Spiderman - Possession Part 4

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As soon as she left the room, Leo was greeted by a four burly body guards and Scarlet Witch. She would have liked to believe they were there to protect her, but she knew they were supposed to protect everyone else from her.

They walked her into a conference room with a long oval table and sleek black chairs surrounding it. The avengers were all gathered at one end of the table, except for Peter who was pacing behind the group of them and raking his hand through his hair every so often. They were all dressed in casual clothes this time which helped to calm Leo's nerves a little more. The guards waited just outside the door while Scarlet Witch walked her in. Everyone turned to see Leo enter timidly. She had pulled her braid to the front of her and was twisting the ends of her hair.

"Ms. Paladin. Welcome, please come and have a seat." Captain America said and motioned to the chair beside Wanda.

Peter had looked up as soon as he'd heard the door close behind Leo and the ghost of a smile tugged at his lips while he watched her make her way over to the empty seat. He rushed over to meet her at her chair and he pulled it out carefully for her to sit. Leo smiled curtly before sitting while Peter pushed the seat in beneath her. Once she was settled he took the place beside her.

"How are you feeling now?" The Captain asked.

"Better. Thank you." She assured him with her eyes fixed on the table.

"I'm glad to hear it." Cap continued, "I don't want you to feel unwelcome or unsafe here, but I would like to show you the rest of the footage we have from last night at one of our most secure facilities." He said this as a statement, but seemed to be looking for any sort of acceptance from Leo before proceeding.

She nodded.

With a few simple swipes of his hand, Tony Stark brought up a 3D hologram of a building. He zoomed in on a hallway and swiped to let a scene play out in front of them. A group of men were running down the hall and shooting wildly behind them. They were obviously panicked, but they held their ground and stood guard in front of a massive door. Suddenly, a figure that seemed to be swimming in shadows sauntered into view. It stopped a few feet in front of the soldiers who were still firing rapidly directly into the creature, who was entirely unfazed by their bullets. It slowly lifted it's hands in a mesmerizing movement and all of the guards floated into the air peacefully. Then, in one swift flick of it's wrist, the creature snapped the necks of every soldier in the hallway. Leo jumped in her seat when the holographic men all fell lifelessly to the floor. She squeaked in surprise and her hand shot up to cover her mouth, but at the exact same moment as her reaction, every light in the conference room shattered and rained down on both her and the Avengers. Captain America immediately swiped away the footage. Peter sheltered Leo from the glass using his body then shook himself off and sat back down.

"I'm so sorry." Leo said as soon as the shock wore off. "I - I didn't mean to! I don't even know how this keeps happening." She blurted out and tried to still her trembling body.

"I can tell." Captain America said with a gentle and understanding voice. "That barely scratched the surface of what happened in the facility last night, but we wont show you any more. I just need you to understand why we reacted so harshly to you." He swiped along the table a few more times and brought up a frozen shot of the creature. He swiped away the smoke surrounding it to reveal a young girl with incredibly long black hair and bright yellow eyes. She was filthy and wore a pair of tight pyjama shorts under a long t-shirt. Leo could see why they'd have assumed it was her, it probably was, but she had no memory of any of that.

"That's me?" She asked Cap with a horrified expression on her face.

"We think so." He replied flatly. Everyone was watching her reaction, but not even the infamous lie detector, Black Widow could find a single hint of deception. "You don't remember any of this?" Tony asked.

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