Bucky Barnes - Protector Part 3

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Lark skipped across the floor on her tippy toes, trying to make as little contact as was possible with the freezing tiles. She made it back into her room, and dragged her suitcase out from under her bed so she could find something warmer. She sifted through her clothes until she snagged a grey hoodie out and tugged it on over her head.

 She sifted through her clothes until she snagged a grey hoodie out and tugged it on over her head

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She grabbed a pair of socks as well, then went back out into the living room to close the windows. She shivered again as she pulled it shut then flicked the latch down to lock it closed. She moved over to close the next one, and the next, then just before she could close the last window she saw a silhouette reflected in the glass surface, standing just behind her. She gasped and spun around, but the intruder was quicker. He pinned Lark to the pane behind her and covered her mouth to muffle her scream.

"Quiet." a gravelly, robotic voice commanded.

She struggled against him, but he just spun her around and held her tightly against him, grabbing hold of her wrists in one hand and keeping a tight grip on her mouth with the other.

Lark continued yelling and fighting against him until she noticed two other men in the room, each of them concealing their face behind black masks identical to the one the man holding Lark was wearing. It look like it was made of leather, with built in goggles and some sort of voice modifier.

Suddenly, Bucky's door flew open and he burst out, With his fists raised. He saw the man holding Lark and without a second thought he charged him, but then one of the other men pulled out a gun and pointed it at Bucky, forcing him to stop.

"Don't move asshole. I have no problem blowing your brains out, but I'd rather not have to clean up the mess afterwards." The man with the gun was speaking nonchalantly to Bucky with a similar robotic voice to the man behind Lark, "So, why don't we all be smart about this."

"We're taking her," The man holding Lark spoke up, "and you're staying out of our way, understood?" He said in a calm and low voice.

Bucky's mind was going a thousand miles an hour as he stood there with a gun to his head and his eyes locked with Lark's.

"I understand completely." Bucky finally said in a very calm and very quiet voice.

The man with the gun started to side step towards the door and Bucky just kept looking straight at Lark.

The man with the gun kept his eyes on Bucky until he felt the door behind him, then he turned his head to open it, and that was all it took for Bucky to have him.

Before he realized what had happened, Bucky jumped the man, grabbing his gun and shooting him in the knee cap. Lark squeaked in shock as the gun clicked and a 'buff' emanated from the silencer, then the man cried out in pain, falling to the floor with blood running down his leg. His partner reached for his holstered gun, but Bucky was quicker and shot his hand before he had the chance, then as the man reeled in shock and pain Bucky grabbed his gun as well, and kicked him to the floor, then turned to handle the man holding Lark, but froze when he saw that the intruder had grabbed a knife and was holding it to her throat.

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