Spiderman - Blue Part 2

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Lana and Peter had made their way out of the building only to find that the Avengers had been forced out of the area and many soldiers had come to reinforce the base. Luckily, the barricade that was set in place was made to keep Avengers out, not keep them in. Spiderman managed to get himself and Lana out of there, and safely back to the jet.

Lana slept for the entire flight home, while Peter told Steve and Tony everything that had happened. Cap gave him trouble for going in alone, then Tony gave him props for getting Lana out alone.

Once they were back in New York, Peter carried her into the Avenger's compound and set her down on one of Tony's research tables. Iron man immediately stepped out of his suit and started checking over Lana with his technology.

"Mr. Stark she's gonna be okay, right?" Peter asked as he pulled off his mask.

"Before I can answer that, I need to figure out what the hell they were doing to her, and to do that I need you to get out of here and not be bombarding me with questions every five seconds." Tony looked back and gave Peter a stern glare.

"But Mr. Stark, I could help—" Peter started to say before Tony interrupted him,

"The best way that you can help her is to leave me alone so I can focus." He raised his voice and Peter could tell there was no changing his mind.

Peter walked out and stood just outside the door. He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck and started pacing up and down the hallway.

He paced for nearly twenty minutes while his mind raced with possible scenarios.

What if she dies? Maybe she won't wake up. That electroshock thing really took a lot out of her. Maybe it did more damage than I could see.

He eventually sank down against a wall and let his head fall into his hands. He hadn't realized how exhausted he was until that moment. His eyes felt heavy and soon they refused to open at all.

Though it felt like mere moments after, Peter woke four hours later under the covers of his own bed, then he suddenly realized what had woken him. A wave of energy shook the entire building. There was a rumbling sound before a startling quake and lastly a blue shimmer shot through the room, passing through the walls as if they didn't exist. Peter jumped out of bed and bolted out of his room towards the lab. He didn't know who had moved him after he'd fallen asleep, but he wished that they'd left him be. He felt panic rising in him as possible explanations ran though his mind.

Maybe the people who were holding her found her again. Maybe she's dying. Maybe this is just Vision and Wanda having an argument again.

Peter raced down the halls, avoiding SHEILD workers and scientists as they were trying to evacuate. He rounded the final corner and felt another mild rumble before a massive wave of energy shook him to the core and he fell to the floor as the hallway quaked around him.

He stayed down until the wave passed and another blue shimmer moved along afterwards. As soon as everything calmed down, he jumped up and ran up to the door of the lab. He pressed his hand against against a bio-sensor and the doors slid open to reveal a ball of shifting blue energy swimming around a small frame in the centre of the room, while the Avengers fought to approach it by any means. There were papers flying around the room, as wind ripped through it with as much ferocity as a hurricane. Natasha was backed against a wall by the force of the winds, Cap was slowly making his way towards the blue orb by pulling himself along the walls and desks, Iron man had called his gloves to him and was working with FRIDAY and Vision to try and figure out what was happening. Clint was aiming his arrows towards it, but they were sent flying in all directions by the strong gusts, Wanda was deflecting objects that threatened to hit any of the members with her magic. Vision and Tony seem baffled and no closer to an answer than they were when Peter had left the lab hours ago.

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