on her forearm.

"Am I really mean?" She asked, looking up at him with sad eyes.

Clint tried to hide his smile and turn away as he shrugged, "Nah, you're just determined is all." He admitted, rubbing his shoulder which still ached.

"Did I hurt you?" She asked as she saw him rolling his arm and wincing.

"I'm fine." He waved her off as he plopped down on a bench just off the sparring mat, and grabbed his water bottle.

She walked up behind him as he drained half his bottle and ran her hand over his shoulder, feeling the muscles and knots beneath his shirt.

"You're so tense. No wonder you're moving slow." She said and Clint was about to protest her use of the word 'slow', but before he could speak up, she started working on the knot in his shoulder, moving it gently with her thumbs.

He groaned contently as his body relaxed and his head hung down.

Liv smiled as she felt his body unwind.

"What's got you so stiff?" She asked curiously.

Clint ran a hand over his face and Liv felt some of his tension return, "I'm just worried about Nat." He admitted quietly and Liv felt her heart sink at the mention of the red headed assassin.

"What for? She can handle herself." Liv reminded him and started to work on his other shoulder.

"I know, but this mission is personal for her. I just worry." He shrugged and Liv nodded as she sat down.

"You care about her. It's okay to worry." She said and pulled her legs up in front of her, hugging her knees.

"I guess." He nodded and breathed a heavy sigh, "I should have fought harder to go with her." He said quietly.

"She'll be fine." Liv said and waved him off.

"Yeah, you're right." He nodded looking down at his hands in his lap.

"Why did Steve say you couldn't go anyways?" Liv wondered aloud. "You two always work together."

"He just wanted me to rest for a while between missions." Clint said and Liv made an uh-oh face.

"Then why'd you agree to come here with me today?" She asked with concern.

He chuckled, "Because, I like training with you." He ran a hand over the back of his neck as he shrugged.

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