Spiderman - Possession Part 1

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Leo woke up from a horrifying dream. She was panicked and groggy, but already her memory of it began to slip away. All she could recall was glimpses of brutal murders, blinding pain and a feeling of absolute helplessness.

She eased into consciousness and stirred lightly, reviving all of the pain from her dream into her present body. A groan escaped her lips as she became all too aware of bruises and scratches that covered her skin and halted her movement. She tried to sit up but red blurred her vision and her head started spinning, so she rolled to her side instead and gripped a sharp stabbing in her stomach. In all her years, Leo had never been in so much pain, which was saying something, cause there was serious competition for that title. Leo had suffered through much in her life, granted she usually remembered what she'd done to deserve it, but this time was a different story.

She had no recollection of what had happened. She sifted through her memories of the last few days, remembering coming home from work, talking on the phone, Cam's friend Liz was crying, then driving to a... a...

Then it hit her. She drove to her sister's place to pack up all of her stuff. A tear slid from Leo's eye and onto the pillow beneath her head. She recalled all the different people who had called to tell her how sorry they were, how they were there if she needed them, but Leo didn't need anyone else. She'd only ever needed Cam. Now she was gone.

She thought harder about it and remembered thoughtlessly filling boxes with her sister's belongings. It wasn't 'til she was home and pulling Cam's baby blanket out of a box that she registered it all. She remembered reading the spines of several books, flipping though a couple, and she remembered the last one catching her eye. Black, leather bound with old looking paper. She could picture the inscription on the first page; Katrina Bellmore.

All of a sudden the images of last nights dream came rushing back all too clearly, and Leo could hear the screams of men as their flesh was torn apart and their limp bodies hitting the floor. She closed her eyes as tight as she could until the brutal dream slowed and she could only remember one image: The slow fall of three scarlet drops and their splattered stain as they hit the pages; the ancient pages that time forgot. Leo could see them soaking into the unfamiliar book, she could feel the sting in her finger where the blood was seeping from.

Then a soft and tranquil humming sound echoed in Leo's ears. She opened her eyes and looked around the room, searching for it's owner but there was no one. Leo was completely alone yet the humming persisted for a few more verses of an unfamiliar lullaby. Then silence: An unsettling, mind numbing silence swallowed the room. Leo tried to sit up again and this time fought through the pain until she was hunched against the backboard. She observed the room and finally realized that she had no idea where she was.

It was a clean and mostly white space. There was a small fridge, microwave and flat screen Tv, maybe a hotel room? She looked out the window and saw the sun sitting high above the city square. It must be a hotel since Leo's house was on the other side of the town. She'd never been anywhere this pristine and luxurious before. Everything was staged perfectly except for a set of red and brown footprints leading to where Leo lay.

She looked down at her body and saw that she was still in her pyjama shorts and an old T-shirt but now they were torn and matted to her skin by a mixture of blood, sweat and mud. she didn't know what had happened last night but the more she saw the less she wanted to remember. She looked out the open window and the gentle humming started again, but it only finished one verse before a voice began to speak in a raspy whisper,

"A vow was spoken and a witch awoken. A sister has fallen now another is called on. A blood bond has been formed now your skin shall be worn. Work with the witch to finish this, or your soul will be mine 'til the end of time."

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