Spiderman - Blue Part 6

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Peter and May came back into the room, nearly twenty minutes later, carrying massive plates of pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

"Bon appetite." May announced with a faux French accent as she and Peter placed the plates in the middle of the dinning table. Lana hopped up off the couch and tugged at the hem of her sleeves as she shyly walked over to the table. Peter skipped over to her and pulled out a chair, motioning for her to take a seat. She smiled and obliged, as he pushed the chair in beneath her, then claimed the seat beside her.

Aunt May sat across from the pair of them and smiled proudly at herself over the little gentlemen she'd raised.

Peter and May immediately started dishing up for themselves, but Lana seemed flustered and confused.

"Help yourself honey." May chimed in cheerily.

Peter hesitated mid scoop and looked over to see Lana looking completely lost.

"Do you like eggs?" He asked and gave her a warm smile when she focused on him, but she just shrugged and opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again and folded her hands in her lap, twisting and pulling nervously with her sleeves again.

"Have you ever had eggs?" Peter rephrased his question, and she shook her head, looking up at him like a scared puppy through her long lashes.

"Well that's alright honey." May assured her and smiled warmly. "Are your parents vegan or something?" she inquired and Peter looked over at her with a panicked expression.

"No, ma'am. I just didn't have a lot of options for different types of food growing up." Lana answered quietly, "But, I'd love to try it." She smiled nervously to Peter who gleamed proudly at her as he scooped some eggs onto her plate.

"Have you tried bacon or pancakes?" May asked curiously.

"No, I haven't." Peter lifted the plate of pancakes over to her and wiggled his eyebrows, tempting her to snag one. She giggled at his goofy taunting and used her fork to pull one onto her plate. Peter lifter a few pieces of bacon onto her plate as well, then squirted a little bit of syrup onto her plate.

"So you cut up the pancakes," he motioned to them with his fork, and she did as he said, "then you dip it in the syrup." He instructed ands gave him a skeptical look, but did as he said. The moment that the syrup touched her tongue, she was hooked.

"This is incredible!" She mumbled with a mouth full of food, and May chuckled as she watched Lana devour the rest of her pancake, then the eggs and bacon soon after. She had a few more servings, before she called it quits and helped Peter tidy up the dishes. They rinsed them off and loaded them into the dishwasher, but just as Lana click it shut, Peter flicked his soapy, dripping hands at her and she gasped in surprise, before a devious grin split across her face and she dipped her hands into the dish water, flinging clumps of bubbles at him. Peter closed his eyes and shielded his face as tiny droplets covered him from head to toe.

"Oh, okay. I see how it is." He said and narrowed his eyes at her as he smiled.

"What do you mean?" Lana answered, "You started it!" She said and ducked behind the counter as Peter got another handful of water, but just as he flicked it in er direction, May walked into the kitchen and intercepted, getting a face full of bubbles. She gasped and quickly closed her eyes, as soap and water dripped down her face and onto her shirt.

Peter stifled his laughter as he gripped a cloth and rushed over to dry May off.

"I am so sorry May." He said and put on his best puppy dog, apology face.

She looked over at him with an exaggerated frown and said, "You know what; for a superhero with supposedly incredible reflexes, your aim sucks." She said, trying to maintain a grumpy demeanor, but just as she finished her sentence, she snorted and cracked a smile.

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