Quick Silver - Choices Part 2

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It was a long flight back to Sokovia where Ultron had established his home base. Pietro and Wanda spent the entire flight silently plotting ways to thwart his scheme. Wanda tried talking to him and getting as much information as she could, but Pietro spent the entire flight by Lyra's side. He felt responsible for what was happening to her, since he and his sister were the ones who had fallen for Ultron's lies and lured her to him.

Once they arrived in Sokovia, the plane docked in an underground lot. And the four of them climbed into a black SUV, driving across town to the base.

"I'll be loading our new friend here into my device and we will begin taking out the Avengers, one by one, starting with Tony Stark." He explained and Wanda nodded along, but Pietro shook his head.

"She needs to rest first. You could kill her if you put her through anything else while she's in this state." He argued. "Then how would you execute your glorious plan?" He asked and Ultron seemed to consider this.

"The fragility of humans will never cease to amaze me." He said dully. "Very well. We will wait until she wakes up." He agreed and Pietro sighed in relief.

"She needs medical attention too." He insisted and Ultron just stared at him for long moments.

"Then you may tend to her yourself." He said frustratedly, "She's a prisoner, not a new puppy Mr. Maximoff."

"Fine." Pietro snapped, "I will."

The rest of the drive was silent and the air was thick with distrust, so when they arrived back at base, everyone hopped out of the car and headed in separate directions, then Ultron called back to them, "Take her to the cells and call me the moment she wakes." He instructed, then disappeared into the main hall.

"That stupid bucket of bolts thinks he owns us." Pietro spit in his direction, holding Lyra in his arms as she slept.

Wanda put her hand on his arm and gave him a knowing look. "Keep your wits about you, brother. We have gotten ourselves out of worse situations." She smiled comfortingly and the two of them headed off towards their joint quarters.

"What if he looks for us in the cells?" Pietro asked as Wanda held open the door to their bedroom.

"Then he'll be disappointed." She said curtly. "I won't take part in caging a young girl." She said quietly, remembering the time that her and her brother had spent in cells.

"I'm glad to hear it." Pietro said as he laid Lyra down on his bed, then he turned to Wanda and kissed her head softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

She leaned into him and sighed, "I don't even know where to begin." She admitted and Pietro nodded, in understanding.

"Let's start by taking out all of the glass in her back, maybe get her an anti-inflammatory, and an ice pack for the back of her head where it hit that cement beam." He said and knelt down beside the bed. "The back of her suit is soaked with blood," He grimaced,  Can you grab her a change of clothes? She's freezing so try for something warm. You guys are about the same size, right?" He asked and looked up to see Wanda with a cheeky grin on her face, "What?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Nothing." She brushed him off, "I just forget how good you are at taking care of other people." She shrugged, "You were always so good to me, but it's been a while since I needed you in this way." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I'll go grab those supplies and be back." She said and jogged out of the room.

Pietro leaned against the side of the bed and sighed heavily, feeling like this was the first moment he could stop and breath in ages.

"Where am I?" Lyra groggily asked in a tired, scratchy voice as she tried to sit up but hissed in pain and settled back down.

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